#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import logging import argparse import csv OK_SIGN = "[ OK " FAIL_SIGN = "[ FAIL " TIMEOUT_SIGN = "[ Timeout! " UNKNOWN_SIGN = "[ UNKNOWN " SKIPPED_SIGN = "[ SKIPPED " HUNG_SIGN = "Found hung queries in processlist" SERVER_DIED_SIGN = "Server died, terminating all processes" DATABASE_SIGN = "Database: " SUCCESS_FINISH_SIGNS = ["All tests have finished", "No tests were run"] RETRIES_SIGN = "Some tests were restarted" def process_test_log(log_path, broken_tests): total = 0 skipped = 0 unknown = 0 failed = 0 success = 0 hung = False server_died = False retries = False success_finish = False test_results = [] test_end = True with open(log_path, "r") as test_file: for line in test_file: original_line = line line = line.strip() if any(s in line for s in SUCCESS_FINISH_SIGNS): success_finish = True # Ignore hung check report, since it may be quite large. # (and may break python parser which has limit of 128KiB for each row). if HUNG_SIGN in line: hung = True break if SERVER_DIED_SIGN in line: server_died = True if RETRIES_SIGN in line: retries = True if any( sign in line for sign in (OK_SIGN, FAIL_SIGN, UNKNOWN_SIGN, SKIPPED_SIGN) ): test_name = line.split(" ")[2].split(":")[0] test_time = "" try: time_token = line.split("]")[1].strip().split()[0] float(time_token) test_time = time_token except: pass total += 1 if TIMEOUT_SIGN in line: if test_name in broken_tests: success += 1 test_results.append((test_name, "BROKEN", test_time, [])) else: failed += 1 test_results.append((test_name, "Timeout", test_time, [])) elif FAIL_SIGN in line: if test_name in broken_tests: success += 1 test_results.append((test_name, "BROKEN", test_time, [])) else: failed += 1 test_results.append((test_name, "FAIL", test_time, [])) elif UNKNOWN_SIGN in line: unknown += 1 test_results.append((test_name, "FAIL", test_time, [])) elif SKIPPED_SIGN in line: skipped += 1 test_results.append((test_name, "SKIPPED", test_time, [])) else: if OK_SIGN in line and test_name in broken_tests: skipped += 1 test_results.append( ( test_name, "NOT_FAILED", test_time, ["This test passed. Update analyzer_tech_debt.txt.\n"], ) ) else: success += int(OK_SIGN in line) test_results.append((test_name, "OK", test_time, [])) test_end = False elif ( len(test_results) > 0 and test_results[-1][1] == "FAIL" and not test_end ): test_results[-1][3].append(original_line) # Database printed after everything else in case of failures, # so this is a stop marker for capturing test output. # # And it is handled after everything else to include line with database into the report. if DATABASE_SIGN in line: test_end = True # Python does not support TSV, so we have to escape '\t' and '\n' manually # and hope that complex escape sequences will not break anything test_results = [ ( test[0], test[1], test[2], "".join(test[3])[:4096].replace("\t", "\\t").replace("\n", "\\n"), ) for test in test_results ] return ( total, skipped, unknown, failed, success, hung, server_died, success_finish, retries, test_results, ) def process_result(result_path, broken_tests): test_results = [] state = "success" description = "" files = os.listdir(result_path) if files: logging.info("Find files in result folder %s", ",".join(files)) result_path = os.path.join(result_path, "test_result.txt") else: result_path = None description = "No output log" state = "error" if result_path and os.path.exists(result_path): ( total, skipped, unknown, failed, success, hung, server_died, success_finish, retries, test_results, ) = process_test_log(result_path, broken_tests) is_flacky_check = 1 < int(os.environ.get("NUM_TRIES", 1)) logging.info("Is flaky check: %s", is_flacky_check) # If no tests were run (success == 0) it indicates an error (e.g. server did not start or crashed immediately) # But it's Ok for "flaky checks" - they can contain just one test for check which is marked as skipped. if failed != 0 or unknown != 0 or (success == 0 and (not is_flacky_check)): state = "failure" if hung: description = "Some queries hung, " state = "failure" test_results.append(("Some queries hung", "FAIL", "0", "")) elif server_died: description = "Server died, " state = "failure" test_results.append(("Server died", "FAIL", "0", "")) elif not success_finish: description = "Tests are not finished, " state = "failure" test_results.append(("Tests are not finished", "FAIL", "0", "")) elif retries: description = "Some tests restarted, " test_results.append(("Some tests restarted", "SKIPPED", "0", "")) else: description = "" description += "fail: {}, passed: {}".format(failed, success) if skipped != 0: description += ", skipped: {}".format(skipped) if unknown != 0: description += ", unknown: {}".format(unknown) else: state = "failure" description = "Output log doesn't exist" test_results = [] return state, description, test_results def write_results(results_file, status_file, results, status): with open(results_file, "w") as f: out = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") out.writerows(results) with open(status_file, "w") as f: out = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") out.writerow(status) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(message)s") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="ClickHouse script for parsing results of functional tests" ) parser.add_argument("--in-results-dir", default="/test_output/") parser.add_argument("--out-results-file", default="/test_output/test_results.tsv") parser.add_argument("--out-status-file", default="/test_output/check_status.tsv") parser.add_argument("--broken-tests", default="/analyzer_tech_debt.txt") args = parser.parse_args() broken_tests = list() if os.path.exists(args.broken_tests): logging.info(f"File {args.broken_tests} with broken tests found") with open(args.broken_tests) as f: broken_tests = f.read().splitlines() logging.info(f"Broken tests in the list: {len(broken_tests)}") state, description, test_results = process_result(args.in_results_dir, broken_tests) logging.info("Result parsed") status = (state, description) def test_result_comparator(item): # sort by status then by check name order = { "FAIL": 0, "Timeout": 1, "NOT_FAILED": 2, "BROKEN": 3, "OK": 4, "SKIPPED": 5, } return order.get(item[1], 10), str(item[0]), item[1] test_results.sort(key=test_result_comparator) write_results(args.out_results_file, args.out_status_file, test_results, status) logging.info("Result written")