#pragma once #include #include #include #include /// Allows to check the internals of IEEE-754 floating point number. template struct FloatTraits; template <> struct FloatTraits { using UInt = uint32_t; static constexpr size_t bits = 32; static constexpr size_t exponent_bits = 8; static constexpr size_t mantissa_bits = bits - exponent_bits - 1; }; template <> struct FloatTraits { using UInt = uint64_t; static constexpr size_t bits = 64; static constexpr size_t exponent_bits = 11; static constexpr size_t mantissa_bits = bits - exponent_bits - 1; }; /// x = sign * (2 ^ normalized_exponent) * (1 + mantissa * 2 ^ -mantissa_bits) /// x = sign * (2 ^ normalized_exponent + mantissa * 2 ^ (normalized_exponent - mantissa_bits)) template struct DecomposedFloat { using Traits = FloatTraits; DecomposedFloat(T x) { memcpy(&x_uint, &x, sizeof(x)); } typename Traits::UInt x_uint; bool is_negative() const { return x_uint >> (Traits::bits - 1); } /// Returns 0 for both +0. and -0. int sign() const { return (exponent() == 0 && mantissa() == 0) ? 0 : (is_negative() ? -1 : 1); } uint16_t exponent() const { return (x_uint >> (Traits::mantissa_bits)) & (((1ull << (Traits::exponent_bits + 1)) - 1) >> 1); } int16_t normalized_exponent() const { return int16_t(exponent()) - ((1ull << (Traits::exponent_bits - 1)) - 1); } uint64_t mantissa() const { return x_uint & ((1ull << Traits::mantissa_bits) - 1); } int64_t mantissa_with_sign() const { return is_negative() ? -mantissa() : mantissa(); } /// NOTE Probably floating point instructions can be better. bool is_integer_in_representable_range() const { return x_uint == 0 || (normalized_exponent() >= 0 /// The number is not less than one /// The number is inside the range where every integer has exact representation in float && normalized_exponent() <= static_cast(Traits::mantissa_bits) /// After multiplying by 2^exp, the fractional part becomes zero, means the number is integer && ((mantissa() & ((1ULL << (Traits::mantissa_bits - normalized_exponent())) - 1)) == 0)); } /// Compare float with integer of arbitrary width (both signed and unsigned are supported). Assuming two's complement arithmetic. /// Infinities are compared correctly. NaNs are treat similarly to infinities, so they can be less than all numbers. /// (note that we need total order) template int compare(Int rhs) { if (rhs == 0) return sign(); /// Different signs if (is_negative() && rhs > 0) return -1; if (!is_negative() && rhs < 0) return 1; /// Fractional number with magnitude less than one if (normalized_exponent() < 0) { if (!is_negative()) return rhs > 0 ? -1 : 1; else return rhs >= 0 ? -1 : 1; } /// Too large number: abs(float) > abs(rhs). Also the case with infinities and NaN. if (normalized_exponent() >= static_cast(8 * sizeof(Int) - is_signed_v)) { /// The case of most negative integer - it can be equal to float if constexpr (is_signed_v) { if (rhs == std::numeric_limits::lowest() && normalized_exponent() == static_cast(8 * sizeof(Int) - is_signed_v) && is_negative() && mantissa() == 0) { return 0; } } return is_negative() ? -1 : 1; } using UInt = make_unsigned_t; UInt uint_rhs = rhs < 0 ? -rhs : rhs; /// Smaller octave: abs(rhs) < abs(float) if (uint_rhs < (static_cast(1) << normalized_exponent())) return is_negative() ? -1 : 1; /// Larger octave: abs(rhs) > abs(float) if (normalized_exponent() + 1 < static_cast(8 * sizeof(Int) - is_signed_v) && uint_rhs >= (static_cast(1) << (normalized_exponent() + 1))) return is_negative() ? 1 : -1; /// The same octave /// uint_rhs == 2 ^ normalized_exponent + mantissa * 2 ^ (normalized_exponent - mantissa_bits) bool large_and_always_integer = normalized_exponent() >= static_cast(Traits::mantissa_bits); typename Traits::UInt a = large_and_always_integer ? mantissa() << (normalized_exponent() - Traits::mantissa_bits) : mantissa() >> (Traits::mantissa_bits - normalized_exponent()); typename Traits::UInt b = uint_rhs - (static_cast(1) << normalized_exponent()); if (a < b) return is_negative() ? 1 : -1; if (a > b) return is_negative() ? -1 : 1; /// Float has no fractional part means that the numbers are equal. if (large_and_always_integer || (mantissa() & ((1ULL << (Traits::mantissa_bits - normalized_exponent())) - 1)) == 0) return 0; else /// Float has fractional part means its abs value is larger. return is_negative() ? -1 : 1; } template bool equals(Int rhs) { return compare(rhs) == 0; } template bool notEquals(Int rhs) { return compare(rhs) != 0; } template bool less(Int rhs) { return compare(rhs) < 0; } template bool greater(Int rhs) { return compare(rhs) > 0; } template bool lessOrEquals(Int rhs) { return compare(rhs) <= 0; } template bool greaterOrEquals(Int rhs) { return compare(rhs) >= 0; } }; using DecomposedFloat64 = DecomposedFloat; using DecomposedFloat32 = DecomposedFloat;