#include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__linux__) #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** This tool can be used to install ClickHouse without a deb/rpm/tgz package, having only "clickhouse" binary. * It also allows to avoid dependency on systemd, upstart, SysV init. * * The following steps are performed: * * - copying the binary to binary directory (/usr/bin). * - creation of symlinks for tools. * - creation of clickhouse user and group. * - creation of config directory (/etc/clickhouse-server). * - creation of default configuration files. * - creation of a directory for logs (/var/log/clickhouse-server). * - creation of a data directory if not exists. * - setting a password for default user. * - choose an option to listen connections. * - changing the ownership and mode of the directories. * - setting capabilities for binary. * - setting ulimits for the user. * - (todo) put service in cron. * * It does not install clickhouse-odbc-bridge. */ namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int FILE_DOESNT_EXIST; extern const int CANNOT_OPEN_FILE; extern const int SYSTEM_ERROR; extern const int NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE; } } using namespace DB; namespace po = boost::program_options; namespace fs = std::filesystem; auto executeScript(const std::string & command, bool throw_on_error = false) { auto sh = ShellCommand::execute(command); WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor wb_stdout(STDOUT_FILENO); WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor wb_stderr(STDERR_FILENO); copyData(sh->out, wb_stdout); copyData(sh->err, wb_stderr); if (throw_on_error) { sh->wait(); return 0; } else return sh->tryWait(); } bool ask(std::string question) { while (true) { std::string answer; std::cout << question; std::getline(std::cin, answer); if (!std::cin.good()) return false; if (answer.empty() || answer == "n" || answer == "N") return false; if (answer == "y" || answer == "Y") return true; } } int mainEntryClickHouseInstall(int argc, char ** argv) { po::options_description desc; desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("prefix", po::value()->default_value(""), "prefix for all paths") ("binary-path", po::value()->default_value("/usr/bin"), "where to install binaries") ("config-path", po::value()->default_value("/etc/clickhouse-server"), "where to install configs") ("log-path", po::value()->default_value("/var/log/clickhouse-server"), "where to create log directory") ("data-path", po::value()->default_value("/var/lib/clickhouse"), "directory for data") ("pid-path", po::value()->default_value("/var/run/clickhouse-server"), "directory for pid file") ("user", po::value()->default_value("clickhouse"), "clickhouse user to create") ("group", po::value()->default_value("clickhouse"), "clickhouse group to create") ; po::variables_map options; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), options); if (options.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: " << (getuid() == 0 ? "" : "sudo ") << argv[0] << " install [options]\n"; std::cout << desc << '\n'; return 1; } try { /// We need to copy binary to the binary directory. /// The binary is currently run. We need to obtain its path from procfs. fs::path binary_self_path = "/proc/self/exe"; if (!fs::exists(binary_self_path)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST, "Cannot obtain path to the binary from {}, file doesn't exist", binary_self_path.string()); /// Copy binary to the destination directory. /// TODO An option to link instead of copy - useful for developers. /// TODO Check if the binary is the same. size_t binary_size = fs::file_size(binary_self_path); fs::path prefix = fs::path(options["prefix"].as()); fs::path bin_dir = prefix / fs::path(options["binary-path"].as()); size_t available_space = fs::space(bin_dir).available; if (available_space < binary_size) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, "Not enough space for clickhouse binary in {}, required {}, available {}.", bin_dir.string(), ReadableSize(binary_size), ReadableSize(available_space)); fs::path main_bin_path = bin_dir / "clickhouse"; fs::path main_bin_tmp_path = bin_dir / "clickhouse.new"; fs::path main_bin_old_path = bin_dir / "clickhouse.old"; fmt::print("Copying ClickHouse binary to {}\n", main_bin_tmp_path.string()); try { ReadBufferFromFile in(binary_self_path.string()); WriteBufferFromFile out(main_bin_tmp_path.string()); copyData(in, out); out.sync(); if (0 != fchmod(out.getFD(), S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) throwFromErrno(fmt::format("Cannot chmod {}", main_bin_tmp_path.string()), ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR); out.finalize(); } catch (const Exception & e) { if (e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_OPEN_FILE && geteuid() != 0) std::cerr << "Install must be run as root: sudo ./clickhouse install\n"; throw; } if (fs::exists(main_bin_path)) { fmt::print("{} already exists, will rename existing binary to {} and put the new binary in place\n", main_bin_path.string(), main_bin_old_path.string()); /// There is file exchange operation in Linux but it's not portable. fs::rename(main_bin_path, main_bin_old_path); } fmt::print("Renaming {} to {}.\n", main_bin_tmp_path.string(), main_bin_path.string()); fs::rename(main_bin_tmp_path, main_bin_path); /// Create symlinks. std::initializer_list tools { "clickhouse-server", "clickhouse-client", "clickhouse-local", "clickhouse-benchmark", "clickhouse-copier", "clickhouse-obfuscator", "clickhouse-git-import", "clickhouse-compressor", "clickhouse-format", "clickhouse-extract-from-config" }; for (const auto & tool : tools) { bool need_to_create = true; fs::path symlink_path = bin_dir / tool; if (fs::exists(symlink_path)) { bool is_symlink = fs::is_symlink(symlink_path); fs::path points_to; if (is_symlink) points_to = fs::absolute(fs::read_symlink(symlink_path)); if (is_symlink && points_to == main_bin_path) { need_to_create = false; } else { if (!is_symlink) { fs::path rename_path = symlink_path.replace_extension(".old"); fmt::print("File {} already exists but it's not a symlink. Will rename to {}.\n", symlink_path.string(), rename_path.string()); fs::rename(symlink_path, rename_path); } else if (points_to != main_bin_path) { fmt::print("Symlink {} already exists but it points to {}. Will replace the old symlink to {}.\n", symlink_path.string(), points_to.string(), main_bin_path.string()); fs::remove(symlink_path); } } } if (need_to_create) { fmt::print("Creating symlink {} to {}.\n", symlink_path.string(), main_bin_path.string()); fs::create_symlink(main_bin_path, symlink_path); } } /// Creation of clickhouse user and group. std::string user = options["user"].as(); std::string group = options["group"].as(); if (!group.empty()) { { fmt::print("Creating clickhouse group if it does not exist.\n"); std::string command = fmt::format("groupadd -r {}", group); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); } } else fmt::print("Will not create clickhouse group"); if (!user.empty()) { fmt::print("Creating clickhouse user if it does not exist.\n"); std::string command = group.empty() ? fmt::format("useradd -r --shell /bin/false --home-dir /nonexistent --user-group {}", user) : fmt::format("useradd -r --shell /bin/false --home-dir /nonexistent -g {} {}", group, user); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); if (group.empty()) group = user; /// Setting ulimits. try { fs::path ulimits_dir = "/etc/security/limits.d"; fs::path ulimits_file = ulimits_dir / fmt::format("{}.conf", user); fmt::print("Will set ulimits for {} user in {}.\n", user, ulimits_file.string()); std::string ulimits_content = fmt::format( "{0}\tsoft\tnofile\t262144\n" "{0}\thard\tnofile\t262144\n", user); fs::create_directories(ulimits_dir); WriteBufferFromFile out(ulimits_file.string()); out.write(ulimits_content.data(), ulimits_content.size()); out.sync(); out.finalize(); } catch (...) { std::cerr << "Cannot set ulimits: " << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) << "\n"; } /// TODO Set ulimits on Mac OS X } else fmt::print("Will not create clickhouse user.\n"); /// Creating configuration files and directories. fs::path config_dir = prefix / options["config-path"].as(); if (!fs::exists(config_dir)) { fmt::print("Creating config directory {}.