When to use ClickHouse

For analytics over a stream of clean, well structured and immutable events or logs. It is recommended to put each such stream into a single wide fact table with pre-joined dimensions.

  • ✓ Web and App analytics
  • ✓ Advertising networks and RTB
  • ✓ Telecommunications
  • ✓ E-commerce and finance
  • ✓ Information security
  • ✓ Monitoring and telemetry
  • ✓ Time series
  • ✓ Business intelligence
  • ✓ Online games
  • ✓ Internet of Things

When NOT to use ClickHouse

  • ✕ Transactional workloads (OLTP)
  • ✕ Key-value requests with a high rate
  • ✕ Blob or document storage
  • ✕ Over-normalized data