#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import time import os import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.mock_servers import start_s3_mock, start_mock_servers from helpers.utility import generate_values, replace_config, SafeThread from helpers.wait_for_helpers import wait_for_delete_inactive_parts from helpers.wait_for_helpers import wait_for_delete_empty_parts from helpers.wait_for_helpers import wait_for_merges SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def init_broken_s3(cluster): yield start_s3_mock(cluster, "broken_s3", "8083") @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def broken_s3(init_broken_s3): init_broken_s3.reset() yield init_broken_s3 @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster(): try: cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) cluster.add_instance( "node", main_configs=[ "configs/storage_policy.xml", ], with_minio=True, ) cluster.start() logging.info("Cluster started") yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def test_async_alter_move(cluster, broken_s3): node = cluster.instances["node"] node.query( """ CREATE TABLE moving_table_async ( key UInt64, data String ) ENGINE MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple() SETTINGS storage_policy = 'slow_s3' """ ) node.query( "INSERT INTO moving_table_async SELECT number, randomPrintableASCII(1000) FROM numbers(10000)" ) broken_s3.setup_slow_answers( timeout=5, count=1000000, ) node.query( "ALTER TABLE moving_table_async MOVE PARTITION tuple() TO DISK 'broken_s3'", settings={"alter_move_to_space_execute_async": True}, timeout=10, ) # not flaky, just introduce some wait time.sleep(3) for i in range(100): count = node.query( "SELECT count() FROM system.moves where table = 'moving_table_async'" ) if count == "1\n": break time.sleep(0.1) else: assert False, "Cannot find any moving background operation" def test_sync_alter_move(cluster, broken_s3): node = cluster.instances["node"] node.query( """ CREATE TABLE moving_table_sync ( key UInt64, data String ) ENGINE MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple() SETTINGS storage_policy = 'slow_s3' """ ) node.query( "INSERT INTO moving_table_sync SELECT number, randomPrintableASCII(1000) FROM numbers(10000)" ) broken_s3.reset() node.query( "ALTER TABLE moving_table_sync MOVE PARTITION tuple() TO DISK 'broken_s3'", timeout=30, ) # not flaky, just introduce some wait time.sleep(3) assert ( node.query("SELECT count() FROM system.moves where table = 'moving_table_sync'") == "0\n" ) assert ( node.query( "SELECT disk_name FROM system.parts WHERE table = 'moving_table_sync'" ) == "broken_s3\n" )