# How to use Address Sanitizer Note: We use Address Sanitizer to run functional tests for every commit automatically. ``` mkdir build_asan && cd build_asan ``` Note: using clang instead of gcc is strongly recommended. ``` CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D SANITIZE=address .. ninja ``` ## Copy binary to your server ``` scp ./dbms/programs/clickhouse yourserver:~/clickhouse-asan ``` ## Start ClickHouse and run tests ``` sudo -u clickhouse ./clickhouse-asan server --config /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml ``` # How to use Thread Sanitizer ``` mkdir build_tsan && cd build_tsan ``` ``` CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D SANITIZE=thread .. ninja ``` ## Start ClickHouse and run tests ``` sudo -u clickhouse TSAN_OPTIONS='halt_on_error=1,suppressions=../dbms/tests/tsan_suppressions.txt' ./clickhouse-tsan server --config /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml ``` # How to use Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer ``` mkdir build_ubsan && cd build_ubsan ``` Note: clang is mandatory, because gcc (in version 8) has false positives due to devirtualization and it has less amount of checks. ``` CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -D SANITIZE=undefined .. ninja ``` ## Start ClickHouse and run tests ``` sudo -u clickhouse UBSAN_OPTIONS='print_stacktrace=1' ./clickhouse-ubsan server --config /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml ``` # How to use Memory Sanitizer TODO