\n", config_dir.string()); fs::create_directories(config_dir); } fs::path main_config_file = config_dir / "config.xml"; fs::path users_config_file = config_dir / "users.xml"; fs::path config_d = config_dir / "config.d"; fs::path users_d = config_dir / "users.d"; std::string log_path = prefix / options["log-path"].as(); std::string data_path = prefix / options["data-path"].as(); std::string pid_path = prefix / options["pid-path"].as(); bool has_password_for_default_user = false; if (!fs::exists(main_config_file)) { fmt::print("Creating config directory {} that is used for tweaks of main server configuration.\n", config_d.string()); fs::create_directory(config_d); fmt::print("Creating config directory {} that is used for tweaks of users configuration.\n", users_d.string()); fs::create_directory(users_d); std::string_view main_config_content = getResource("config.xml"); if (main_config_content.empty()) { fmt::print("There is no default config.xml, you have to download it and place to {}.\n", main_config_file.string()); } else { WriteBufferFromFile out(main_config_file.string()); out.write(main_config_content.data(), main_config_content.size()); out.sync(); out.finalize(); } std::string_view users_config_content = getResource("users.xml"); if (users_config_content.empty()) { fmt::print("There is no default users.xml, you have to download it and place to {}.\n", users_config_file.string()); } else { WriteBufferFromFile out(users_config_file.string()); out.write(users_config_content.data(), users_config_content.size()); out.sync(); out.finalize(); } } else { { fmt::print("Config file {} already exists, will keep it and extract path info from it.\n", main_config_file.string()); ConfigProcessor processor(main_config_file.string(), /* throw_on_bad_incl = */ false, /* log_to_console = */ false); ConfigurationPtr configuration(new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration(processor.processConfig())); if (configuration->has("path")) { data_path = configuration->getString("path"); fmt::print("{} has {} as data path.\n", main_config_file.string(), data_path); } if (configuration->has("logger.log")) { log_path = fs::path(configuration->getString("logger.log")).remove_filename(); fmt::print("{} has {} as log path.\n", main_config_file.string(), log_path); } } /// Check if password for default user already specified. if (fs::exists(users_config_file)) { ConfigProcessor processor(users_config_file.string(), /* throw_on_bad_incl = */ false, /* log_to_console = */ false); ConfigurationPtr configuration(new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration(processor.processConfig())); if (!configuration->getString("users.default.password", "").empty() || configuration->getString("users.default.password_sha256_hex", "").empty() || configuration->getString("users.default.password_double_sha1_hex", "").empty()) { has_password_for_default_user = true; } } } /// Chmod and chown configs { std::string command = fmt::format("chown --recursive {}:{} '{}'", user, group, config_dir.string()); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); } /// Symlink "preprocessed_configs" is created by the server, so "write" is needed. fs::permissions(config_dir, fs::perms::owner_all, fs::perm_options::replace); /// Subdirectories, so "execute" is needed. if (fs::exists(config_d)) fs::permissions(config_d, fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_exec, fs::perm_options::replace); if (fs::exists(users_d)) fs::permissions(users_d, fs::perms::owner_read | fs::perms::owner_exec, fs::perm_options::replace); /// Readonly. if (fs::exists(main_config_file)) fs::permissions(main_config_file, fs::perms::owner_read, fs::perm_options::replace); if (fs::exists(users_config_file)) fs::permissions(users_config_file, fs::perms::owner_read, fs::perm_options::replace); /// Create directories for data and log. if (fs::exists(log_path)) { fmt::print("Log directory {} already exists.\n", log_path); } else { fmt::print("Creating log directory {}.\n", log_path); fs::create_directories(log_path); } if (fs::exists(data_path)) { fmt::print("Data directory {} already exists.\n", data_path); } else { fmt::print("Creating data directory {}.\n", data_path); fs::create_directories(data_path); } if (fs::exists(pid_path)) { fmt::print("Pid directory {} already exists.\n", pid_path); } else { fmt::print("Creating pid directory {}.