-- Tags: no-parallel, no-object-storage -- With s3 policy TTL TO DISK 'default' doesn't work (because we have no default, only 's3') drop table if exists ttl; set mutations_sync = 2; -- check that ttl info was updated after mutation. create table ttl (i Int, a Int, s String) engine = MergeTree order by i; insert into ttl values (1, 1, 'a') (2, 1, 'b') (3, 1, 'c') (4, 1, 'd'); alter table ttl modify ttl a % 2 = 0 ? today() - 10 : toDate('2100-01-01'); alter table ttl materialize ttl; select * from ttl order by i; alter table ttl update a = 0 where i % 2 = 0; select * from ttl order by i; drop table ttl; select '==================='; -- check that skip index is updated after column was modified by ttl. create table ttl (i Int, a Int, s String default 'b' ttl a % 2 = 0 ? today() - 10 : toDate('2100-01-01'), index ind_s (s) type set(1) granularity 1) engine = MergeTree order by i; insert into ttl values (1, 1, 'a') (2, 1, 'a') (3, 1, 'a') (4, 1, 'a'); select count() from ttl where s = 'a'; alter table ttl update a = 0 where i % 2 = 0; select count() from ttl where s = 'a'; select count() from ttl where s = 'b'; drop table ttl; -- check only that it doesn't throw exceptions. SET allow_suspicious_ttl_expressions = 1; create table ttl (i Int, s String) engine = MergeTree order by i ttl toDate('2000-01-01') TO DISK 'default'; alter table ttl materialize ttl; drop table ttl; create table ttl (a Int, b Int, c Int default 42 ttl d, d Date, index ind (b * c) type minmax granularity 1) engine = MergeTree order by a; insert into ttl values (1, 2, 3, '2100-01-01'); alter table ttl update d = '2000-01-01' where 1; alter table ttl materialize ttl; select * from ttl; drop table ttl;