set (SENTRY_LIBRARY "sentry") set (SENTRY_INCLUDE_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/sentry-native/include") if (NOT EXISTS "${SENTRY_INCLUDE_DIR}/sentry.h") message (WARNING "submodule contrib/sentry-native is missing. to fix try run: \n git submodule update --init --recursive") if (USE_SENTRY) message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Can't find internal sentry library") endif() return() endif () if (NOT OS_FREEBSD AND NOT SPLIT_SHARED_LIBRARIES AND NOT_UNBUNDLED AND NOT (OS_DARWIN AND COMPILER_CLANG)) option (USE_SENTRY "Use Sentry" ${ENABLE_LIBRARIES}) set (SENTRY_TRANSPORT "curl" CACHE STRING "") set (SENTRY_BACKEND "none" CACHE STRING "") set (SENTRY_EXPORT_SYMBOLS OFF CACHE BOOL "") set (SENTRY_LINK_PTHREAD OFF CACHE BOOL "") set (SENTRY_PIC OFF CACHE BOOL "") set (BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) message (STATUS "Using sentry=${USE_SENTRY}: ${SENTRY_LIBRARY}") include_directories("${SENTRY_INCLUDE_DIR}") elseif (USE_SENTRY) message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Sentry is not supported in current configuration") endif ()