#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { class Block; struct Settings; struct ExpressionActionsChain; class ExpressionActions; using ExpressionActionsPtr = std::shared_ptr; using ManyExpressionActions = std::vector; struct ASTTableJoin; class IJoin; using JoinPtr = std::shared_ptr; class ASTFunction; class ASTExpressionList; class ASTSelectQuery; struct ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement; struct StorageInMemoryMetadata; using StorageMetadataPtr = std::shared_ptr; class ArrayJoinAction; using ArrayJoinActionPtr = std::shared_ptr; class ActionsDAG; using ActionsDAGPtr = std::shared_ptr; /// Create columns in block or return false if not possible bool sanitizeBlock(Block & block, bool throw_if_cannot_create_column = false); /// ExpressionAnalyzer sources, intermediates and results. It splits data and logic, allows to test them separately. struct ExpressionAnalyzerData { ~ExpressionAnalyzerData(); PreparedSetsPtr prepared_sets; std::unique_ptr joined_plan; /// Columns after ARRAY JOIN. If there is no ARRAY JOIN, it's source_columns. NamesAndTypesList columns_after_array_join; /// Columns after Columns after ARRAY JOIN and JOIN. If there is no JOIN, it's columns_after_array_join. NamesAndTypesList columns_after_join; /// Columns after ARRAY JOIN, JOIN, and/or aggregation. NamesAndTypesList aggregated_columns; /// Columns after window functions. NamesAndTypesList columns_after_window; /// Keys of ORDER BY NameSet order_by_keys; bool has_aggregation = false; NamesAndTypesList aggregation_keys; NamesAndTypesLists aggregation_keys_list; ColumnNumbersList aggregation_keys_indexes_list; bool has_const_aggregation_keys = false; AggregateDescriptions aggregate_descriptions; WindowDescriptions window_descriptions; NamesAndTypesList window_columns; bool has_global_subqueries = false; /// All new temporary tables obtained by performing the GLOBAL IN/JOIN subqueries. TemporaryTablesMapping external_tables; GroupByKind group_by_kind = GroupByKind::NONE; }; /** Transforms an expression from a syntax tree into a sequence of actions to execute it. * * NOTE: if `ast` is a SELECT query from a table, the structure of this table should not change during the lifetime of ExpressionAnalyzer. */ class ExpressionAnalyzer : protected ExpressionAnalyzerData, private boost::noncopyable, protected WithContext { private: /// Extracts settings to enlight which are used (and avoid copy of others). struct ExtractedSettings { const bool use_index_for_in_with_subqueries; const SizeLimits size_limits_for_set; const UInt64 distributed_group_by_no_merge; explicit ExtractedSettings(const Settings & settings_); }; public: /// Ctor for non-select queries. Generally its usage is: /// auto actions = ExpressionAnalyzer(query, syntax, context).getActions(); ExpressionAnalyzer(const ASTPtr & query_, const TreeRewriterResultPtr & syntax_analyzer_result_, ContextPtr context_) : ExpressionAnalyzer(query_, syntax_analyzer_result_, context_, 0, false, false, {}) { } ~ExpressionAnalyzer(); void appendExpression(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, const ASTPtr & expr, bool only_types); /// If `ast` is not a SELECT query, just gets all the actions to evaluate the expression. /// If add_aliases, only the calculated values in the desired order and add aliases. /// If also project_result, than only aliases remain in the output block. /// Otherwise, only temporary columns will be deleted from the block. ActionsDAGPtr getActionsDAG(bool add_aliases, bool project_result = true); ExpressionActionsPtr getActions(bool add_aliases, bool project_result = true, CompileExpressions compile_expressions = CompileExpressions::no); /// Get actions to evaluate a constant expression. The function adds constants and applies functions that depend only on constants. /// Does not execute subqueries. ActionsDAGPtr getConstActionsDAG(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & constant_inputs = {}); ExpressionActionsPtr getConstActions(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & constant_inputs = {}); /** Sets that require a subquery to be create. * Only the sets needed to perform actions returned from already executed `append*` or `getActions`. * That is, you need to call getSetsWithSubqueries after all calls of `append*` or `getActions` * and create all the returned sets before performing the actions. */ PreparedSetsPtr getPreparedSets() { return prepared_sets; } /// Get intermediates for tests const ExpressionAnalyzerData & getAnalyzedData() const { return *this; } /// A list of windows for window functions. const WindowDescriptions & windowDescriptions() const { return window_descriptions; } void makeWindowDescriptionFromAST(const Context & context, const WindowDescriptions & existing_descriptions, WindowDescription & desc, const IAST * ast); void makeWindowDescriptions(ActionsDAGPtr actions); /** Create Set from a subquery or a table expression in the query. The created set is suitable for using the index. * The set will not be created if its size hits the limit. */ void tryMakeSetForIndexFromSubquery(const ASTPtr & subquery_or_table_name, const SelectQueryOptions & query_options = {}); /** Checks if subquery is not a plain StorageSet. * Because while making set we will read data from StorageSet which is not allowed. * Returns valid SetPtr from StorageSet if the latter