#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tags: no-s3-storage, no-random-settings, no-random-merge-tree-settings CUR_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CUR_DIR"/../shell_config.sh $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -nm -q " drop table if exists data; create table data (key UInt64 CODEC(NONE)) engine=MergeTree() order by tuple() settings min_bytes_for_wide_part=1e9; " # reading 1e6*8 bytes with 1M bandwith it should take (8-1)/1=7 seconds $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "insert into data select * from numbers(1e6)" query_id=$(random_str 10) $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --query_id "$query_id" -q "backup table data to Disk('backups', '$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE/data/backup1')" --max_backup_bandwidth=1M > /dev/null $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -nm -q " SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS; SELECT query_duration_ms >= 7e3, ProfileEvents['ReadBufferFromFileDescriptorReadBytes'] > 8e6 FROM system.query_log WHERE current_database = '$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE' AND query_id = '$query_id' AND type != 'QueryStart' "