#pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace DB { class Block; struct Progress; class TableStructureReadLock; using TableStructureReadLockPtr = std::shared_ptr; using TableStructureReadLocks = std::vector; struct Progress; /** Interface of stream for writing data (into table, filesystem, network, terminal, etc.) */ class IBlockOutputStream : private boost::noncopyable { public: IBlockOutputStream() {} /** Write block. */ virtual void write(const Block & block) = 0; /** Write or do something before all data or after all data. */ virtual void writePrefix() {} virtual void writeSuffix() {} /** Flush output buffers if any. */ virtual void flush() {} /** Methods to set additional information for output in formats, that support it. */ virtual void setRowsBeforeLimit(size_t rows_before_limit) {} virtual void setTotals(const Block & totals) {} virtual void setExtremes(const Block & extremes) {} /** Notify about progress. Method could be called from different threads. * Passed value are delta, that must be summarized. */ virtual void onProgress(const Progress & progress) {} /** Content-Type to set when sending HTTP response. */ virtual std::string getContentType() const { return "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"; } virtual ~IBlockOutputStream() {} /** Don't let to alter table while instance of stream is alive. */ void addTableLock(const TableStructureReadLockPtr & lock) { table_locks.push_back(lock); } protected: TableStructureReadLocks table_locks; }; using BlockOutputStreamPtr = std::shared_ptr; }