#!/bin/bash set -ex cd /workspace # We will compare to the most recent testing tag in master branch, let's find it. rm -rf ch ||: git clone --branch master --single-branch --depth 50 --bare https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse ch ref_tag=$(cd ch && git describe --match='v*-testing' --abbrev=0 --first-parent master) echo Reference tag is $ref_tag # We use annotated tags which have their own shas, so we have to further # dereference the tag to get the commit it points to, hence the '~0' thing. ref_sha=$(cd ch && git rev-parse $ref_tag~0) echo Reference SHA is $ref_sha ../compare.sh 0 $ref_sha $PR_TO_TEST $SHA_TO_TEST > compare.log 2>&1 7z a /output/output.7z *.log *.tsv cp compare.log /output