\n", pid_path); fs::create_directories(pid_path); } /// Chmod and chown data and log directories { std::string command = fmt::format("chown --recursive {}:{} '{}'", user, group, log_path); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); } { std::string command = fmt::format("chown --recursive {}:{} '{}'", user, group, pid_path); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); } { /// Not recursive, because there can be a huge number of files and it will be slow. std::string command = fmt::format("chown {}:{} '{}'", user, group, data_path); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); } /// All users are allowed to read pid file (for clickhouse status command). fs::permissions(pid_path, fs::perms::owner_all | fs::perms::group_read | fs::perms::others_read, fs::perm_options::replace); /// Other users in clickhouse group are allowed to read and even delete logs. fs::permissions(log_path, fs::perms::owner_all | fs::perms::group_all, fs::perm_options::replace); /// Data directory is not accessible to anyone except clickhouse. fs::permissions(data_path, fs::perms::owner_all, fs::perm_options::replace); /// Set up password for default user. bool stdin_is_a_tty = isatty(STDIN_FILENO); bool stdout_is_a_tty = isatty(STDOUT_FILENO); bool is_interactive = stdin_is_a_tty && stdout_is_a_tty; if (has_password_for_default_user) { fmt::print("Password for default user is already specified. To remind or reset, see {} and {}.\n", users_config_file.string(), users_d.string()); } else if (!is_interactive) { fmt::print("Password for default user is empty string. See {} and {} to change it.\n", users_config_file.string(), users_d.string()); } else { char buf[1000] = {}; std::string password; if (auto * result = readpassphrase("Enter password for default user: ", buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) password = result; if (!password.empty()) { std::string password_file = users_d / "default-password.xml"; WriteBufferFromFile out(password_file); #if USE_SSL std::vector hash; hash.resize(32); encodeSHA256(password, hash.data()); std::string hash_hex; hash_hex.resize(64); for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i) writeHexByteLowercase(hash[i], &hash_hex[2 * i]); out << "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " " << hash_hex << "\n" " \n" " \n" "\n"; out.sync(); out.finalize(); fmt::print("Password for default user is saved in file {}.\n", password_file); #else out << "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" "\n"; out.sync(); out.finalize(); fmt::print("Password for default user is saved in plaintext in file {}.\n", password_file); #endif has_password_for_default_user = true; } else fmt::print("Password for default user is empty string. See {} and {} to change it.\n", users_config_file.string(), users_d.string()); } /** Set capabilities for the binary. * * 1. Check that "setcap" tool exists. * 2. Check that an arbitrary program with installed capabilities can run. * 3. Set the capabilities. * * The second is important for Docker and systemd-nspawn. * When the container has no capabilities, * but the executable file inside the container has capabilities, * then attempt to run this file will end up with a cryptic "Operation not permitted" message. */ #if defined(__linux__) fmt::print("Setting capabilities for clickhouse binary. This is optional.\n"); std::string command = fmt::format("command -v setcap >/dev/null" " && echo > {0} && chmod a+x {0} && {0} && setcap 'cap_net_admin,cap_ipc_lock,cap_sys_nice+ep' {0} && {0} && rm {0}" " && setcap 'cap_net_admin,cap_ipc_lock,cap_sys_nice+ep' {1}" " || echo \"Cannot set 'net_admin' or 'ipc_lock' or 'sys_nice' capability for clickhouse binary." " This is optional. Taskstats accounting will be disabled." " To enable taskstats accounting you may add the required capability later manually.\"", "/tmp/test_setcap.sh", main_bin_path.string()); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); #endif /// If password was set, ask for open for connections. if (is_interactive && has_password_for_default_user) { if (ask("Allow server to accept connections from the network (default is localhost only), [y/N]: ")) { std::string listen_file = config_d / "listen.xml"; WriteBufferFromFile out(listen_file); out << "\n" " ::\n" "\n"; out.sync(); out.finalize(); fmt::print("The choice is saved in file {}.\n", listen_file); } } std::string maybe_sudo; if (getuid() != 0) maybe_sudo = "sudo "; std::string maybe_password; if (has_password_for_default_user) maybe_password = " --password"; fmt::print( "\nClickHouse has been successfully installed.