--- slug: /en/engines/table-engines/special/executable sidebar_position: 40 sidebar_label: Executable --- # Executable and ExecutablePool Table Engines The `Executable` and `ExecutablePool` table engines allow you to define a table whose rows are generated from a script that you define (by writing rows to **stdout**). The executable script is stored in the `users_scripts` directory and can read data from any source. - `Executable` tables: the script is run on every query - `ExecutablePool` tables: maintains a pool of persistent processes, and takes processes from the pool for reads You can optionally include one or more input queries that stream their results to **stdin** for the script to read. ## Creating an Executable Table The `Executable` table engine requires two parameters: the name of the script and the format of the incoming data. You can optionally pass in one or more input queries: ```sql Executable(script_name, format, [input_query...]) ``` Here are the relevant settings for an `Executable` table: - `send_chunk_header` - Description: Send the number of rows in each chunk before sending a chunk to process. This setting can help to write your script in a more efficient way to preallocate some resources - Default value: false - `command_termination_timeout` - Description: Command termination timeout in seconds - Default value: 10 - `command_read_timeout` - Description: Timeout for reading data from command stdout in milliseconds - Default value: 10000 - `command_write_timeout` - Description: Timeout for writing data to command stdin in milliseconds - Default value: 10000 Let's look at an example. The following Python script is named `my_script.py` and is saved in the `user_scripts` folder. It reads in a number `i` and prints `i` random strings, with each string preceded by a number that is separated by a tab: ```python #!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import string import random def main(): # Read input value for number in sys.stdin: i = int(number) # Generate some random rows for id in range(0, i): letters = string.ascii_letters random_string = ''.join(random.choices(letters ,k=10)) print(str(id) + '\t' + random_string + '\n', end='') # Flush results to stdout sys.stdout.flush() if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` The following `my_executable_table` is built from the output of `my_script.py`, which will generate 10 random strings everytime you run a `SELECT` from `my_executable_table`: ```sql CREATE TABLE my_executable_table ( x UInt32, y String ) ENGINE = Executable('my_script.py', TabSeparated, (SELECT 10)) ``` Creating the table returns immediately and does not invoke the script. Querying `my_executable_table` causes the script to be invoked: ```sql SELECT * FROM my_executable_table ``` ```response ┌─x─┬─y──────────┐ │ 0 │ BsnKBsNGNH │ │ 1 │ mgHfBCUrWM │ │ 2 │ iDQAVhlygr │ │ 3 │ uNGwDuXyCk │ │ 4 │ GcFdQWvoLB │ │ 5 │ UkciuuOTVO │ │ 6 │ HoKeCdHkbs │ │ 7 │ xRvySxqAcR │ │ 8 │ LKbXPHpyDI │ │ 9 │ zxogHTzEVV │ └───┴────────────┘ ``` ## Passing Query Results to a Script Users of the Hacker News website leave comments. Python contains a natural language processing toolkit (`nltk`) with a `SentimentIntensityAnalyzer` for determining if comments are positive, negative, or neutral - including assigning a value between -1 (a very negative comment) and 1 (a very positive comment). Let's create an `Executable` table that computes the sentiment of Hacker News comments using `nltk`. This example uses the `hackernews` table described [here](https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/invertedindexes/#full-text-search-of-the-hacker-news-dataset). The `hackernews` table includes an `id` column of type `UInt64` and a `String` column named `comment`. Let's start by defining the `Executable` table: ```sql CREATE TABLE sentiment ( id UInt64, sentiment Float32 ) ENGINE = Executable( 'sentiment.py', TabSeparated, (SELECT id, comment FROM hackernews WHERE id > 0 AND comment != '' LIMIT 20) ); ``` Some comments about the `sentiment` table: - The file `sentiment.py` is saved in the `user_scripts` folder (the default folder of the `user_scripts_path` setting) - The `TabSeparated` format means our Python script needs to generate rows of raw data that contain tab-separated values - The query selects two columns from `hackernews`. The Python script will need to parse out those column values from the incoming rows Here is the definition of `sentiment.py`: ```python #!/usr/local/bin/python3.9 import sys import nltk from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer def main(): sentiment_analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() while True: try: row = sys.stdin.readline() if row == '': break split_line = row.split("\t") id = str(split_line[0]) comment = split_line[1] score = sentiment_analyzer.polarity_scores(comment)['compound'] print(id + '\t' + str(score) + '\n', end='') sys.stdout.flush() except BaseException as x: break if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` Some comments about our Python script: - For this to work, you will need to run `nltk.downloader.download('vader_lexicon')`. This could have been placed in the script, but then it would have been downloaded every time a query was executed on the `sentiment` table - which is not efficient - Each value of `row` is going to be a row in the result set of `SELECT id, comment FROM hackernews WHERE id > 0 AND comment != '' LIMIT 20` - The incoming row is tab-separated, so we parse out the `id` and `comment` using the Python `split` function - The result of `polarity_scores` is a JSON object with a handful of values. We decided to just grab the `compound` value of this JSON object - Recall that the `sentiment` table in ClickHouse uses the `TabSeparated` format and contains two columns, so our `print` function separates those columns with a tab Every time you write a query that selects rows from the `sentiment` table, the `SELECT id, comment FROM hackernews WHERE id > 0 AND comment != '' LIMIT 20` query is executed and the result is passed to `sentiment.py`. Let's test it out: ```sql SELECT * FROM sentiment ``` The response looks like: ```response ┌───────id─┬─sentiment─┐ │ 7398199 │ 0.4404 │ │ 21640317 │ 0.1779 │ │ 21462000 │ 0 │ │ 25168863 │ 0 │ │ 25168978 │ -0.1531 │ │ 25169359 │ 0 │ │ 25169394 │ -0.9231 │ │ 25169766 │ 0.4137 │ │ 25172570 │ 0.7469 │ │ 25173687 │ 0.6249 │ │ 28291534 │ 0 │ │ 28291669 │ -0.4767 │ │ 28291731 │ 0 │ │ 28291949 │ -0.4767 │ │ 28292004 │ 0.3612 │ │ 28292050 │ -0.296 │ │ 28292322 │ 0 │ │ 28295172 │ 0.7717 │ │ 28295288 │ 0.4404 │ │ 21465723 │ -0.6956 │ └──────────┴───────────┘ ``` ## Creating an ExecutablePool Table The syntax for `ExecutablePool` is similar to `Executable`, but there are a couple of relevant settings unique to an `ExecutablePool` table: - `pool_size` - Description: Processes pool size. If size is 0, then there are no size restrictions - Default value: 16 - `max_command_execution_time` - Description: Max command execution time in seconds - Default value: 10 We can easily convert the `sentiment` table above to use `ExecutablePool` instead of `Executable`: ```sql CREATE TABLE sentiment_pooled ( id UInt64, sentiment Float32 ) ENGINE = ExecutablePool( 'sentiment.py', TabSeparated, (SELECT id, comment FROM hackernews WHERE id > 0 AND comment != '' LIMIT 20000) ) SETTINGS pool_size = 4; ``` ClickHouse will maintain 4 processes on-demand when your client queries the `sentiment_pooled` table.