#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED; extern const int UNFINISHED; extern const int QUERY_IS_PROHIBITED; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } bool isSupportedAlterType(int type) { assert(type != ASTAlterCommand::NO_TYPE); static const std::unordered_set unsupported_alter_types{ /// It's dangerous, because it may duplicate data if executed on multiple replicas. We can allow it after #18978 ASTAlterCommand::ATTACH_PARTITION, /// Usually followed by ATTACH PARTITION ASTAlterCommand::FETCH_PARTITION, /// Logical error ASTAlterCommand::NO_TYPE, }; return unsupported_alter_types.count(type) == 0; } BlockIO executeDDLQueryOnCluster(const ASTPtr & query_ptr_, ContextPtr context) { return executeDDLQueryOnCluster(query_ptr_, context, {}); } BlockIO executeDDLQueryOnCluster(const ASTPtr & query_ptr, ContextPtr context, const AccessRightsElements & query_requires_access) { return executeDDLQueryOnCluster(query_ptr, context, AccessRightsElements{query_requires_access}); } BlockIO executeDDLQueryOnCluster(const ASTPtr & query_ptr_, ContextPtr context, AccessRightsElements && query_requires_access) { /// Remove FORMAT and INTO OUTFILE if exists ASTPtr query_ptr = query_ptr_->clone(); ASTQueryWithOutput::resetOutputASTIfExist(*query_ptr); // XXX: serious design flaw since `ASTQueryWithOnCluster` is not inherited from `IAST`! auto * query = dynamic_cast(query_ptr.get()); if (!query) { throw Exception("Distributed execution is not supported for such DDL queries", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } if (!context->getSettingsRef().allow_distributed_ddl) throw Exception("Distributed DDL queries are prohibited for the user", ErrorCodes::QUERY_IS_PROHIBITED); if (const auto * query_alter = query_ptr->as()) { for (const auto & command : query_alter->command_list->children) { if (!isSupportedAlterType(command->as().type)) throw Exception("Unsupported type of ALTER query", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } } query->cluster = context->getMacros()->expand(query->cluster); ClusterPtr cluster = context->getCluster(query->cluster); DDLWorker & ddl_worker = context->getDDLWorker(); /// Enumerate hosts which will be used to send query. Cluster::AddressesWithFailover shards = cluster->getShardsAddresses(); std::vector hosts; for (const auto & shard : shards) { for (const auto & addr : shard) hosts.emplace_back(addr); } if (hosts.empty()) throw Exception("No hosts defined to execute distributed DDL query", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); /// The current database in a distributed query need to be replaced with either /// the local current database or a shard's default database. bool need_replace_current_database = (std::find_if( query_requires_access.begin(), query_requires_access.end(), [](const AccessRightsElement & elem) { return elem.isEmptyDatabase(); }) != query_requires_access.end()); bool use_local_default_database = false; const String & current_database = context->getCurrentDatabase(); if (need_replace_current_database) { Strings shard_default_databases; for (const auto & shard : shards) { for (const auto & addr : shard) { if (!addr.default_database.empty()) shard_default_databases.push_back(addr.default_database); else use_local_default_database = true; } } std::sort(shard_default_databases.begin(), shard_default_databases.end()); shard_default_databases.erase(std::unique(shard_default_databases.begin(), shard_default_databases.end()), shard_default_databases.end()); assert(use_local_default_database || !shard_default_databases.empty()); if (use_local_default_database && !shard_default_databases.empty()) throw Exception("Mixed local default DB and shard default DB in DDL query", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (use_local_default_database) { query_requires_access.replaceEmptyDatabase(current_database); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i != query_requires_access.size();) { auto & element = query_requires_access[i]; if (element.isEmptyDatabase()) { query_requires_access.insert(query_requires_access.begin() + i + 1, shard_default_databases.size() - 1, element); for (size_t j = 0; j != shard_default_databases.size(); ++j) query_requires_access[i + j].replaceEmptyDatabase(shard_default_databases[j]); i += shard_default_databases.size(); } else ++i; } } } AddDefaultDatabaseVisitor visitor(current_database, !use_local_default_database); visitor.visitDDL(query_ptr); /// Check access rights, assume that all servers have the same users config context->checkAccess(query_requires_access); DDLLogEntry entry; entry.hosts = std::move(hosts); entry.query = queryToString(query_ptr); entry.initiator = ddl_worker.getCommonHostID(); entry.setSettingsIfRequired(context); String node_path = ddl_worker.enqueueQuery(entry); return getDistributedDDLStatus(node_path, entry, context); } BlockIO getDistributedDDLStatus(const String & node_path, const DDLLogEntry & entry, ContextPtr context, const std::optional & hosts_to_wait) { BlockIO io; if (context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_task_timeout == 0) return io; auto stream = std::make_shared(node_path, entry, context, hosts_to_wait); if (context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_output_mode == DistributedDDLOutputMode::NONE) { /// Wait for query to finish, but ignore output NullBlockOutputStream output{Block{}}; copyData(*stream, output); } else { io.in = std::move(stream); } return io; } DDLQueryStatusInputStream::DDLQueryStatusInputStream(const String & zk_node_path, const DDLLogEntry & entry, ContextPtr context_, const std::optional & hosts_to_wait) : node_path(zk_node_path) , context(context_) , watch(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("DDLQueryStatusInputStream")) { if (context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_output_mode == DistributedDDLOutputMode::THROW || context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_output_mode == DistributedDDLOutputMode::NONE) throw_on_timeout = true; else if (context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_output_mode == DistributedDDLOutputMode::NULL_STATUS_ON_TIMEOUT || context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_output_mode == DistributedDDLOutputMode::NEVER_THROW) throw_on_timeout = false; else throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Unknown output mode"); auto maybe_make_nullable = [&](const DataTypePtr & type) -> DataTypePtr { if (throw_on_timeout) return type; return std::make_shared(type); }; sample = Block{ {std::make_shared(), "host"}, {std::make_shared(), "port"}, {maybe_make_nullable(std::make_shared()), "status"}, {maybe_make_nullable(std::make_shared()), "error"}, {std::make_shared(), "num_hosts_remaining"}, {std::make_shared(), "num_hosts_active"}, }; if (hosts_to_wait) { waiting_hosts = NameSet(hosts_to_wait->begin(), hosts_to_wait->end()); by_hostname = false; sample.erase("port"); } else { for (const HostID & host : entry.hosts) waiting_hosts.emplace(host.toString()); } addTotalRowsApprox(waiting_hosts.size()); timeout_seconds = context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_task_timeout; } std::pair DDLQueryStatusInputStream::parseHostAndPort(const String & host_id) const { String host = host_id; UInt16 port = 0; if (by_hostname) { auto host_and_port = Cluster::Address::fromString(host_id); host = host_and_port.first; port = host_and_port.second; } return {host, port}; } Block DDLQueryStatusInputStream::readImpl() { Block res; bool all_hosts_finished = num_hosts_finished >= waiting_hosts.size(); /// Seems like num_hosts_finished cannot be strictly greater than waiting_hosts.size() assert(num_hosts_finished <= waiting_hosts.size()); if (all_hosts_finished || timeout_exceeded) { bool throw_if_error_on_host = context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_output_mode != DistributedDDLOutputMode::NEVER_THROW; if (first_exception && throw_if_error_on_host) throw Exception(*first_exception); return res; } auto zookeeper = context->getZooKeeper(); size_t try_number = 0; while (res.rows() == 0) { if (isCancelled()) { bool throw_if_error_on_host = context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_output_mode != DistributedDDLOutputMode::NEVER_THROW; if (first_exception && throw_if_error_on_host) throw Exception(*first_exception); return res; } if (timeout_seconds >= 0 && watch.elapsedSeconds() > timeout_seconds) { size_t num_unfinished_hosts = waiting_hosts.size() - num_hosts_finished; size_t num_active_hosts = current_active_hosts.size(); constexpr const char * msg_format = "Watching task {} is executing longer than distributed_ddl_task_timeout (={}) seconds. " "There are {} unfinished hosts ({} of them are currently active), " "they are going to execute the query in background"; if (throw_on_timeout) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED, msg_format, node_path, timeout_seconds, num_unfinished_hosts, num_active_hosts); timeout_exceeded = true; LOG_INFO(log, msg_format, node_path, timeout_seconds, num_unfinished_hosts, num_active_hosts); NameSet unfinished_hosts = waiting_hosts; for (const auto & host_id : finished_hosts) unfinished_hosts.erase(host_id); /// Query is not finished on the rest hosts, so fill the corresponding rows with NULLs. MutableColumns columns = sample.cloneEmptyColumns(); for (const String & host_id : unfinished_hosts) { auto [host, port] = parseHostAndPort(host_id); size_t num = 0; columns[num++]->insert(host); if (by_hostname) columns[num++]->insert(port); columns[num++]->insert(Field{}); columns[num++]->insert(Field{}); columns[num++]->insert(num_unfinished_hosts); columns[num++]->insert(num_active_hosts); } res = sample.cloneWithColumns(std::move(columns)); return res; } if (num_hosts_finished != 0 || try_number != 0) { sleepForMilliseconds(std::min(1000, 50 * (try_number + 1))); } if (!zookeeper->exists(node_path)) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED, "Cannot provide query execution status. The query's node {} has been deleted by the cleaner since it was finished (or its lifetime is expired)", node_path); } Strings new_hosts = getNewAndUpdate(getChildrenAllowNoNode(zookeeper, fs::path(node_path) / "finished")); ++try_number; if (new_hosts.empty()) continue; current_active_hosts = getChildrenAllowNoNode(zookeeper, fs::path(node_path) / "active"); MutableColumns columns = sample.cloneEmptyColumns(); for (const String & host_id : new_hosts) { ExecutionStatus status(-1, "Cannot obtain error message"); { String status_data; if (zookeeper->tryGet(fs::path(node_path) / "finished" / host_id, status_data)) status.tryDeserializeText(status_data); } auto [host, port] = parseHostAndPort(host_id); if (status.code != 0 && first_exception == nullptr) first_exception = std::make_unique(status.code, "There was an error on [{}:{}]: {}", host, port, status.message); ++num_hosts_finished; size_t num = 0; columns[num++]->insert(host); if (by_hostname) columns[num++]->insert(port); columns[num++]->insert(status.code); columns[num++]->insert(status.message); columns[num++]->insert(waiting_hosts.size() - num_hosts_finished); columns[num++]->insert(current_active_hosts.size()); } res = sample.cloneWithColumns(std::move(columns)); } return res; } Strings DDLQueryStatusInputStream::getChildrenAllowNoNode(const std::shared_ptr & zookeeper, const String & node_path) { Strings res; Coordination::Error code = zookeeper->tryGetChildren(node_path, res); if (code != Coordination::Error::ZOK && code != Coordination::Error::ZNONODE) throw Coordination::Exception(code, node_path); return res; } Strings DDLQueryStatusInputStream::getNewAndUpdate(const Strings & current_list_of_finished_hosts) { Strings diff; for (const String & host : current_list_of_finished_hosts) { if (!waiting_hosts.count(host)) { if (!ignoring_hosts.count(host)) { ignoring_hosts.emplace(host); LOG_INFO(log, "Unexpected host {} appeared in task {}", host, node_path); } continue; } if (!finished_hosts.count(host)) { diff.emplace_back(host); finished_hosts.emplace(host); } } return diff; } }