\n" "\nStart clickhouse-server with:\n" " {}clickhouse start\n" "\nStart clickhouse-client with:\n" " clickhouse-client{}\n\n", maybe_sudo, maybe_password); } catch (...) { std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) << '\n'; return getCurrentExceptionCode(); } return 0; } namespace { int start(const std::string & user, const fs::path & executable, const fs::path & config, const fs::path & pid_file) { if (fs::exists(pid_file)) { ReadBufferFromFile in(pid_file.string()); UInt64 pid; if (tryReadIntText(pid, in)) { fmt::print("{} file exists and contains pid = {}.\n", pid_file.string(), pid); if (0 == kill(pid, 0)) { fmt::print("The process with pid = {} is already running.\n", pid); return 2; } } else { fmt::print("{} file exists but damaged, ignoring.\n", pid_file.string()); fs::remove(pid_file); } } else { /// Create a directory for pid file. /// It's created by "install" but we also support cases when ClickHouse is already installed different way. fs::path pid_path = pid_file; pid_path.remove_filename(); fs::create_directories(pid_path); /// All users are allowed to read pid file (for clickhouse status command). fs::permissions(pid_path, fs::perms::owner_all | fs::perms::group_read | fs::perms::others_read, fs::perm_options::replace); { std::string command = fmt::format("chown --recursive {} '{}'", user, pid_path.string()); fmt::print(" {}\n", command); executeScript(command); } } std::string command = fmt::format("{} --config-file {} --pid-file {} --daemon", executable.string(), config.string(), pid_file.string()); if (!user.empty()) { bool may_need_sudo = geteuid() != 0; if (may_need_sudo) { struct passwd *p = getpwuid(geteuid()); // Only use sudo when we are not the given user if (p == nullptr || std::string(p->pw_name) != user) command = fmt::format("sudo -u '{}' {}", user, command); } else command = fmt::format("su -s /bin/sh '{}' -c '{}'", user, command); } fmt::print("Will run {}\n", command); executeScript(command, true); /// Wait to start. size_t try_num = 0; constexpr size_t num_tries = 60; for (; try_num < num_tries; ++try_num) { fmt::print("Waiting for server to start\n"); if (fs::exists(pid_file)) { fmt::print("Server started\n"); break; } ::sleep(1); } if (try_num == num_tries) { fmt::print("Cannot start server. You can execute {} without --daemon option to run manually.\n", command); fs::path log_path; { ConfigProcessor processor(config.string(), /* throw_on_bad_incl = */ false, /* log_to_console = */ false); ConfigurationPtr configuration(new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration(processor.processConfig())); if (configuration->has("logger.log")) log_path = fs::path(configuration->getString("logger.log")).remove_filename(); } if (log_path.empty()) { fmt::print("Cannot obtain path to logs (logger.log) from config file {}.\n", config.string()); } else { fs::path stderr_path = log_path; stderr_path.replace_filename("stderr.log"); fmt::print("Look for logs at {} and for {}.\n", log_path.string(), stderr_path.string()); } return 3; } return 0; } UInt64 isRunning(const fs::path & pid_file) { UInt64 pid = 0; if (fs::exists(pid_file)) { ReadBufferFromFile in(pid_file.string()); if (tryReadIntText(pid, in)) { fmt::print("{} file exists and contains pid = {}.\n", pid_file.string(), pid); } else { fmt::print("{} file exists but damaged, ignoring.\n", pid_file.string()); fs::remove(pid_file); } } if (!pid) { auto sh = ShellCommand::execute("pidof clickhouse-server"); if (tryReadIntText(pid, sh->out)) { fmt::print("Found pid = {} in the list of running processes.\n", pid); } else if (!sh->out.eof()) { fmt::print("The pidof command returned unusual output.\n"); } WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor stderr(STDERR_FILENO); copyData(sh->err, stderr); sh->tryWait(); } if (pid) { if (0 == kill(pid, 0)) { fmt::print("The process with pid = {} is running.\n", pid); } } if (!pid) { fmt::print("Now there is no clickhouse-server process.\n"); } return pid; } int stop(const fs::path & pid_file) { UInt64 pid = isRunning(pid_file); if (!pid) return 0; if (0 == kill(pid, 15)) /// Terminate fmt::print("Sent termination signal.