# Functions for working with dates and times Support for time zones All functions for working with the date and time that have a logical use for the time zone can accept a second optional time zone argument. Example: Asia/Yekaterinburg. In this case, they use the specified time zone instead of the local (default) one. ``` sql SELECT toDateTime('2016-06-15 23:00:00') AS time, toDate(time) AS date_local, toDate(time, 'Asia/Yekaterinburg') AS date_yekat, toString(time, 'US/Samoa') AS time_samoa ``` ``` ┌────────────────time─┬─date_local─┬─date_yekat─┬─time_samoa──────────┐ │ 2016-06-15 23:00:00 │ 2016-06-15 │ 2016-06-16 │ 2016-06-15 09:00:00 │ └─────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────┴─────────────────────┘ ``` Only time zones that differ from UTC by a whole number of hours are supported. ## toYear Converts a date or date with time to a UInt16 number containing the year number (AD). ## toMonth Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the month number (1-12). ## toDayOfMonth -Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the day of the month (1-31). ## toDayOfWeek Converts a date or date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the day of the week (Monday is 1, and Sunday is 7). ## toHour Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the hour in 24-hour time (0-23). This function assumes that if clocks are moved ahead, it is by one hour and occurs at 2 a.m., and if clocks are moved back, it is by one hour and occurs at 3 a.m. (which is not always true – even in Moscow the clocks were twice changed at a different time). ## toMinute Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the minute of the hour (0-59). ## toSecond Converts a date with time to a UInt8 number containing the number of the second in the minute (0-59). Leap seconds are not accounted for. ## toMonday Rounds down a date or date with time to the nearest Monday. Returns the date. ## toStartOfMonth Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the month. Returns the date. ## toStartOfQuarter Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the quarter. The first day of the quarter is either 1 January, 1 April, 1 July, or 1 October. Returns the date. ## toStartOfYear Rounds down a date or date with time to the first day of the year. Returns the date. ## toStartOfMinute Rounds down a date with time to the start of the minute. ## toStartOfFiveMinute Rounds down a date with time to the start of the hour. ## toStartOfFifteenMinutes Rounds down the date with time to the start of the fifteen-minute interval. Note: If you need to round a date with time to any other number of seconds, minutes, or hours, you can convert it into a number by using the toUInt32 function, then round the number using intDiv and multiplication, and convert it back using the toDateTime function. ## toStartOfHour Rounds down a date with time to the start of the hour. ## toStartOfDay Rounds down a date with time to the start of the day. ## toTime Converts a date with time to a certain fixed date, while preserving the time. ## toRelativeYearNum Converts a date with time or date to the number of the year, starting from a certain fixed point in the past. ## toRelativeMonthNum Converts a date with time or date to the number of the month, starting from a certain fixed point in the past. ## toRelativeWeekNum Converts a date with time or date to the number of the week, starting from a certain fixed point in the past. ## toRelativeDayNum Converts a date with time or date to the number of the day, starting from a certain fixed point in the past. ## toRelativeHourNum Converts a date with time or date to the number of the hour, starting from a certain fixed point in the past. ## toRelativeMinuteNum Converts a date with time or date to the number of the minute, starting from a certain fixed point in the past. ## toRelativeSecondNum Converts a date with time or date to the number of the second, starting from a certain fixed point in the past. ## now Accepts zero arguments and returns the current time at one of the moments of request execution. This function returns a constant, even if the request took a long time to complete. ## today Accepts zero arguments and returns the current date at one of the moments of request execution. The same as 'toDate(now())'. ## yesterday Accepts zero arguments and returns yesterday's date at one of the moments of request execution. The same as 'today() - 1'. ## timeSlot Rounds the time to the half hour. This function is specific to Yandex.Metrica, since half an hour is the minimum amount of time for breaking a session into two sessions if a tracking tag shows a single user's consecutive pageviews that differ in time by strictly more than this amount. This means that tuples (the tag ID, user ID, and time slot) can be used to search for pageviews that are included in the corresponding session. ## timeSlots(StartTime, Duration) For a time interval starting at 'StartTime' and continuing for 'Duration' seconds, it returns an array of moments in time, consisting of points from this interval rounded down to the half hour. For example, `timeSlots(toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:20:00'), 600) = [toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:00:00'), toDateTime('2012-01-01 12:30:00')]`. This is necessary for searching for pageviews in the corresponding session. ## formatDateTime(Time, Format\[, Timezone\]) Function formats a Time according given Format string. N.B.: Format is a constant expression, e.g. you can not have multiple formats for single result column. Supported modifiers for Format: ("Example" column shows formatting result for time `2018-01-02 22:33:44`) | Modifier | Description | Example | | ----------- | -------- | --------------- | |%C|year divided by 100 and truncated to integer (00-99)|20 |%d|day of the month, zero-padded (01-31)|02 |%D|Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y|01/02/2018| |%e|day of the month, space-padded ( 1-31)| 2| |%F|short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d|2018-01-02 |%H|hour in 24h format (00-23)|22| |%I|hour in 12h format (01-12)|10| |%j|day of the year (001-366)|002| |%m|month as a decimal number (01-12)|01| |%M|minute (00-59)|33| |%n|new-line character ('\n')|| |%p|AM or PM designation|PM| |%R|24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M|22:33| |%S|second (00-59)|44| |%t|horizontal-tab character ('\t')|| |%T|ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S|22:33:44| |%u|ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7)|2| |%V|ISO 8601 week number (01-53)|01| |%w|weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6)|2| |%y|Year, last two digits (00-99)|18| |%Y|Year|2018| |%%|a % sign|%| [Original article](https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/query_language/functions/date_time_functions/)