#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS; extern const int UNKNOWN_TABLE; extern const int TABLE_METADATA_DOESNT_EXIST; extern const int CANNOT_CREATE_TABLE_FROM_METADATA; extern const int INCORRECT_FILE_NAME; extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int CANNOT_GET_CREATE_TABLE_QUERY; } static constexpr size_t PRINT_MESSAGE_EACH_N_TABLES = 256; static constexpr size_t PRINT_MESSAGE_EACH_N_SECONDS = 5; static constexpr size_t METADATA_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768; static constexpr size_t TABLES_PARALLEL_LOAD_BUNCH_SIZE = 100; namespace detail { String getTableMetadataPath(const String & base_path, const String & table_name) { return base_path + (endsWith(base_path, "/") ? "" : "/") + escapeForFileName(table_name) + ".sql"; } } static void loadTable( Context & context, const String & database_metadata_path, DatabaseOrdinary & database, const String & database_name, const String & database_data_path, const String & file_name, bool has_force_restore_data_flag) { Logger * log = &Logger::get("loadTable"); const String table_metadata_path = database_metadata_path + "/" + file_name; String s; { char in_buf[METADATA_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE]; ReadBufferFromFile in(table_metadata_path, METADATA_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE, -1, in_buf); readStringUntilEOF(s, in); } /** Empty files with metadata are generated after a rough restart of the server. * Remove these files to slightly reduce the work of the admins on startup. */ if (s.empty()) { LOG_ERROR(log, "File " << table_metadata_path << " is empty. Removing."); Poco::File(table_metadata_path).remove(); return; } try { String table_name; StoragePtr table; std::tie(table_name, table) = createTableFromDefinition( s, database_name, database_data_path, context, has_force_restore_data_flag, "in file " + table_metadata_path); database.attachTable(table_name, table); } catch (const Exception & e) { throw Exception("Cannot create table from metadata file " + table_metadata_path + ", error: " + e.displayText() + ", stack trace:\n" + e.getStackTrace().toString(), ErrorCodes::CANNOT_CREATE_TABLE_FROM_METADATA); } } DatabaseOrdinary::DatabaseOrdinary(const String & name_, const String & metadata_path_, const Context & context) : DatabaseMemory(name_), metadata_path(metadata_path_), data_path(context.getPath() + "data/" + escapeForFileName(name_) + "/") { Poco::File(data_path).createDirectories(); } void DatabaseOrdinary::loadTables( Context & context, ThreadPool * thread_pool, bool has_force_restore_data_flag) { log = &Logger::get("DatabaseOrdinary (" + name + ")"); using FileNames = std::vector; FileNames file_names; Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end; for (Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_it(metadata_path); dir_it != dir_end; ++dir_it) { /// For '.svn', '.gitignore' directory and similar. if (dir_it.name().at(0) == '.') continue; /// There are .sql.bak files - skip them. if (endsWith(dir_it.name(), ".sql.bak")) continue; /// There are files .sql.tmp - delete. if (endsWith(dir_it.name(), ".sql.tmp")) { LOG_INFO(log, "Removing file " << dir_it->path()); Poco::File(dir_it->path()).remove(); continue; } /// The required files have names like `table_name.sql` if (endsWith(dir_it.name(), ".sql")) file_names.push_back(dir_it.name()); else throw Exception("Incorrect file extension: " + dir_it.name() + " in metadata directory " + metadata_path, ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_FILE_NAME); } /** Tables load faster if they are loaded in sorted (by name) order. * Otherwise (for the ext4 filesystem), `DirectoryIterator` iterates through them in some order, * which does not correspond to order tables creation and does not correspond to order of their location on disk. */ std::sort(file_names.begin(), file_names.end()); size_t total_tables = file_names.size(); LOG_INFO(log, "Total " << total_tables << " tables."); String data_path = context.getPath() + "data/" + escapeForFileName(name) + "/"; AtomicStopwatch watch; std::atomic tables_processed {0}; auto task_function = [&](FileNames::const_iterator begin, FileNames::const_iterator end) { for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { const String & table = *it; /// Messages, so that it's not boring to wait for the server to load for a long time. if ((++tables_processed) % PRINT_MESSAGE_EACH_N_TABLES == 0 || watch.compareAndRestart(PRINT_MESSAGE_EACH_N_SECONDS)) { LOG_INFO(log, std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << tables_processed * 100.0 / total_tables << "%"); watch.restart(); } loadTable(context, metadata_path, *this, name, data_path, table, has_force_restore_data_flag); } }; const size_t bunch_size = TABLES_PARALLEL_LOAD_BUNCH_SIZE; size_t num_bunches = (total_tables + bunch_size - 1) / bunch_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bunches; ++i) { auto begin = file_names.begin() + i * bunch_size; auto end = (i + 1 == num_bunches) ? file_names.end() : (file_names.begin() + (i + 1) * bunch_size); auto task = std::bind(task_function, begin, end); if (thread_pool) thread_pool->schedule(task); else task(); } if (thread_pool) thread_pool->wait(); /// After all tables was basically initialized, startup them. startupTables(thread_pool); } void DatabaseOrdinary::startupTables(ThreadPool * thread_pool) { LOG_INFO(log, "Starting up tables."); AtomicStopwatch watch; std::atomic tables_processed {0}; size_t total_tables = tables.size(); auto task_function = [&](Tables::iterator begin, Tables::iterator end) { for (auto it = begin; it != end; ++it) { if ((++tables_processed) % PRINT_MESSAGE_EACH_N_TABLES == 0 || watch.compareAndRestart(PRINT_MESSAGE_EACH_N_SECONDS)) { LOG_INFO(log, std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << tables_processed * 100.0 / total_tables << "%"); watch.restart(); } it->second->startup(); } }; const size_t bunch_size = TABLES_PARALLEL_LOAD_BUNCH_SIZE; size_t num_bunches = (total_tables + bunch_size - 1) / bunch_size; auto begin = tables.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bunches; ++i) { auto end = begin; if (i + 1 == num_bunches) end = tables.end(); else std::advance(end, bunch_size); auto task = std::bind(task_function, begin, end); if (thread_pool) thread_pool->schedule(task); else task(); begin = end; } if (thread_pool) thread_pool->wait(); } void DatabaseOrdinary::createTable( const Context & context, const String & table_name, const StoragePtr & table, const ASTPtr & query) { const auto & settings = context.getSettingsRef(); /// Create a file with metadata if necessary - if the query is not ATTACH. /// Write the query of `ATTACH table` to it. /** The code is based on the assumption that all threads share the same order of operations * - creating the .sql.tmp file; * - adding a table to `tables`; * - rename .sql.tmp to .sql. */ /// A race condition would be possible if a table with the same name is simultaneously created using CREATE and using ATTACH. /// But there is protection from it - see using DDLGuard in InterpreterCreateQuery. { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if (tables.find(table_name) != tables.end()) throw Exception("Table " + name + "." + table_name + " already exists.", ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } String table_metadata_path = getTableMetadataPath(table_name); String table_metadata_tmp_path = table_metadata_path + ".tmp"; String statement; { statement = getTableDefinitionFromCreateQuery(query); /// Exclusive flags guarantees, that table is not created right now in another thread. Otherwise, exception will be thrown. WriteBufferFromFile out(table_metadata_tmp_path, statement.size(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL); writeString(statement, out); out.next(); if (settings.fsync_metadata) out.sync(); out.close(); } try { /// Add a table to the map of known tables. { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); if (!tables.emplace(table_name, table).second) throw Exception("Table " + name + "." + table_name + " already exists.", ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } /// If it was ATTACH query and file with table metadata already exist /// (so, ATTACH is done after DETACH), then rename atomically replaces old file with new one. Poco::File(table_metadata_tmp_path).renameTo(table_metadata_path); } catch (...) { Poco::File(table_metadata_tmp_path).remove(); throw; } } void DatabaseOrdinary::removeTable( const Context & /*context*/, const String & table_name) { StoragePtr res = detachTable(table_name); String table_metadata_path = getTableMetadataPath(table_name); try { Poco::File(table_metadata_path).remove(); } catch (...) { attachTable(table_name, res); throw; } } static ASTPtr getCreateQueryImpl(const String & path, const String & table_name) { String table_metadata_path = detail::getTableMetadataPath(path, table_name); String query; { ReadBufferFromFile in(table_metadata_path, 4096); readStringUntilEOF(query, in); } ParserCreateQuery parser; return parseQuery(parser, query.data(), query.data() + query.size(), "in file " + table_metadata_path); } void