-- test String Functions -- -- Customers |where Education contains \'degree\' Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 -- Customers |where Education !contains \'degree\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers |where Education contains \'Degree\' Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 -- Customers |where Education !contains \'Degree\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where FirstName endswith \'RE\' Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where ! FirstName endswith \'RE\' Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 --Customers | where FirstName endswith_cs \'re\' Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where FirstName !endswith_cs \'re\' Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Occupation == \'Skilled Manual\' Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Occupation != \'Skilled Manual\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 -- Customers | where Occupation has \'skilled\' Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Occupation !has \'skilled\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 -- Customers | where Occupation has \'Skilled\' Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Occupation !has \'Skilled\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 -- Customers | where Occupation hasprefix_cs \'Ab\' -- Customers | where Occupation !hasprefix_cs \'Ab\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Occupation hasprefix_cs \'ab\' Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 -- Customers | where Occupation !hasprefix_cs \'ab\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Occupation hassuffix \'Ent\' Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 -- Customers | where Occupation !hassuffix \'Ent\' \N why Professional Partial College 38 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Occupation hassuffix \'ent\' Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 -- Customers | where Occupation hassuffix \'ent\' Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 -- Customers |where Education in (\'Bachelors\',\'High School\') Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where Education !in (\'Bachelors\',\'High School\') \N why Professional Partial College 38 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 -- Customers | where FirstName matches regex \'P.*r\' Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 -- Customers | where FirstName startswith \'pet\' Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 -- Customers | where FirstName !startswith \'pet\' Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where FirstName startswith_cs \'pet\' -- Customers | where FirstName !startswith_cs \'pet\' Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where isempty(LastName) Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where isnotempty(LastName) Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 \N why Professional Partial College 38 -- Customers | where isnotnull(FirstName) Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- Customers | where isnull(FirstName) \N why Professional Partial College 38 -- Customers | project url_decode(\'https%3A%2F%2Fwww.test.com%2Fhello%20word\') | take 1 https://www.test.com/hello word -- Customers | project url_encode(\'https://www.test.com/hello word\') | take 1 https%3A%2F%2Fwww.test.com%2Fhello%20word -- Customers | project name_abbr = strcat(substring(FirstName,0,3), \' \', substring(LastName,2)) \N Lat en Pet ra The az Ste x App -- Customers | project name = strcat(FirstName, \' \', LastName) \N Latoya Shen Peter Nara Theodore Diaz Stephanie Cox Apple -- Customers | project FirstName, strlen(FirstName) \N \N Latoya 6 Peter 5 Theodore 8 Stephanie 9 Apple 5 -- Customers | project strrep(FirstName,2,\'_\') \N Latoya_Latoya Peter_Peter Theodore_Theodore Stephanie_Stephanie Apple_Apple -- Customers | project toupper(FirstName) \N LATOYA PETER THEODORE STEPHANIE APPLE -- Customers | project tolower(FirstName) \N latoya peter theodore stephanie apple -- support subquery for in orerator (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/in-cs-operator) (subquery need to be wraped with bracket inside bracket); TODO: case-insensitive not supported yet Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- has_all (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/has-all-operator); TODO: subquery not supported yet Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- has_any (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/has-anyoperator); TODO: subquery not supported yet Theodore Diaz Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 Stephanie Cox Management abcd defg Bachelors 33 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Apple Skilled Manual Bachelors 28 -- countof (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/countoffunction) 3 3 1 -- extract ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/extractfunction) PINEAPPLE ice cream is 20 PINEAPPLE 20 20 \N \N \N \N \N 45.6 45.6 -- extract_all (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/extractallfunction); TODO: captureGroups not supported yet [['T','h','e'],['p','ric','e'],['P','INEAPPL','E'],['i','c','e'],['c','rea','m']] -- extract_json (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/extractjsonfunction) John iPhone \N 26 26 26 26 \N -- split (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/splitfunction) ['aa','bb'] ['bbb'] [''] ['a','','b'] ['aa','cc'] ['aabbcc'] ['aaa','bbb','ccc'] [NULL] -- strcat_delim (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/strcat-delimfunction); TODO: only support string now. 1-2-Ab -- indexof (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/indexoffunction); TODO: length and occurrence not supported yet 2 2 -1 -- base64_encode_fromguid() 8jMxriJurkmwahbmqbIS6w== -- base64_decode_toarray() [] [75,117,115,116,111] -- base64_decode_toguid() 10e99626-bc2b-4c75-bb3e-fe606de25700 1 -- base64_encode_tostring S3VzdG8x -- base64_decode_tostring Kusto1 -- parse_url() {"Scheme":"scheme","Host":"","Port":"0","Path":"/this/is/a/path","Username":"username","Password":"password","Query Parameters":{"k1":"v1","k2":"v2"},"Fragment":"fragment"} -- parse_urlquery() {"Query Parameters":{"k1":"v1","k2":"v2","k3":"v3"}} -- strcmp() 0 1 -1 1 -- substring() CD -- translate() kusto xxx -- trim() https://www.ibm.com Te st1 asd asd sd -- trim_start() www.ibm.com Te st1// $ asdw asd -- trim_end() https - Te st1 wasd asd -- trim, trim_start, trim_end all at once --https://bing.com-- -- https://bing.com-- --https://bing.com https://bing.com -- replace_regex Number was: 1 -- has_any_index() 0 1 -1 -1 -- parse_version() 1000000020000000300000040 1000000020000000000000000 1000000020000000000000000 \N \N \N \N 1000000020000000300000004 1000000020000000000000000 1000000020000000300000000 1000000000000000000000000 -- parse_json() [1,2,3] [{"a":123.5,"b":"{\\"c\\":456}"}] -- parse_command_line() [NULL] [NULL] -- reverse() 321 43.321 dsa ][ ]3,2,1[ ]\'redaV\',\'htraD\'[ 000000000.00:00:21 51-01-7102 Peter Nara Skilled Manual Graduate Degree 26 Latoya Shen Professional Graduate Degree 25 -- parse_csv() [''] ['aaa'] ['aa','b','cc'] ['record1','a','b','c']