--- title: Questions about integrating ClickHouse and other systems toc_hidden_folder: true toc_priority: 4 toc_title: Integration --- # Questions About Integrating ClickHouse and Other Systems {#question-about-integrating-clickhouse-and-other-systems} Questions: - [How do I export data from ClickHouse to a file?](../../faq/integration/file-export.md) - [How to import JSON into ClickHouse?](../../faq/integration/json-import.md) - [What if I have a problem with encodings when connecting to Oracle via ODBC?](../../faq/integration/oracle-odbc.md) !!! info "Don’t see what you were looking for?" Check out [other F.A.Q. categories](../../faq/index.md) or browse around main documentation articles found in the left sidebar. {## [Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/faq/integration/) ##}