DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1; CREATE TABLE table1 (str1 String, str2 String) ENGINE = Memory; INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('qwerty', 'string'); INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('qqq', 'aaa'); INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('aasq', 'xxz'); INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('zxcqwer', ''); INSERT INTO table1 VALUES('', ''); select CRC32('string'); select CrC32('string'), crc32('test'); -- We want to test, that function name is case-insensitive select CRC32(str1) from table1 order by CRC32(str1); select CRC32(str2) from table1 order by CRC32(str2); select CRC32(str1), CRC32(str2) from table1 order by CRC32(str1), CRC32(str2); select str1, str2, CRC32(str1), CRC32(str2) from table1 order by CRC32(str1), CRC32(str2); DROP TABLE table1; SELECT 'CRC32IEEE()'; SELECT hex(CRC32IEEE('foo')); SELECT 'CRC64()'; SELECT hex(CRC64('foo'));