# Third-party libraries may have substandard code. # Put all targets defined here and in added subfolders under "contrib/" folder in GUI-based IDEs by default. # Some of third-party projects may override CMAKE_FOLDER or FOLDER property of their targets, so they will # appear not in "contrib/" as originally planned here. get_filename_component (_current_dir_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}" NAME) if (CMAKE_FOLDER) set (CMAKE_FOLDER "${CMAKE_FOLDER}/${_current_dir_name}") else () set (CMAKE_FOLDER "${_current_dir_name}") endif () unset (_current_dir_name) set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -w") set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -w") set_property(DIRECTORY PROPERTY EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL 1) add_subdirectory (boost-cmake) add_subdirectory (cctz-cmake) add_subdirectory (consistent-hashing-sumbur) add_subdirectory (consistent-hashing) add_subdirectory (croaring) add_subdirectory (FastMemcpy) add_subdirectory (hyperscan-cmake) add_subdirectory (jemalloc-cmake) add_subdirectory (libcpuid-cmake) add_subdirectory (libdivide) add_subdirectory (libmetrohash) add_subdirectory (lz4-cmake) add_subdirectory (murmurhash) add_subdirectory (replxx-cmake) add_subdirectory (ryu-cmake) add_subdirectory (unixodbc-cmake) add_subdirectory (poco-cmake) # TODO: refactor the contrib libraries below this comment. if (USE_INTERNAL_ZSTD_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (zstd-cmake) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_RE2_LIBRARY) set(RE2_BUILD_TESTING 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") function(re2_support) # make option() honor normal variables for BUILD_SHARED_LIBS set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0077 NEW) add_subdirectory (re2) add_subdirectory (re2_st) endfunction() re2_support() endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_DOUBLE_CONVERSION_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (double-conversion-cmake) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_CITYHASH_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (cityhash102) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_FARMHASH_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (libfarmhash) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_BTRIE_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (libbtrie) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_ZLIB_LIBRARY) set (ZLIB_ENABLE_TESTS 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (SKIP_INSTALL_ALL 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ZLIB_COMPAT 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") # also enables WITH_GZFILEOP set (WITH_NATIVE_INSTRUCTIONS ${ARCH_NATIVE} CACHE INTERNAL "") if (OS_FREEBSD OR ARCH_I386) set (WITH_OPTIM 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") # Bug in assembler endif () if (ARCH_AARCH64) set(WITH_NEON 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") set(WITH_ACLE 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") endif () add_subdirectory (${INTERNAL_ZLIB_NAME}) # We should use same defines when including zlib.h as used when zlib compiled target_compile_definitions (zlib PUBLIC ZLIB_COMPAT WITH_GZFILEOP) if (TARGET zlibstatic) target_compile_definitions (zlibstatic PUBLIC ZLIB_COMPAT WITH_GZFILEOP) endif () if (ARCH_AMD64 OR ARCH_AARCH64) target_compile_definitions (zlib PUBLIC X86_64 UNALIGNED_OK) if (TARGET zlibstatic) target_compile_definitions (zlibstatic PUBLIC X86_64 UNALIGNED_OK) endif () endif () endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_H3_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(h3-cmake) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_SSL_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (openssl-cmake) add_library(OpenSSL::Crypto ALIAS ${OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY}) add_library(OpenSSL::SSL ALIAS ${OPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY}) endif () if (ENABLE_LDAP AND USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (openldap-cmake) endif () # Should go before: # - mariadb-connector-c # - aws-s3-cmake # - sentry-native add_subdirectory (curl-cmake) function(mysql_support) set(CLIENT_PLUGIN_CACHING_SHA2_PASSWORD STATIC) set(CLIENT_PLUGIN_SHA256_PASSWORD STATIC) set(CLIENT_PLUGIN_REMOTE_IO OFF) set(CLIENT_PLUGIN_DIALOG OFF) set(CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_GSSAPI_CLIENT OFF) set(CLIENT_PLUGIN_CLIENT_ED25519 OFF) set(CLIENT_PLUGIN_MYSQL_CLEAR_PASSWORD OFF) set(SKIP_TESTS 1) if (GLIBC_COMPATIBILITY) set(LIBM glibc-compatibility) endif() if (USE_INTERNAL_ZLIB_LIBRARY) set(ZLIB_FOUND ON) set(ZLIB_LIBRARY ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) set(WITH_EXTERNAL_ZLIB ON) endif() add_subdirectory (mariadb-connector-c) endfunction() if (ENABLE_MYSQL AND USE_INTERNAL_MYSQL_LIBRARY) mysql_support() endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_RDKAFKA_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (librdkafka-cmake) target_include_directories(rdkafka BEFORE PRIVATE ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}) if(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR) target_include_directories(rdkafka BEFORE PRIVATE ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif() endif () if (USE_RDKAFKA) add_subdirectory (cppkafka-cmake) endif() if (ENABLE_ICU AND USE_INTERNAL_ICU_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory (icu-cmake) endif () if(USE_INTERNAL_SNAPPY_LIBRARY) set(SNAPPY_BUILD_TESTS 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") add_subdirectory(snappy) set (SNAPPY_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/snappy") if(SANITIZE STREQUAL "undefined") target_compile_options(${SNAPPY_LIBRARY} PRIVATE -fno-sanitize=undefined) endif() endif() if (USE_INTERNAL_PARQUET_LIBRARY) if (USE_INTERNAL_PARQUET_LIBRARY_NATIVE_CMAKE) # We dont use arrow's cmakefiles because they uses too many depends and download some libs in compile time # But this mode can be used for updating auto-generated parquet files: # cmake -DUSE_INTERNAL_PARQUET_LIBRARY_NATIVE_CMAKE=1 -DUSE_STATIC_LIBRARIES=0 # copy {BUILD_DIR}/contrib/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/*.cpp,*.h -> /contrib/arrow-cmake/cpp/src/parquet/ # Also useful parquet reader: # cd contrib/arrow/cpp/build && mkdir -p build && cmake .. -DPARQUET_BUILD_EXECUTABLES=1 && make -j8 # contrib/arrow/cpp/build/debug/parquet-reader some_file.parquet set (ARROW_COMPUTE ON CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_PARQUET ON CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_VERBOSE_THIRDPARTY_BUILD ON CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_BUILD_SHARED 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_BUILD_UTILITIES OFF CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_BUILD_INTEGRATION OFF CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_BOOST_HEADER_ONLY ON CACHE INTERNAL "") set (Boost_FOUND 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") if (MAKE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) set (PARQUET_ARROW_LINKAGE "static" CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_TEST_LINKAGE "static" CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_BUILD_STATIC ${MAKE_STATIC_LIBRARIES} CACHE INTERNAL "") else () set (PARQUET_ARROW_LINKAGE "shared" CACHE INTERNAL "") set (ARROW_TEST_LINKAGE "shared" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif () if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_UC STREQUAL "RELWITHDEBINFO") set (_save_build_type ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release) string (TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_UC) endif () # Because Arrow uses CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR as a project path # Hopefully will be fixed in https://github.com/apache/arrow/pull/2676 set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/arrow/cpp/cmake_modules") add_subdirectory (arrow/cpp) if (_save_build_type) set (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${_save_build_type}) unset (_save_build_type) string (TOUPPER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_UC) endif () else() add_subdirectory(arrow-cmake) # The library is large - avoid bloat. target_compile_options (${ARROW_LIBRARY} PRIVATE -g0) target_compile_options (${THRIFT_LIBRARY} PRIVATE -g0) target_compile_options (${PARQUET_LIBRARY} PRIVATE -g0) endif() endif() if (USE_INTERNAL_AVRO_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(avro-cmake) endif() if(USE_INTERNAL_GTEST_LIBRARY) # Wrap into function because of CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0022 function(googletest_support) set(GOOGLETEST_VERSION 1.10.0) # master # Google Test from sources uses too old cmake, 2.6.x, and CMP0022 should # set, to avoid using deprecated LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES(_)? over # INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES. set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0022 NEW) # Google Test from sources add_subdirectory(${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/googletest/googletest ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/googletest) # avoid problems with target_compile_definitions (gtest INTERFACE GTEST_HAS_POSIX_RE=0) endfunction() googletest_support() elseif(GTEST_SRC_DIR) add_subdirectory(${GTEST_SRC_DIR}/googletest ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/googletest) target_compile_definitions(gtest INTERFACE GTEST_HAS_POSIX_RE=0) endif() if (USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER AND USE_INTERNAL_LLVM_LIBRARY) # ld: unknown option: --color-diagnostics if (APPLE) set (LINKER_SUPPORTS_COLOR_DIAGNOSTICS 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") endif () set (LLVM_ENABLE_EH 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (LLVM_ENABLE_RTTI 1 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (LLVM_ENABLE_PIC 0 CACHE INTERNAL "") set (LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD "X86;AArch64" CACHE STRING "") add_subdirectory (llvm/llvm) target_include_directories(LLVMSupport SYSTEM BEFORE PRIVATE ${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_LIBGSASL_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(libgsasl) endif() if (USE_INTERNAL_LIBXML2_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(libxml2-cmake) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_BROTLI_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(brotli-cmake) target_compile_definitions(brotli PRIVATE BROTLI_BUILD_PORTABLE=1) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_PROTOBUF_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(protobuf-cmake) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_HDFS3_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(libhdfs3-cmake) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_GRPC_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(grpc-cmake) endif () if (USE_INTERNAL_AWS_S3_LIBRARY) add_subdirectory(aws-s3-cmake) # The library is large - avoid bloat. target_compile_options (aws_s3 PRIVATE -g0) target_compile_options (aws_s3_checksums PRIVATE -g0) endif () if (USE_BASE64) add_subdirectory (base64-cmake) endif() if (USE_SIMDJSON) add_subdirectory (simdjson-cmake) endif() if (USE_FASTOPS) add_subdirectory (fastops-cmake) endif() if (USE_AMQPCPP OR USE_CASSANDRA) add_subdirectory (libuv) endif() if (USE_AMQPCPP) add_subdirectory (amqpcpp-cmake) endif() if (USE_CASSANDRA) add_subdirectory (cassandra) endif() if (USE_SENTRY) add_subdirectory (sentry-native) endif() add_subdirectory (fmtlib-cmake)