is used after IN or nullptr otherwise. */ SetPtr isPlainStorageSetInSubquery(const ASTPtr & subquery_or_table_name); protected: ExpressionAnalyzer( const ASTPtr & query_, const TreeRewriterResultPtr & syntax_analyzer_result_, ContextPtr context_, size_t subquery_depth_, bool do_global_, bool is_explain_, PreparedSetsPtr prepared_sets_, bool is_create_parameterized_view_ = false); ASTPtr query; const ExtractedSettings settings; size_t subquery_depth; TreeRewriterResultPtr syntax; bool is_create_parameterized_view; const ConstStoragePtr & storage() const { return syntax->storage; } /// The main table in FROM clause, if exists. const TableJoin & analyzedJoin() const { return *syntax->analyzed_join; } const NamesAndTypesList & sourceColumns() const { return syntax->required_source_columns; } const std::vector & aggregates() const { return syntax->aggregates; } /// Find global subqueries in the GLOBAL IN/JOIN sections. Fills in external_tables. void initGlobalSubqueriesAndExternalTables(bool do_global, bool is_explain); ArrayJoinActionPtr addMultipleArrayJoinAction(ActionsDAGPtr & actions, bool is_left) const; void getRootActions(const ASTPtr & ast, bool no_makeset_for_subqueries, ActionsDAGPtr & actions, bool only_consts = false); /** Similar to getRootActions but do not make sets when analyzing IN functions. It's used in * analyzeAggregation which happens earlier than analyzing PREWHERE and WHERE. If we did, the * prepared sets would not be applicable for MergeTree index optimization. */ void getRootActionsNoMakeSet(const ASTPtr & ast, ActionsDAGPtr & actions, bool only_consts = false); void getRootActionsForHaving(const ASTPtr & ast, bool no_makeset_for_subqueries, ActionsDAGPtr & actions, bool only_consts = false); void getRootActionsForWindowFunctions(const ASTPtr & ast, bool no_makeset_for_subqueries, ActionsDAGPtr & actions); /** Add aggregation keys to aggregation_keys, aggregate functions to aggregate_descriptions, * Create a set of columns aggregated_columns resulting after the aggregation, if any, * or after all the actions that are normally performed before aggregation. * Set has_aggregation = true if there is GROUP BY or at least one aggregate function. */ void analyzeAggregation(ActionsDAGPtr & temp_actions); void makeAggregateDescriptions(ActionsDAGPtr & actions, AggregateDescriptions & descriptions); const ASTSelectQuery * getSelectQuery() const; bool isRemoteStorage() const { return syntax->is_remote_storage; } NamesAndTypesList getColumnsAfterArrayJoin(ActionsDAGPtr & actions, const NamesAndTypesList & src_columns); NamesAndTypesList analyzeJoin(ActionsDAGPtr & actions, const NamesAndTypesList & src_columns); AggregationKeysInfo getAggregationKeysInfo() const noexcept { return { aggregation_keys, aggregation_keys_indexes_list, group_by_kind }; } }; class SelectQueryExpressionAnalyzer; /// Result of SelectQueryExpressionAnalyzer: expressions for InterpreterSelectQuery struct ExpressionAnalysisResult { std::string dump() const; /// Do I need to perform the first part of the pipeline - running on remote servers during distributed processing. bool first_stage = false; /// Do I need to execute the second part of the pipeline - running on the initiating server during distributed processing. bool second_stage = false; bool need_aggregate = false; bool has_order_by = false; bool has_window = false; String where_column_name; bool remove_where_filter = false; bool optimize_read_in_order = false; bool optimize_aggregation_in_order = false; bool join_has_delayed_stream = false; bool use_grouping_set_key = false; ActionsDAGPtr before_array_join; ArrayJoinActionPtr array_join; ActionsDAGPtr before_join; ActionsDAGPtr converting_join_columns; JoinPtr join; ActionsDAGPtr before_where; ActionsDAGPtr before_aggregation; ActionsDAGPtr before_having; String having_column_name; bool remove_having_filter = false; ActionsDAGPtr before_window; ActionsDAGPtr before_order_by; ActionsDAGPtr before_limit_by; ActionsDAGPtr final_projection; /// Columns from the SELECT list, before renaming them to aliases. Used to /// perform SELECT DISTINCT. Names selected_columns; /// Columns to read from storage if any. Names required_columns; /// Columns will be removed after prewhere actions execution. NameSet columns_to_remove_after_prewhere; PrewhereInfoPtr prewhere_info; FilterDAGInfoPtr filter_info; ConstantFilterDescription prewhere_constant_filter_description; ConstantFilterDescription where_constant_filter_description; /// Actions by every element of ORDER BY ManyExpressionActions order_by_elements_actions; ManyExpressionActions group_by_elements_actions; ExpressionAnalysisResult() = default; ExpressionAnalysisResult( SelectQueryExpressionAnalyzer & query_analyzer, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot, bool first_stage, bool second_stage, bool only_types, const FilterDAGInfoPtr & filter_info, const FilterDAGInfoPtr & additional_filter, /// for setting additional_filters const Block & source_header); /// Filter for row-level security. bool hasFilter() const { return filter_info.get(); } bool hasJoin() const { return join.get(); } bool hasPrewhere() const { return prewhere_info.get(); } bool hasWhere() const { return before_where.get(); } bool hasHaving() const { return before_having.get(); } bool hasLimitBy() const { return before_limit_by.get(); } void