\n", pid); else throwFromErrno("Cannot send termination signal", ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR); size_t try_num = 0; constexpr size_t num_tries = 60; for (; try_num < num_tries; ++try_num) { fmt::print("Waiting for server to stop\n"); if (!isRunning(pid_file)) { fmt::print("Server stopped\n"); break; } ::sleep(1); } if (try_num == num_tries) { fmt::print("Will terminate forcefully.\n", pid); if (0 == kill(pid, 9)) fmt::print("Sent kill signal.\n", pid); else throwFromErrno("Cannot send kill signal", ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR); } return 0; } } int mainEntryClickHouseStart(int argc, char ** argv) { po::options_description desc; desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("binary-path", po::value()->default_value("/usr/bin"), "directory with binary") ("config-path", po::value()->default_value("/etc/clickhouse-server"), "directory with configs") ("pid-path", po::value()->default_value("/var/run/clickhouse-server"), "directory for pid file") ("user", po::value()->default_value("clickhouse"), "clickhouse user") ; po::variables_map options; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), options); if (options.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: " << (getuid() == 0 ? "" : "sudo ") << argv[0] << " start\n"; return 1; } try { std::string user = options["user"].as(); fs::path executable = fs::path(options["binary-path"].as()) / "clickhouse-server"; fs::path config = fs::path(options["config-path"].as()) / "config.xml"; fs::path pid_file = fs::path(options["pid-path"].as()) / "clickhouse-server.pid"; return start(user, executable, config, pid_file); } catch (...) { std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) << '\n'; return getCurrentExceptionCode(); } } int mainEntryClickHouseStop(int argc, char ** argv) { po::options_description desc; desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("pid-path", po::value()->default_value("/var/run/clickhouse-server"), "directory for pid file") ; po::variables_map options; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), options); if (options.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: " << (getuid() == 0 ? "" : "sudo ") << argv[0] << " stop\n"; return 1; } try { fs::path pid_file = fs::path(options["pid-path"].as()) / "clickhouse-server.pid"; return stop(pid_file); } catch (...) { std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) << '\n'; return getCurrentExceptionCode(); } } int mainEntryClickHouseStatus(int argc, char ** argv) { po::options_description desc; desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("pid-path", po::value()->default_value("/var/run/clickhouse-server"), "directory for pid file") ; po::variables_map options; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), options); if (options.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: " << (getuid() == 0 ? "" : "sudo ") << argv[0] << " status\n"; return 1; } try { fs::path pid_file = fs::path(options["pid-path"].as()) / "clickhouse-server.pid"; isRunning(pid_file); return 0; } catch (...) { std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) << '\n'; return getCurrentExceptionCode(); } } int mainEntryClickHouseRestart(int argc, char ** argv) { po::options_description desc; desc.add_options() ("help,h", "produce help message") ("binary-path", po::value()->default_value("/usr/bin"), "directory with binary") ("config-path", po::value()->default_value("/etc/clickhouse-server"), "directory with configs") ("pid-path", po::value()->default_value("/var/run/clickhouse-server"), "directory for pid file") ("user", po::value()->default_value("clickhouse"), "clickhouse user") ; po::variables_map options; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), options); if (options.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: " << (getuid() == 0 ? "" : "sudo ") << argv[0] << " restart\n"; return 1; } try { std::string user = options["user"].as(); fs::path executable = fs::path(options["binary-path"].as()) / "clickhouse-server"; fs::path config = fs::path(options["config-path"].as()) / "config.xml"; fs::path pid_file = fs::path(options["pid-path"].as()) / "clickhouse-server.pid"; if (int res = stop(pid_file)) return res; return start(user, executable, config, pid_file); } catch (...) { std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) << '\n'; return getCurrentExceptionCode(); } }