#include "DisksClient.h" #include #include #include #include namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; }; namespace DB { DiskWithPath::DiskWithPath(DiskPtr disk_, std::optional path_) : disk(disk_) { if (path_.has_value()) { if (!fs::path{path_.value()}.is_absolute()) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Initializing path {} is not absolute", path_.value()); } path = path_.value(); } else { path = String{"/"}; } String relative_path = normalizePathAndGetAsRelative(path); if (disk->existsDirectory(relative_path) || (relative_path.empty() && (disk->existsDirectory("/")))) { return; } throw Exception( ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Initializing path {} (normalized path: {}) at disk {} is not a directory", path, relative_path, disk->getName()); } std::vector DiskWithPath::listAllFilesByPath(const String & any_path) const { if (isDirectory(any_path)) { std::vector file_names; disk->listFiles(getRelativeFromRoot(any_path), file_names); return file_names; } return {}; } std::vector DiskWithPath::getAllFilesByPattern(const String & pattern) const { auto [path_before, path_after] = [&]() -> std::pair { auto slash_pos = pattern.find_last_of('/'); if (slash_pos >= pattern.size()) return {"", pattern}; return {pattern.substr(0, slash_pos + 1), pattern.substr(slash_pos + 1, pattern.size() - slash_pos - 1)}; }(); if (!isDirectory(path_before)) return {}; std::vector file_names = listAllFilesByPath(path_before); std::vector answer; for (const auto & file_name : file_names) { if (file_name.starts_with(path_after)) { String file_pattern = path_before + file_name; if (isDirectory(file_pattern)) { file_pattern = file_pattern + "/"; } answer.push_back(file_pattern); } } return answer; }; void DiskWithPath::setPath(const String & any_path) { if (isDirectory(any_path)) { path = getAbsolutePath(any_path); } else { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Path {} at disk {} is not a directory", any_path, disk->getName()); } } String DiskWithPath::validatePathAndGetAsRelative(const String & path) { String lexically_normal_path = fs::path(path).lexically_normal(); if (lexically_normal_path.contains("..")) throw DB::Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Path {} is not normalized", path); /// If path is absolute we should keep it as relative inside disk, so disk will look like /// an ordinary filesystem with root. if (fs::path(lexically_normal_path).is_absolute()) return lexically_normal_path.substr(1); return lexically_normal_path; } String DiskWithPath::normalizePathAndGetAsRelative(const String & messyPath) { std::filesystem::path path(messyPath); std::filesystem::path canonical_path = std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(path); String npath = canonical_path.make_preferred().string(); return validatePathAndGetAsRelative(npath); } String DiskWithPath::normalizePath(const String & path) { std::filesystem::path canonical_path = std::filesystem::weakly_canonical(path); return canonical_path.make_preferred().string(); } DisksClient::DisksClient(std::vector>> && disks_with_paths, std::optional begin_disk) { if (disks_with_paths.empty()) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Initializing array of disks is empty"); } if (!begin_disk.has_value()) { begin_disk = disks_with_paths[0].first->getName(); } bool has_begin_disk = false; for (auto & [disk, path] : disks_with_paths) { addDisk(disk, path); if (disk->getName() == begin_disk.value()) { has_begin_disk = true; } } if (!has_begin_disk) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "There is no begin_disk '{}' in initializing array", begin_disk.value()); } current_disk = std::move(begin_disk.value()); } const DiskWithPath & DisksClient::getDiskWithPath(const String & disk) const { try { return disks.at(disk); } catch (...) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' is unknown", disk); } } DiskWithPath & DisksClient::getDiskWithPath(const String & disk) { try { return disks.at(disk); } catch (...) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' is unknown", disk); } } const DiskWithPath & DisksClient::getCurrentDiskWithPath() const { try { return disks.at(current_disk); } catch (...) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "There is no current disk in client"); } } DiskWithPath & DisksClient::getCurrentDiskWithPath() { try { return disks.at(current_disk); } catch (...) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "There is no current disk in client"); } } void DisksClient::switchToDisk(const String & disk_, const std::optional & path_) { if (disks.contains(disk_)) { if (path_.has_value()) { disks.at(disk_).setPath(path_.value()); } current_disk = disk_; } else { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' is unknown", disk_); } } std::vector DisksClient::getAllDiskNames() const { std::vector answer{}; answer.reserve(disks.size()); for (const auto & [disk_name, _] : disks) { answer.push_back(disk_name); } return answer; } std::vector DisksClient::getAllFilesByPatternFromAllDisks(const String & pattern) const { std::vector answer{}; for (const auto & [_, disk] : disks) { for (auto & word : disk.getAllFilesByPattern(pattern)) { answer.push_back(word); } } return answer; } void DisksClient::addDisk(DiskPtr disk_, const std::optional & path_) { String disk_name = disk_->getName(); if (disks.contains(disk_->getName())) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "The disk '{}' already exists", disk_name); } disks.emplace(disk_name, DiskWithPath{disk_, path_}); } }