#include "KeeperClient.h" #include "Commands.h" #include #include #include "Common/VersionNumber.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } String KeeperClient::executeFourLetterCommand(const String & command) { /// We need to create a new socket every time because ZooKeeper forcefully shuts down the connection after a four-letter-word command. Poco::Net::StreamSocket socket; socket.connect(Poco::Net::SocketAddress{zk_args.hosts[0]}, zk_args.connection_timeout_ms * 1000); socket.setReceiveTimeout(zk_args.operation_timeout_ms * 1000); socket.setSendTimeout(zk_args.operation_timeout_ms * 1000); socket.setNoDelay(true); ReadBufferFromPocoSocket in(socket); WriteBufferFromPocoSocket out(socket); out.write(command.data(), command.size()); out.next(); out.finalize(); String result; readStringUntilEOF(result, in); in.next(); return result; } std::vector KeeperClient::getCompletions(const String & prefix) const { Tokens tokens(prefix.data(), prefix.data() + prefix.size(), 0, false); IParser::Pos pos(tokens, DBMS_DEFAULT_MAX_PARSER_DEPTH, DBMS_DEFAULT_MAX_PARSER_BACKTRACKS); if (pos->type != TokenType::BareWord) return registered_commands_and_four_letter_words; ++pos; if (pos->isEnd()) return registered_commands_and_four_letter_words; ParserToken{TokenType::Whitespace}.ignore(pos); std::vector result; String string_path; Expected expected; if (!parseKeeperPath(pos, expected, string_path)) string_path = cwd; if (!pos->isEnd()) return result; fs::path path = string_path; String parent_path; if (string_path.ends_with("/")) parent_path = getAbsolutePath(string_path); else parent_path = getAbsolutePath(path.parent_path()); try { for (const auto & child : zookeeper->getChildren(parent_path)) result.push_back(child); } catch (Coordination::Exception &) {} // NOLINT(bugprone-empty-catch) std::sort(result.begin(), result.end()); return result; } void KeeperClient::askConfirmation(const String & prompt, std::function && callback) { if (!ask_confirmation) { callback(); return; } std::cout << prompt << " Continue?\n"; waiting_confirmation = true; confirmation_callback = callback; } fs::path KeeperClient::getAbsolutePath(const String & relative) const { String result; if (relative.starts_with('/')) result = fs::weakly_canonical(relative); else result = fs::weakly_canonical(cwd / relative); if (result.ends_with('/') && result.size() > 1) result.pop_back(); return result; } void KeeperClient::loadCommands(std::vector && new_commands) { for (const auto & command : new_commands) { String name = command->getName(); commands.insert({name, command}); registered_commands_and_four_letter_words.push_back(std::move(name)); } for (const auto & command : four_letter_word_commands) registered_commands_and_four_letter_words.push_back(command); std::sort(registered_commands_and_four_letter_words.begin(), registered_commands_and_four_letter_words.end()); } void KeeperClient::defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet & options) { Poco::Util::Application::defineOptions(options); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("help", "", "show help and exit") .binding("help")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("host", "h", "server hostname. default `localhost`") .argument("") .binding("host")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("port", "p", "server port. default `9181`") .argument("") .binding("port")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("query", "q", "will execute given query, then exit.") .argument("") .binding("query")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("connection-timeout", "", "set connection timeout in seconds. default 10s.") .argument("") .binding("connection-timeout")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("session-timeout", "", "set session timeout in seconds. default 10s.") .argument("") .binding("session-timeout")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("operation-timeout", "", "set operation timeout in seconds. default 10s.") .argument("") .binding("operation-timeout")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("use-xid-64", "", "use 64-bit XID. default false.") .binding("use-xid-64")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("config-file", "c", "if set, will try to get a connection string from clickhouse config. default `config.xml`") .argument("") .binding("config-file")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("history-file", "", "set path of history file. default `~/.keeper-client-history`") .argument("") .binding("history-file")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("log-level", "", "set log level") .argument("") .binding("log-level")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("no-confirmation", "", "if set, will not require a confirmation on several commands. default false for interactive and true for query") .binding("no-confirmation")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("tests-mode", "", "run keeper-client in a special mode for tests. all commands output are separated by special symbols. default false") .binding("tests-mode")); } void KeeperClient::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & /* self */) { suggest.setCompletionsCallback( [&](const String & prefix, size_t /* prefix_length */) { return getCompletions(prefix); }); loadCommands({ std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), }); String home_path; const char * home_path_cstr = getenv("HOME"); // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe) if (home_path_cstr) home_path = home_path_cstr; if (config().has("history-file")) history_file = config().getString("history-file"); else history_file = home_path + "/.keeper-client-history"; if (!history_file.empty() && !fs::exists(history_file)) { try { FS::createFile(history_file); } catch (const ErrnoException & e) { if (e.getErrno() != EEXIST) throw; } } history_max_entries = config().getUInt("history-max-entries", 1000000); String default_log_level; if (config().has("query")) /// We don't want to see any information log in query mode, unless it was set explicitly default_log_level = "error"; else default_log_level = "information"; Poco::Logger::root().setLevel(config().getString("log-level", default_log_level)); EventNotifier::init(); } bool KeeperClient::processQueryText(const String & text) { if (exit_strings.find(text) != exit_strings.end()) return false; try { if (waiting_confirmation) { waiting_confirmation = false; if (text.size() == 1 && (text == "y" || text == "Y")) confirmation_callback(); return true; } KeeperParser parser; const char * begin = text.data(); const char * end = begin + text.size(); while (begin < end) { String message; ASTPtr res = tryParseQuery( parser, begin, end, /* out_error_message = */ message, /* hilite = */ true, /* description = */ "", /* allow_multi_statements = */ true, /* max_query_size = */ 0, /* max_parser_depth = */ 0, /* max_parser_backtracks = */ 0, /* skip_insignificant = */ false); if (!res) { std::cerr << message << "\n"; return true; } auto * query = res->as(); auto command = KeeperClient::commands.find(query->command); command->second->execute(query, this); } } catch (Coordination::Exception & err) { std::cerr << err.message() << "\n"; } return true; } void KeeperClient::runInteractiveReplxx() { LineReader::Patterns query_extenders = {"\\"}; LineReader::Patterns query_delimiters = {}; char word_break_characters[] = " \t\v\f\a\b\r\n/"; ReplxxLineReader lr( suggest, history_file, history_max_entries, /* multiline= */ false, /* ignore_shell_suspend= */ false, query_extenders, query_delimiters, word_break_characters, /* highlighter_= */ {}); lr.enableBracketedPaste(); while (true) { String prompt; if (waiting_confirmation) prompt = "[y/n] "; else prompt = cwd.string() + " :) "; auto input = lr.readLine(prompt, ":-] "); if (input.empty()) break; if (!processQueryText(input)) break; } } void KeeperClient::runInteractiveInputStream() { for (String input; std::getline(std::cin, input);) { if (!processQueryText(input)) break; std::cout << "\a\a\a\a" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::flush; } } void KeeperClient::runInteractive() { if (config().hasOption("tests-mode")) runInteractiveInputStream(); else runInteractiveReplxx(); } int KeeperClient::main(const std::vector & /* args */) { if (config().hasOption("help")) { Poco::Util::HelpFormatter help_formatter(KeeperClient::options()); auto header_str = fmt::format("{} [OPTION]\n", commandName()); help_formatter.setHeader(header_str); help_formatter.format(std::cout); return 0; } ConfigProcessor config_processor(config().getString("config-file", "config.xml")); /// This will handle a situation when clickhouse is running on the embedded config, but config.d folder is also present. ConfigProcessor::registerEmbeddedConfig("config.xml", ""); auto clickhouse_config = config_processor.loadConfig(); Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys keys; clickhouse_config.configuration->keys("zookeeper", keys); if (!config().has("host") && !config().has("port") && !keys.empty()) { LOG_INFO(getLogger("KeeperClient"), "Found keeper node in the config.xml, will use it for connection"); for (const auto & key : keys) { if (key != "node") continue; String prefix = "zookeeper." + key; String host = clickhouse_config.configuration->getString(prefix + ".host"); String port = clickhouse_config.configuration->getString(prefix + ".port"); if (clickhouse_config.configuration->has(prefix + ".secure")) host = "secure://" + host; zk_args.hosts.push_back(host + ":" + port); } } else { String host = config().getString("host", "localhost"); String port = config().getString("port", "9181"); zk_args.hosts.push_back(host + ":" + port); } zk_args.availability_zones.resize(zk_args.hosts.size()); zk_args.connection_timeout_ms = config().getInt("connection-timeout", 10) * 1000; zk_args.session_timeout_ms = config().getInt("session-timeout", 10) * 1000; zk_args.operation_timeout_ms = config().getInt("operation-timeout", 10) * 1000; zk_args.use_xid_64 = config().hasOption("use-xid-64"); zookeeper = zkutil::ZooKeeper::createWithoutKillingPreviousSessions(zk_args); if (config().has("no-confirmation") || config().has("query")) ask_confirmation = false; if (config().has("query")) { processQueryText(config().getString("query")); } else runInteractive(); return 0; } } int mainEntryClickHouseKeeperClient(int argc, char ** argv) { try { DB::KeeperClient client; client.init(argc, argv); return client.run(); } catch (const DB::Exception & e) { std::cerr << DB::getExceptionMessage(e, false) << std::endl; auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return static_cast(code) ? code : 1; } catch (const boost::program_options::error & e) { std::cerr << "Bad arguments: " << e.what() << std::endl; return DB::ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS; } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << std::endl; auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return static_cast(code) ? code : 1; } }