#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { class MarkovModel { private: using NGramHash = UInt32; struct HistogramElement { UInt8 byte; UInt32 count; }; struct Histogram { UInt32 total = 0; std::vector data; void add(UInt8 byte) { ++total; for (auto & elem : data) { if (elem.byte == byte) { ++elem.count; return; } } data.emplace_back(HistogramElement{.byte = byte, .count = 1}); } UInt8 sample(UInt32 random) const { random %= total; UInt32 sum = 0; for (const auto & elem : data) { sum += elem.count; if (sum > random) return elem.byte; } __builtin_unreachable(); } }; using Table = HashMap; Table table; size_t n; NGramHash hashContext(const char * pos, const char * data, size_t size) const { if (pos >= data + n) return CRC32Hash()(StringRef(pos - n, n)); else return CRC32Hash()(StringRef(data, pos - data)); } public: MarkovModel(size_t n_) : n(n_) {} MarkovModel() {} void consume(const char * data, size_t size) { const char * pos = data; const char * end = data + size; while (pos < end) { table[hashContext(pos, data, size)].add(*pos); ++pos; } /// Mark end of string as zero byte. table[hashContext(pos, data, size)].add(0); } template size_t generate(char * data, size_t size, Random && random) const { char * pos = data; char * end = data + size; while (pos < end) { auto it = table.find(hashContext(pos, data, size)); if (table.end() == it) return pos - data; *pos = it->second.sample(random()); /// Zero byte marks end of string. if (0 == *pos) return pos - data; ++pos; } return size; } /// Allows to add random noise to frequencies. template void modifyCounts(Transform && transform) { for (auto & elem : table) { UInt32 new_total = 0; for (auto & frequency : elem.second.data) { frequency.count = transform(frequency.count); new_total += frequency.count; } elem.second.total = new_total; } } void write(WriteBuffer & out) const { writeBinary(UInt8(n), out); writeVarUInt(table.size(), out); for (const auto & elem : table) { writeBinary(elem.first, out); writeBinary(UInt8(elem.second.data.size()), out); for (const auto & frequency : elem.second.data) { writeBinary(frequency.byte, out); writeVarUInt(frequency.count, out); } } } void read(ReadBuffer & in) { table.clear(); UInt8 read_n = 0; readBinary(read_n, in); n = read_n; size_t read_size = 0; readVarUInt(read_size, in); for (size_t i = 0; i < read_size; ++i) { NGramHash key = 0; UInt8 historgam_size = 0; readBinary(key, in); readBinary(historgam_size, in); Histogram & histogram = table[key]; histogram.data.resize(historgam_size); for (size_t j = 0; j < historgam_size; ++j) { readBinary(histogram.data[j].byte, in); readVarUInt(histogram.data[j].count, in); histogram.total += histogram.data[j].count; } } } }; }