#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int TABLE_IS_DROPPED; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int DEADLOCK_AVOIDED; extern const int CANNOT_RESTORE_TABLE; } bool IStorage::isVirtualColumn(const String & column_name, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot) const { /// Virtual column maybe overridden by real column return !metadata_snapshot->getColumns().has(column_name) && getVirtuals().contains(column_name); } RWLockImpl::LockHolder IStorage::tryLockTimed( const RWLock & rwlock, RWLockImpl::Type type, const String & query_id, const std::chrono::milliseconds & acquire_timeout) const { auto lock_holder = rwlock->getLock(type, query_id, acquire_timeout); if (!lock_holder) { const String type_str = type == RWLockImpl::Type::Read ? "READ" : "WRITE"; throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DEADLOCK_AVOIDED, "{} locking attempt on \"{}\" has timed out! ({}ms) Possible deadlock avoided. Client should retry", type_str, getStorageID(), acquire_timeout.count()); } return lock_holder; } TableLockHolder IStorage::lockForShare(const String & query_id, const std::chrono::milliseconds & acquire_timeout) { TableLockHolder result = tryLockTimed(drop_lock, RWLockImpl::Read, query_id, acquire_timeout); if (is_dropped || is_detached) { auto table_id = getStorageID(); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_IS_DROPPED, "Table {}.{} is dropped or detached", table_id.database_name, table_id.table_name); } return result; } TableLockHolder IStorage::tryLockForShare(const String & query_id, const std::chrono::milliseconds & acquire_timeout) { TableLockHolder result = tryLockTimed(drop_lock, RWLockImpl::Read, query_id, acquire_timeout); if (is_dropped || is_detached) { // Table was dropped while acquiring the lock result = nullptr; } return result; } std::optional IStorage::tryLockForAlter(const std::chrono::milliseconds & acquire_timeout) { AlterLockHolder lock{alter_lock, std::defer_lock}; if (!lock.try_lock_for(acquire_timeout)) return {}; if (is_dropped || is_detached) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_IS_DROPPED, "Table {} is dropped or detached", getStorageID()); return lock; } IStorage::AlterLockHolder IStorage::lockForAlter(const std::chrono::milliseconds & acquire_timeout) { if (auto lock = tryLockForAlter(acquire_timeout); lock == std::nullopt) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DEADLOCK_AVOIDED, "Locking attempt for ALTER on \"{}\" has timed out! ({} ms) " "Possible deadlock avoided. Client should retry.", getStorageID().getFullTableName(), acquire_timeout.count()); else return std::move(*lock); } TableExclusiveLockHolder IStorage::lockExclusively(const String & query_id, const std::chrono::milliseconds & acquire_timeout) { TableExclusiveLockHolder result; result.drop_lock = tryLockTimed(drop_lock, RWLockImpl::Write, query_id, acquire_timeout); if (is_dropped || is_detached) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_IS_DROPPED, "Table {} is dropped or detached", getStorageID()); return result; } Pipe IStorage::watch( const Names & /*column_names*/, const SelectQueryInfo & /*query_info*/, ContextPtr /*context*/, QueryProcessingStage::Enum & /*processed_stage*/, size_t /*max_block_size*/, size_t /*num_streams*/) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Method watch is not supported by storage {}", getName()); } Pipe IStorage::read( const Names & /*column_names*/, const StorageSnapshotPtr & /*storage_snapshot*/, SelectQueryInfo & /*query_info*/, ContextPtr /*context*/, QueryProcessingStage::Enum /*processed_stage*/, size_t /*max_block_size*/, size_t /*num_streams*/) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Method read is not supported by storage {}", getName()); } void IStorage::read( QueryPlan & query_plan, const Names & column_names, const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot, SelectQueryInfo & query_info, ContextPtr context, QueryProcessingStage::Enum processed_stage, size_t max_block_size, size_t num_streams) { auto pipe = read(column_names, storage_snapshot, query_info, context, processed_stage, max_block_size, num_streams); /// parallelize processing if not yet const size_t output_ports = pipe.numOutputPorts(); const bool parallelize_output = context->getSettingsRef().parallelize_output_from_storages; if (parallelize_output && parallelizeOutputAfterReading(context) && output_ports > 0 && output_ports < num_streams) pipe.resize(num_streams); readFromPipe(query_plan, std::move(pipe), column_names, storage_snapshot, query_info, context, getName()); } void IStorage::readFromPipe( QueryPlan & query_plan, Pipe pipe, const Names & column_names, const StorageSnapshotPtr & storage_snapshot, SelectQueryInfo & query_info, ContextPtr context, std::string storage_name) { if (pipe.empty()) { auto header = storage_snapshot->getSampleBlockForColumns(column_names); InterpreterSelectQuery::addEmptySourceToQueryPlan(query_plan, header, query_info, context); } else { auto read_step = std::make_unique(std::move(pipe), storage_name, query_info, context); query_plan.addStep(std::move(read_step)); } } std::optional IStorage::distributedWrite( const ASTInsertQuery & /*query*/, ContextPtr /*context*/) { return {}; } Pipe IStorage::alterPartition( const StorageMetadataPtr & /* metadata_snapshot */, const PartitionCommands & /* commands */, ContextPtr /* context */) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Partition operations are not supported by storage {}", getName()); } void IStorage::alter(const AlterCommands & params, ContextPtr context, AlterLockHolder &) { auto table_id = getStorageID(); StorageInMemoryMetadata new_metadata = getInMemoryMetadata(); params.apply(new_metadata, context); DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(table_id.database_name)->alterTable(context, table_id, new_metadata); setInMemoryMetadata(new_metadata); } void IStorage::checkAlterIsPossible(const AlterCommands & commands, ContextPtr /* context */) const { for (const auto & command : commands) { if (!command.isCommentAlter()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Alter of type '{}' is not supported by storage {}", command.type, getName()); } } void IStorage::checkMutationIsPossible(const MutationCommands & /*commands*/, const Settings & /*settings*/) const { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Table engine {} doesn't support mutations", getName()); } void IStorage::checkAlterPartitionIsPossible( const PartitionCommands & /*commands*/, const StorageMetadataPtr & /*metadata_snapshot*/, const Settings & /*settings*/, ContextPtr /*context*/) const { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Table engine {} doesn't support partitioning", getName()); } StorageID IStorage::getStorageID() const { std::lock_guard lock(id_mutex); return storage_id; } ConditionEstimator IStorage::getConditionEstimatorByPredicate(const SelectQueryInfo &, ContextPtr) const { return {}; } void IStorage::renameInMemory(const StorageID & new_table_id) { std::lock_guard lock(id_mutex); storage_id = new_table_id; } NamesAndTypesList IStorage::getVirtuals() const { return {}; } Names IStorage::getAllRegisteredNames() const { Names result; auto getter = [](const auto & column) { return column.name; }; const NamesAndTypesList & available_columns = getInMemoryMetadata().getColumns().getAllPhysical(); std::transform(available_columns.begin(), available_columns.end(), std::back_inserter(result), getter); return result; } NameDependencies IStorage::getDependentViewsByColumn(ContextPtr context) const { NameDependencies name_deps; auto view_ids = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDependentViews(storage_id); for (const auto & view_id : view_ids) { auto view = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getTable(view_id, context); if (view->getInMemoryMetadataPtr()->select.inner_query) { const auto & select_query = view->getInMemoryMetadataPtr()->select.inner_query; auto required_columns = InterpreterSelectQuery(select_query, context, SelectQueryOptions{}.noModify()).getRequiredColumns(); for (const auto & col_name : required_columns) name_deps[col_name].push_back(view_id.table_name); } } return name_deps; } bool IStorage::isStaticStorage() const { auto storage_policy = getStoragePolicy(); if (storage_policy) { for (const auto & disk : storage_policy->getDisks()) if (!(disk->isReadOnly() || disk->isWriteOnce())) return false; return true; } return false; } IStorage::DataValidationTasksPtr IStorage::getCheckTaskList(const ASTPtr & /* query */, ContextPtr /* context */) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Check query is not supported for {} storage", getName()); } std::optional IStorage::checkDataNext(DataValidationTasksPtr & /* check_task_list */) { return {}; } void IStorage::adjustCreateQueryForBackup(ASTPtr &) const { } void IStorage::backupData(BackupEntriesCollector &, const String &, const std::optional &) { } void IStorage::restoreDataFromBackup(RestorerFromBackup & restorer, const String & data_path_in_backup, const std::optional &) { /// If an inherited class doesn't override restoreDataFromBackup() that means it doesn't backup any data. auto filenames = restorer.getBackup()->listFiles(data_path_in_backup); if (!filenames.empty()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_RESTORE_TABLE, "Cannot restore table {}: Folder {} in backup must be empty", getStorageID().getFullTableName(), data_path_in_backup); } std::string PrewhereInfo::dump() const { WriteBufferFromOwnString ss; ss << "PrewhereDagInfo\n"; if (row_level_filter) { ss << "row_level_filter " << row_level_filter->dumpDAG() << "\n"; } if (prewhere_actions) { ss << "prewhere_actions " << prewhere_actions->dumpDAG() << "\n"; } ss << "remove_prewhere_column " << remove_prewhere_column << ", need_filter " << need_filter << "\n"; return ss.str(); } std::string FilterDAGInfo::dump() const { WriteBufferFromOwnString ss; ss << "FilterDAGInfo for column '" << column_name <<"', do_remove_column " << do_remove_column << "\n"; if (actions) { ss << "actions " << actions->dumpDAG() << "\n"; } return ss.str(); } }