DatabaseOrdinary::renameTable( const Context & context, const String & table_name, IDatabase & to_database, const String & to_table_name) { DatabaseOrdinary * to_database_concrete = typeid_cast(&to_database); if (!to_database_concrete) throw Exception("Moving tables between databases of different engines is not supported", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); StoragePtr table = tryGetTable(context, table_name); if (!table) throw Exception("Table " + name + "." + table_name + " doesn't exist.", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE); /// Notify the table that it is renamed. If the table does not support renaming, exception is thrown. try { table->rename(context.getPath() + "/data/" + escapeForFileName(to_database_concrete->name) + "/", to_database_concrete->name, to_table_name); } catch (const Exception & e) { throw; } catch (const Poco::Exception & e) { /// Better diagnostics. throw Exception{e}; } ASTPtr ast = getCreateQueryImpl(metadata_path, table_name); ASTCreateQuery & ast_create_query = typeid_cast(*ast); ast_create_query.table = to_table_name; /// NOTE Non-atomic. to_database_concrete->createTable(context, to_table_name, table, ast); removeTable(context, table_name); } time_t DatabaseOrdinary::getTableMetadataModificationTime( const Context & /*context*/, const String & table_name) { String table_metadata_path = getTableMetadataPath(table_name); Poco::File meta_file(table_metadata_path); if (meta_file.exists()) { return meta_file.getLastModified().epochTime(); } else { return static_cast(0); } } ASTPtr DatabaseOrdinary::getCreateQuery( const Context & context, const String & table_name) const { ASTPtr ast; try { ast = getCreateQueryImpl(metadata_path, table_name); } catch (const Exception & e) { /// Handle system.* tables for which there are no table.sql files if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST && tryGetTable(context, table_name) != nullptr) throw Exception("There is no CREATE TABLE query for table " + table_name, ErrorCodes::CANNOT_GET_CREATE_TABLE_QUERY); throw; } ASTCreateQuery & ast_create_query = typeid_cast(*ast); ast_create_query.attach = false; ast_create_query.database = name; return ast; } void DatabaseOrdinary::shutdown() { /// You can not hold a lock during shutdown. /// Because inside `shutdown` function the tables can work with database, and mutex is not recursive. Tables tables_snapshot; { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); tables_snapshot = tables; } for (const auto & kv: tables_snapshot) { kv.second->shutdown(); } std::lock_guard lock(mutex); tables.clear(); } void DatabaseOrdinary::drop() { /// No additional removal actions are required. } void DatabaseOrdinary::alterTable( const Context & context, const String & name, const ColumnsDescription & columns, const ASTModifier & storage_modifier) { /// Read the definition of the table and replace the necessary parts with new ones. String table_name_escaped = escapeForFileName(name); String table_metadata_tmp_path = metadata_path + "/" + table_name_escaped + ".sql.tmp"; String table_metadata_path = metadata_path + "/" + table_name_escaped + ".sql"; String statement; { char in_buf[METADATA_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE]; ReadBufferFromFile in(table_metadata_path, METADATA_FILE_BUFFER_SIZE, -1, in_buf); readStringUntilEOF(statement, in); } ParserCreateQuery parser; ASTPtr ast = parseQuery(parser, statement.data(), statement.data() + statement.size(), "in file " + table_metadata_path); ASTCreateQuery & ast_create_query = typeid_cast(*ast); ASTPtr new_columns = InterpreterCreateQuery::formatColumns(columns); ast_create_query.replace(ast_create_query.columns, new_columns); if (storage_modifier) storage_modifier(*ast_create_query.storage); statement = getTableDefinitionFromCreateQuery(ast); { WriteBufferFromFile out(table_metadata_tmp_path, statement.size(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL); writeString(statement, out); out.next(); if (context.getSettingsRef().fsync_metadata) out.sync(); out.close(); } try { /// rename atomically replaces the old file with the new one. Poco::File(table_metadata_tmp_path).renameTo(table_metadata_path); } catch (...) { Poco::File(table_metadata_tmp_path).remove(); throw; } } String DatabaseOrdinary::getDataPath() const { return data_path; } String DatabaseOrdinary::getMetadataPath() const { return metadata_path; } String DatabaseOrdinary::getTableMetadataPath(const String & table_name) const { return detail::getTableMetadataPath(metadata_path, table_name); } }