SELECT * FROM ( SELECT 'http_requests_total' AS name, 'counter' AS type, 'Total number of HTTP requests' AS help, map('method', 'post', 'code', '200') AS labels, 1027 AS value, 1395066363000 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_requests_total' AS name, 'counter' AS type, '' AS help, map('method', 'post', 'code', '400') AS labels, 3 AS value, 1395066363000 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'msdos_file_access_time_seconds' AS name, '' AS type, '' AS help, map('path', 'C:\\DIR\\FILE.TXT', 'error', 'Cannot find file:\n"FILE.TXT"') AS labels, 1458255915 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'metric_without_timestamp_and_labels' AS name, '' AS type, '' AS help, map() AS labels, 12.47 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'something_weird' AS name, '' AS type, '' AS help, map('problem', 'division by zero') AS labels, inf AS value, -3982045 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_request_duration_seconds' AS name, 'histogram' AS type, 'A histogram of the request duration.' AS help, map('le', '0.05') AS labels, 24054 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_request_duration_seconds' AS name, 'histogram' AS type, '' AS help, map('le', '0.1') AS labels, 33444 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_request_duration_seconds' AS name, 'histogram' AS type, '' AS help, map('le', '0.2') AS labels, 100392 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_request_duration_seconds' AS name, 'histogram' AS type, '' AS help, map('le', '0.5') AS labels, 129389 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_request_duration_seconds' AS name, 'histogram' AS type, '' AS help, map('le', '1') AS labels, 133988 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_request_duration_seconds' AS name, 'histogram' AS type, '' AS help, map('le', '+Inf') AS labels, 144320 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'http_request_duration_seconds' AS name, 'histogram' AS type, '' AS help, map('sum', '') AS labels, 53423 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'rpc_duration_seconds' AS name, 'summary' AS type, 'A summary of the RPC duration in seconds.' AS help, map('quantile', '0.01') AS labels, 3102 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'rpc_duration_seconds' AS name, 'summary' AS type, '' AS help, map('quantile', '0.05') AS labels, 3272 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'rpc_duration_seconds' AS name, 'summary' AS type, '' AS help, map('quantile', '0.5') AS labels, 4773 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'rpc_duration_seconds' AS name, 'summary' AS type, '' AS help, map('quantile', '0.9') AS labels, 9001 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'rpc_duration_seconds' AS name, 'summary' AS type, '' AS help, map('quantile', '0.99') AS labels, 76656 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'rpc_duration_seconds' AS name, 'summary' AS type, '' AS help, map('count', '') AS labels, 2693 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp UNION ALL SELECT 'rpc_duration_seconds' AS name, 'summary' AS type, '' AS help, map('sum', '') AS labels, 1.7560473e+07 AS value, 0 :: Float64 AS timestamp ) ORDER BY name, value FORMAT Prometheus; SELECT 'metric' || toString(number) AS name, number AS value, if(number % 2 == 0, 'info ' || toString(number), NULL) AS help, if(number % 3 == 0, 'counter', NULL) AS type, if(number == 2, 1395066363000, NULL) AS timestamp FROM numbers(5) FORMAT Prometheus;