#include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH; extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } /// The Cartesian product of two sets of rows, the result is written in place of the first argument static void append(std::vector & to, const std::vector & what, size_t max_addresses) { if (what.empty()) return; if (to.empty()) { to = what; return; } if (what.size() * to.size() > max_addresses) throw Exception("Table function 'remote': first argument generates too many result addresses", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); std::vector res; for (size_t i = 0; i < to.size(); ++i) for (size_t j = 0; j < what.size(); ++j) res.push_back(to[i] + what[j]); to.swap(res); } /// Parse number from substring static bool parseNumber(const String & description, size_t l, size_t r, size_t & res) { res = 0; for (size_t pos = l; pos < r; pos ++) { if (!isNumericASCII(description[pos])) return false; res = res * 10 + description[pos] - '0'; if (res > 1e15) return false; } return true; } /* Parse a string that generates shards and replicas. Separator - one of two characters | or , * depending on whether shards or replicas are generated. * For example: * host1,host2,... - generates set of shards from host1, host2, ... * host1|host2|... - generates set of replicas from host1, host2, ... * abc{8..10}def - generates set of shards abc8def, abc9def, abc10def. * abc{08..10}def - generates set of shards abc08def, abc09def, abc10def. * abc{x,yy,z}def - generates set of shards abcxdef, abcyydef, abczdef. * abc{x|yy|z} def - generates set of replicas abcxdef, abcyydef, abczdef. * abc{1..9}de{f,g,h} - is a direct product, 27 shards. * abc{1..9}de{0|1} - is a direct product, 9 shards, in each 2 replicas. */ std::vector parseRemoteDescription(const String & description, size_t l, size_t r, char separator, size_t max_addresses) { std::vector res; std::vector cur; /// An empty substring means a set of an empty string if (l >= r) { res.push_back(""); return res; } for (size_t i = l; i < r; ++i) { /// Either the numeric interval (8..10) or equivalent expression in brackets if (description[i] == '{') { int cnt = 1; int last_dot = -1; /// The rightmost pair of points, remember the index of the right of the two size_t m; std::vector buffer; bool have_splitter = false; /// Look for the corresponding closing bracket for (m = i + 1; m < r; ++m) { if (description[m] == '{') ++cnt; if (description[m] == '}') --cnt; if (description[m] == '.' && description[m-1] == '.') last_dot = m; if (description[m] == separator) have_splitter = true; if (cnt == 0) break; } if (cnt != 0) throw Exception("Table function 'remote': incorrect brace sequence in first argument", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); /// The presence of a dot - numeric interval if (last_dot != -1) { size_t left, right; if (description[last_dot - 1] != '.') throw Exception("Table function 'remote': incorrect argument in braces (only one dot): " + description.substr(i, m - i + 1), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); if (!parseNumber(description, i + 1, last_dot - 1, left)) throw Exception("Table function 'remote': incorrect argument in braces (Incorrect left number): " + description.substr(i, m - i + 1), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); if (!parseNumber(description, last_dot + 1, m, right)) throw Exception("Table function 'remote': incorrect argument in braces (Incorrect right number): " + description.substr(i, m - i + 1), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); if (left > right) throw Exception("Table function 'remote': incorrect argument in braces (left number is greater then right): " + description.substr(i, m - i + 1), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); if (right - left + 1 > max_addresses) throw Exception("Table function 'remote': first argument generates too many result addresses", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); bool add_leading_zeroes = false; size_t len = last_dot - 1 - (i + 1); /// If the left and right borders have equal numbers, then you must add leading zeros. if (last_dot - 1 - (i + 1) == m - (last_dot + 1)) add_leading_zeroes = true; for (size_t id = left; id <= right; ++id) { String cur = toString(id); if (add_leading_zeroes) { while (cur.size() < len) cur = "0" + cur; } buffer.push_back(cur); } } else if (have_splitter) /// If there is a current delimiter inside, then generate a set of resulting rows buffer = parseRemoteDescription(description, i + 1, m, separator, max_addresses); else /// Otherwise just copy, spawn will occur when you call with the correct delimiter buffer.push_back(description.substr(i, m - i + 1)); /// Add all possible received extensions to the current set of lines append(cur, buffer, max_addresses); i = m; } else if (description[i] == separator) { /// If the delimiter, then add found rows res.insert(res.end(), cur.begin(), cur.end()); cur.clear(); } else { /// Otherwise, simply append the character to current lines std::vector buffer; buffer.push_back(description.substr(i, 1)); append(cur, buffer, max_addresses); } } res.insert(res.end(), cur.begin(), cur.end()); if (res.size() > max_addresses) throw Exception("Table function 'remote': first argument generates too many result addresses", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); return res; } }