Go to https://www.monetdb.org/ Dowload now. Latest binary releases. Ubuntu & Debian. https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/deb/ Go to the server where you want to install MonetDB. ``` $ sudo mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/monetdb.list ``` Write: ``` deb https://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/deb/ bionic monetdb ``` ``` $ wget --output-document=- https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/MonetDB-GPG-KEY | sudo apt-key add - $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install monetdb5-sql monetdb-client $ sudo systemctl enable monetdbd $ sudo systemctl start monetdbd $ sudo usermod -a -G monetdb $USER ``` Logout and login back to your server. Tutorial: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/UserGuide/Tutorial Creating the database: ``` $ sudo mkdir /opt/monetdb $ sudo chmod 777 /opt/monetdb $ monetdbd create /opt/monetdb $ monetdbd start /opt/monetdb cannot remove socket files ``` Now you have to stop MonetDB, copy the contents of `/var/monetdb5` to `/opt/monetdb` and replace the `/var/monetdb5` with symlink to `/opt/monetdb`. This is necessary, because I don't have free space in `/var` and creation of database in `/opt` did not succeed. Start MonetDB again. ``` $ sudo systemctl start monetdbd ``` ``` $ monetdb create test created database in maintenance mode: test $ monetdb release test taken database out of maintenance mode: test ``` Run client: ``` $ mclient -u monetdb -d test ``` Type password: monetdb ``` CREATE TABLE hits ( "WatchID" BIGINT, "JavaEnable" TINYINT, "Title" TEXT, "GoodEvent" SMALLINT, "EventTime" TIMESTAMP, "EventDate" Date, "CounterID" INTEGER, "ClientIP" INTEGER, "RegionID" INTEGER, "UserID" BIGINT, "CounterClass" TINYINT, "OS" TINYINT, "UserAgent" TINYINT, "URL" TEXT, "Referer" TEXT, "Refresh" TINYINT, "RefererCategoryID" SMALLINT, "RefererRegionID" INTEGER, "URLCategoryID" SMALLINT, "URLRegionID" INTEGER, "ResolutionWidth" SMALLINT, "ResolutionHeight" SMALLINT, "ResolutionDepth" TINYINT, "FlashMajor" TINYINT, "FlashMinor" TINYINT, "FlashMinor2" TEXT, "NetMajor" TINYINT, "NetMinor" TINYINT, "UserAgentMajor" SMALLINT, "UserAgentMinor" TEXT, "CookieEnable" TINYINT, "JavascriptEnable" TINYINT, "IsMobile" TINYINT, "MobilePhone" TINYINT, "MobilePhoneModel" TEXT, "Params" TEXT, "IPNetworkID" INTEGER, "TraficSourceID" TINYINT, "SearchEngineID" SMALLINT, "SearchPhrase" TEXT, "AdvEngineID" TINYINT, "IsArtifical" TINYINT, "WindowClientWidth" SMALLINT, "WindowClientHeight" SMALLINT, "ClientTimeZone" SMALLINT, "ClientEventTime" TIMESTAMP, "SilverlightVersion1" TINYINT, "SilverlightVersion2" TINYINT, "SilverlightVersion3" INTEGER, "SilverlightVersion4" SMALLINT, "PageCharset" TEXT, "CodeVersion" INTEGER, "IsLink" TINYINT, "IsDownload" TINYINT, "IsNotBounce" TINYINT, "FUniqID" BIGINT, "OriginalURL" TEXT, "HID" INTEGER, "IsOldCounter" TINYINT, "IsEvent" TINYINT, "IsParameter" TINYINT, "DontCountHits" TINYINT, "WithHash" TINYINT, "HitColor" TEXT, "LocalEventTime" TIMESTAMP, "Age" TINYINT, "Sex" TINYINT, "Income" TINYINT, "Interests" SMALLINT, "Robotness" TINYINT, "RemoteIP" INTEGER, "WindowName" INTEGER, "OpenerName" INTEGER, "HistoryLength" SMALLINT, "BrowserLanguage" TEXT, "BrowserCountry" TEXT, "SocialNetwork" TEXT, "SocialAction" TEXT, "HTTPError" SMALLINT, "SendTiming" INTEGER, "DNSTiming" INTEGER, "ConnectTiming" INTEGER, "ResponseStartTiming" INTEGER, "ResponseEndTiming" INTEGER, "FetchTiming" INTEGER, "SocialSourceNetworkID" TINYINT, "SocialSourcePage" TEXT, "ParamPrice" BIGINT, "ParamOrderID" TEXT, "ParamCurrency" TEXT, "ParamCurrencyID" SMALLINT, "OpenstatServiceName" TEXT, "OpenstatCampaignID" TEXT, "OpenstatAdID" TEXT, "OpenstatSourceID" TEXT, "UTMSource" TEXT, "UTMMedium" TEXT, "UTMCampaign" TEXT, "UTMContent" TEXT, "UTMTerm" TEXT, "FromTag" TEXT, "HasGCLID" TINYINT, "RefererHash" BIGINT, "URLHash" BIGINT, "CLID" INTEGER ); ``` # How to prepare data Download the 100 million rows dataset from here and insert into ClickHouse: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/getting-started/example-datasets/metrica/ Create the dataset from ClickHouse: ``` SELECT toInt64(WatchID) = -9223372036854775808 ? -9223372036854775807 : toInt64(WatchID), toInt8(JavaEnable) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(JavaEnable), toValidUTF8(toString(Title)), toInt16(GoodEvent) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(GoodEvent), EventTime, EventDate, toInt32(CounterID) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(CounterID), toInt32(ClientIP) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(ClientIP), toInt32(RegionID) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(RegionID), toInt64(UserID) = -9223372036854775808 ? -9223372036854775807 : toInt64(UserID), toInt8(CounterClass) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(CounterClass), toInt8(OS) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(OS), toInt8(UserAgent) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(UserAgent), toValidUTF8(toString(URL)), toValidUTF8(toString(Referer)), toInt8(Refresh) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(Refresh), toInt16(RefererCategoryID) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(RefererCategoryID), toInt32(RefererRegionID) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(RefererRegionID), toInt16(URLCategoryID) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(URLCategoryID), toInt32(URLRegionID) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(URLRegionID), toInt16(ResolutionWidth) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(ResolutionWidth), toInt16(ResolutionHeight) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(ResolutionHeight), toInt8(ResolutionDepth) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(ResolutionDepth), toInt8(FlashMajor) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(FlashMajor), toInt8(FlashMinor) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(FlashMinor), toValidUTF8(toString(FlashMinor2)), toInt8(NetMajor) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(NetMajor), toInt8(NetMinor) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(NetMinor), toInt16(UserAgentMajor) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(UserAgentMajor), toValidUTF8(toString(UserAgentMinor)), toInt8(CookieEnable) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(CookieEnable), toInt8(JavascriptEnable) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(JavascriptEnable), toInt8(IsMobile) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsMobile), toInt8(MobilePhone) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(MobilePhone), toValidUTF8(toString(MobilePhoneModel)), toValidUTF8(toString(Params)), toInt32(IPNetworkID) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(IPNetworkID), toInt8(TraficSourceID) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(TraficSourceID), toInt16(SearchEngineID) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(SearchEngineID), toValidUTF8(toString(SearchPhrase)), toInt8(AdvEngineID) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(AdvEngineID), toInt8(IsArtifical) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsArtifical), toInt16(WindowClientWidth) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(WindowClientWidth), toInt16(WindowClientHeight) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(WindowClientHeight), toInt16(ClientTimeZone) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(ClientTimeZone), ClientEventTime, toInt8(SilverlightVersion1) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(SilverlightVersion1), toInt8(SilverlightVersion2) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(SilverlightVersion2), toInt32(SilverlightVersion3) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(SilverlightVersion3), toInt16(SilverlightVersion4) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(SilverlightVersion4), toValidUTF8(toString(PageCharset)), toInt32(CodeVersion) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(CodeVersion), toInt8(IsLink) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsLink), toInt8(IsDownload) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsDownload), toInt8(IsNotBounce) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsNotBounce), toInt64(FUniqID) = -9223372036854775808 ? -9223372036854775807 : toInt64(FUniqID), toValidUTF8(toString(OriginalURL)), toInt32(HID) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(HID), toInt8(IsOldCounter) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsOldCounter), toInt8(IsEvent) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsEvent), toInt8(IsParameter) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(IsParameter), toInt8(DontCountHits) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(DontCountHits), toInt8(WithHash) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(WithHash), toValidUTF8(toString(HitColor)), LocalEventTime, toInt8(Age) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(Age), toInt8(Sex) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(Sex), toInt8(Income) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(Income), toInt16(Interests) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(Interests), toInt8(Robotness) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(Robotness), toInt32(RemoteIP) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(RemoteIP), toInt32(WindowName) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(WindowName), toInt32(OpenerName) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(OpenerName), toInt16(HistoryLength) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(HistoryLength), toValidUTF8(toString(BrowserLanguage)), toValidUTF8(toString(BrowserCountry)), toValidUTF8(toString(SocialNetwork)), toValidUTF8(toString(SocialAction)), toInt16(HTTPError) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(HTTPError), toInt32(SendTiming) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(SendTiming), toInt32(DNSTiming) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(DNSTiming), toInt32(ConnectTiming) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(ConnectTiming), toInt32(ResponseStartTiming) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(ResponseStartTiming), toInt32(ResponseEndTiming) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(ResponseEndTiming), toInt32(FetchTiming) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(FetchTiming), toInt8(SocialSourceNetworkID) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(SocialSourceNetworkID), toValidUTF8(toString(SocialSourcePage)), toInt64(ParamPrice) = -9223372036854775808 ? -9223372036854775807 : toInt64(ParamPrice), toValidUTF8(toString(ParamOrderID)), toValidUTF8(toString(ParamCurrency)), toInt16(ParamCurrencyID) = -32768 ? -32767 : toInt16(ParamCurrencyID), toValidUTF8(toString(OpenstatServiceName)), toValidUTF8(toString(OpenstatCampaignID)), toValidUTF8(toString(OpenstatAdID)), toValidUTF8(toString(OpenstatSourceID)), toValidUTF8(toString(UTMSource)), toValidUTF8(toString(UTMMedium)), toValidUTF8(toString(UTMCampaign)), toValidUTF8(toString(UTMContent)), toValidUTF8(toString(UTMTerm)), toValidUTF8(toString(FromTag)), toInt8(HasGCLID) = -128 ? -127 : toInt8(HasGCLID), toInt64(RefererHash) = -9223372036854775808 ? -9223372036854775807 : toInt64(RefererHash), toInt64(URLHash) = -9223372036854775808 ? -9223372036854775807 : toInt64(URLHash), toInt32(CLID) = -2147483648 ? -2147483647 : toInt32(CLID) FROM hits_100m_obfuscated INTO OUTFILE '/home/milovidov/example_datasets/hits_100m_obfuscated_monetdb.tsv' FORMAT TSV; ``` Note that MonetDB does not support the most negative numbers like -128. And we have to convert them by adding one. It makes impossible to store the values of 64bit identifiers in BIGINT. Maybe it's a trick to optimize NULLs? Upload the data: ``` $ mclient -u monetdb -d test ``` Type password: monetdb ``` COPY INTO hits FROM '/home/milovidov/example_datasets/hits_100m_obfuscated_monetdb.tsv' USING DELIMITERS '\t'; ``` It takes 28 minutes 02 seconds on a server (Linux Ubuntu, Xeon E5-2560v2, 32 logical CPU, 128 GiB RAM, 8xHDD RAID-5, 40 TB). It is roughly 60 000 rows per second. Validate the data: ``` SELECT count(*) FROM hits; ``` Create an index: ``` CREATE INDEX hits_idx ON hits ("CounterID", "EventDate"); ``` (it takes 5 seconds) Run the benchmark: ``` ./benchmark.sh | tee log.txt ``` You can find the log in `log.txt` file. Postprocess data: ``` grep clk log.txt | tr -d '\r' | awk '{ if ($3 == "ms") { print $2 / 1000; } else if ($3 == "sec") { print $2 } else { print } }' ``` Then replace values with "min" (minutes) timing manually and save to `tmp.txt`. Then process to JSON format: ``` awk '{ if (i % 3 == 0) { a = $1 } else if (i % 3 == 1) { b = $1 } else if (i % 3 == 2) { c = $1; print "[" a ", " b ", " c "]," }; ++i; }' < tmp.txt ``` And paste to `/website/benchmark/dbms/results/005_monetdb.json` in the repository.