removeExtraColumns() const; void checkActions() const; void finalize( const ExpressionActionsChain & chain, ssize_t & prewhere_step_num, ssize_t & where_step_num, ssize_t & having_step_num, const ASTSelectQuery & query); }; /// SelectQuery specific ExpressionAnalyzer part. class SelectQueryExpressionAnalyzer : public ExpressionAnalyzer { public: friend struct ExpressionAnalysisResult; SelectQueryExpressionAnalyzer( const ASTPtr & query_, const TreeRewriterResultPtr & syntax_analyzer_result_, ContextPtr context_, const StorageMetadataPtr & metadata_snapshot_, const Names & required_result_columns_ = {}, bool do_global_ = false, const SelectQueryOptions & options_ = {}, PreparedSetsPtr prepared_sets_ = nullptr) : ExpressionAnalyzer( query_, syntax_analyzer_result_, context_, options_.subquery_depth, do_global_, options_.is_explain, prepared_sets_, options_.is_create_parameterized_view) , metadata_snapshot(metadata_snapshot_) , required_result_columns(required_result_columns_) , query_options(options_) { } /// Does the expression have aggregate functions or a GROUP BY or HAVING section. bool hasAggregation() const { return has_aggregation; } bool hasWindow() const { return !syntax->window_function_asts.empty(); } bool hasGlobalSubqueries() { return has_global_subqueries; } bool hasTableJoin() const { return syntax->ast_join; } /// When there is only one group in GROUPING SETS /// it is a special case that is equal to GROUP BY, i.e.: /// /// GROUPING SETS ((a, b)) -> GROUP BY a, b /// /// But it is rewritten by GroupingSetsRewriterVisitor to GROUP BY, /// so instead of aggregation_keys_list.size() > 1, /// !aggregation_keys_list.empty() can be used. bool useGroupingSetKey() const { return !aggregation_keys_list.empty(); } const NamesAndTypesList & aggregationKeys() const { return aggregation_keys; } bool hasConstAggregationKeys() const { return has_const_aggregation_keys; } const NamesAndTypesLists & aggregationKeysList() const { return aggregation_keys_list; } const AggregateDescriptions & aggregates() const { return aggregate_descriptions; } std::unique_ptr getJoinedPlan(); /// Tables that will need to be sent to remote servers for distributed query processing. const TemporaryTablesMapping & getExternalTables() const { return external_tables; } ActionsDAGPtr simpleSelectActions(); /// These appends are public only for tests void appendSelect(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); /// Deletes all columns except mentioned by SELECT, arranges the remaining columns and renames them to aliases. ActionsDAGPtr appendProjectResult(ExpressionActionsChain & chain) const; /// Create Set-s that we make from IN section to use index on them. void makeSetsForIndex(const ASTPtr & node); private: StorageMetadataPtr metadata_snapshot; /// If non-empty, ignore all expressions not from this list. Names required_result_columns; SelectQueryOptions query_options; JoinPtr makeJoin( const ASTTablesInSelectQueryElement & join_element, const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & left_columns, ActionsDAGPtr & left_convert_actions); const ASTSelectQuery * getAggregatingQuery() const; /** These methods allow you to build a chain of transformations over a block, that receives values in the desired sections of the query. * * Example usage: * ExpressionActionsChain chain; * analyzer.appendWhere(chain); * chain.addStep(); * analyzer.appendSelect(chain); * analyzer.appendOrderBy(chain); * chain.finalize(); * * If only_types = true set, does not execute subqueries in the relevant parts of the query. The actions got this way * shouldn't be executed, they are only needed to get a list of columns with their types. */ /// Before aggregation: ArrayJoinActionPtr appendArrayJoin(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, ActionsDAGPtr & before_array_join, bool only_types); bool appendJoinLeftKeys(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); JoinPtr appendJoin(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, ActionsDAGPtr & converting_join_columns); /// remove_filter is set in ExpressionActionsChain::finalize(); /// Columns in `additional_required_columns` will not be removed (they can be used for e.g. sampling or FINAL modifier). ActionsDAGPtr appendPrewhere(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); bool appendWhere(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); bool appendGroupBy(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types, bool optimize_aggregation_in_order, ManyExpressionActions &); void appendAggregateFunctionsArguments(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); void appendWindowFunctionsArguments(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); void appendExpressionsAfterWindowFunctions(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); void appendSelectSkipWindowExpressions(ExpressionActionsChain::Step & step, ASTPtr const & node); void appendGroupByModifiers(ActionsDAGPtr & before_aggregation, ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); /// After aggregation: bool appendHaving(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); /// appendSelect ActionsDAGPtr appendOrderBy(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types, bool optimize_read_in_order, ManyExpressionActions &); bool appendLimitBy(ExpressionActionsChain & chain, bool only_types); /// appendProjectResult }; }