import contextlib import io import logging import re import select import socket import subprocess import time from os import path as p from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Union from kazoo.client import KazooClient from helpers.client import CommandRequest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster, ClickHouseInstance ss_established = [ "ss", "--resolve", "--tcp", "--no-header", "state", "ESTABLISHED", "( dport = 2181 or sport = 2181 )", ] def get_active_zk_connections(node: ClickHouseInstance) -> List[str]: return ( str(node.exec_in_container(ss_established, privileged=True, user="root")) .strip() .split("\n") ) def get_zookeeper_which_node_connected_to(node: ClickHouseInstance) -> str: line = str( node.exec_in_container(ss_established, privileged=True, user="root") ).strip() pattern = re.compile(r"zoo[0-9]+", re.IGNORECASE) result = pattern.findall(line) assert ( len(result) == 1 ), "ClickHouse must be connected only to one Zookeeper at a time" assert isinstance(result[0], str) return result[0] def execute_keeper_client_query( cluster: ClickHouseCluster, node: ClickHouseInstance, query: str ) -> str: request = CommandRequest( [ cluster.server_bin_path, "keeper-client", "--host", str(cluster.get_instance_ip(, "--port", str(cluster.zookeeper_port), "-q", query, ], stdin="", ) return request.get_answer() class KeeperException(Exception): pass class KeeperClient(object): SEPARATOR = b"\a\a\a\a\n" def __init__(self, bin_path: str, host: str, port: int, connection_tries=30): self.bin_path = bin_path = host self.port = port retry_count = 0 while True: try: self.proc = subprocess.Popen( [ bin_path, "keeper-client", "--host", host, "--port", str(port), "--log-level", "error", "--tests-mode", "--no-confirmation", ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) self.poller = select.epoll() self.poller.register(self.proc.stdout) self.poller.register(self.proc.stderr) self._fd_nums = { self.proc.stdout.fileno(): self.proc.stdout, self.proc.stderr.fileno(): self.proc.stderr, } self.stopped = False self.get("/keeper", 60.0) break except Exception as e: retry_count += 1 if ( "All connection tries failed while connecting to ZooKeeper" in str(e) and retry_count < connection_tries ): logging.debug( "Got exception while connecting to Keeper: %s\nWill reconnect, reconnect count = %s", e, retry_count, ) time.sleep(1) else: raise def execute_query(self, query: str, timeout: float = 60.0) -> str: output = io.BytesIO() self.proc.stdin.write(query.encode() + b"\n") self.proc.stdin.flush() events = self.poller.poll(timeout) if not events: raise TimeoutError(f"Keeper client returned no output") for fd_num, event in events: if event & (select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLPRI): file = self._fd_nums[fd_num] if file == self.proc.stdout: while True: chunk = file.readline() if chunk.endswith(self.SEPARATOR): break output.write(chunk) elif file == self.proc.stderr: self.proc.stdout.readline() raise KeeperException(self.proc.stderr.readline().strip().decode()) else: raise ValueError(f"Failed to read from pipe. Flag {event}") data = output.getvalue().strip().decode() return data def cd(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0): self.execute_query(f"cd '{path}'", timeout) def ls(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0) -> list[str]: return self.execute_query(f"ls '{path}'", timeout).split(" ") def create(self, path: str, value: str, timeout: float = 60.0): self.execute_query(f"create '{path}' '{value}'", timeout) def get(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0) -> str: return self.execute_query(f"get '{path}'", timeout) def set(self, path: str, value: str, version: Optional[int] = None) -> None: self.execute_query( f"set '{path}' '{value}' {version if version is not None else ''}" ) def rm(self, path: str, version: Optional[int] = None) -> None: self.execute_query(f"rm '{path}' {version if version is not None else ''}") def exists(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0) -> bool: return bool(int(self.execute_query(f"exists '{path}'", timeout))) def stop(self): if not self.stopped: self.stopped = True self.proc.communicate(b"exit\n", timeout=10.0) def sync(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0): self.execute_query(f"sync '{path}'", timeout) def touch(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0): self.execute_query(f"touch '{path}'", timeout) def find_big_family(self, path: str, n: int = 10, timeout: float = 60.0) -> str: return self.execute_query(f"find_big_family '{path}' {n}", timeout) def find_super_nodes(self, threshold: int, timeout: float = 60.0) -> str: return self.execute_query(f"find_super_nodes {threshold}", timeout) def get_direct_children_number(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0) -> str: return self.execute_query(f"get_direct_children_number '{path}'", timeout) def get_all_children_number(self, path: str, timeout: float = 60.0) -> str: return self.execute_query(f"get_all_children_number '{path}'", timeout) def delete_stale_backups(self, timeout: float = 60.0) -> str: return self.execute_query("delete_stale_backups", timeout) def reconfig( self, joining: Optional[str], leaving: Optional[str], new_members: Optional[str], timeout: float = 60.0, ) -> str: if bool(joining) + bool(leaving) + bool(new_members) != 1: raise ValueError( "Exactly one of joining, leaving or new_members must be specified" ) if joining is not None: operation = "add" elif leaving is not None: operation = "remove" elif new_members is not None: operation = "set" else: raise ValueError( "At least one of joining, leaving or new_members must be specified" ) return self.execute_query( f"reconfig {operation} '{joining or leaving or new_members}'", timeout ) @classmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def from_cluster( cls, cluster: ClickHouseCluster, keeper_node: str, port: Optional[int] = None ) -> "KeeperClient": client = cls( cluster.server_bin_path, cluster.get_instance_ip(keeper_node), port or cluster.zookeeper_port, ) try: yield client finally: client.stop() def get_keeper_socket(cluster, node, port=9181): hosts = cluster.get_instance_ip( client = socket.socket() client.settimeout(10) client.connect((hosts, port)) return client def send_4lw_cmd(cluster, node, cmd="ruok", port=9181): client = None try: client = get_keeper_socket(cluster, node, port) client.send(cmd.encode()) data = client.recv(100_000) data = data.decode() return data finally: if client is not None: client.close() NOT_SERVING_REQUESTS_ERROR_MSG = "This instance is not currently serving requests" def wait_until_connected(cluster, node, port=9181, timeout=30.0): start = time.time() while send_4lw_cmd(cluster, node, "mntr", port) == NOT_SERVING_REQUESTS_ERROR_MSG: time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - start > timeout: raise Exception( f"{timeout}s timeout while waiting for {} to start serving requests" ) def wait_until_quorum_lost(cluster, node, port=9181): while send_4lw_cmd(cluster, node, "mntr", port) != NOT_SERVING_REQUESTS_ERROR_MSG: time.sleep(0.1) def wait_nodes(cluster, nodes): for node in nodes: wait_until_connected(cluster, node) def is_leader(cluster, node, port=9181): stat = send_4lw_cmd(cluster, node, "stat", port) return "Mode: leader" in stat def is_follower(cluster, node, port=9181): stat = send_4lw_cmd(cluster, node, "stat", port) return "Mode: follower" in stat def get_leader(cluster, nodes): for node in nodes: if is_leader(cluster, node): return node raise Exception("No leader in Keeper cluster.") def get_any_follower(cluster, nodes): for node in nodes: if is_follower(cluster, node): return node raise Exception("No followers in Keeper cluster.") def get_fake_zk(cluster, node, timeout: float = 30.0) -> KazooClient: _fake = KazooClient( hosts=cluster.get_instance_ip( + ":9181", timeout=timeout ) _fake.start() return _fake def get_config_str(zk: KeeperClient) -> str: """ Return decoded contents of /keeper/config node """ return zk.get("/keeper/config") def wait_configs_equal(left_config: str, right_zk: KeeperClient, timeout: float = 30.0): """ Check whether get /keeper/config result in left_config is equal to get /keeper/config on right_zk ZK connection. """ start = time.time() left_config = sorted(left_config.split("\n")) while True: right_config = sorted(get_config_str(right_zk).split("\n")) if left_config == right_config: return time.sleep(1) if time.time() - start > timeout: raise Exception( f"timeout while checking nodes configs to get equal. " f"Left: {left_config}, right: {right_config}" ) def replace_zookeeper_config( nodes: Union[Sequence[ClickHouseInstance], ClickHouseInstance], new_config: str ) -> None: if not isinstance(nodes, Sequence): nodes = (nodes,) for node in nodes: node.replace_config("/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/zookeeper.xml", new_config) node.query("SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG") def reset_zookeeper_config( nodes: Union[Sequence[ClickHouseInstance], ClickHouseInstance], file_path: str = p.join(p.dirname(p.realpath(__file__)), "zookeeper_config.xml"), ) -> None: """Resets the keeper config to default or to a given path on the disk""" with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as cf: replace_zookeeper_config(nodes,