#!/bin/sh set -e CLICKHOUSE_USER=${CLICKHOUSE_USER=clickhouse} CLICKHOUSE_GROUP=${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP=${CLICKHOUSE_USER}} CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR=${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR=/var/lib/clickhouse} CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR=${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR=/var/log/clickhouse-server} test -f /etc/default/clickhouse && . /etc/default/clickhouse if [ "$1" = configure ]; then if [ -x "/bin/systemctl" ] && [ -f /etc/systemd/system/clickhouse-server.service ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then # if old rc.d service present - remove it if [ -x "/etc/init.d/clickhouse-server" ]; then update-rc.d clickhouse-server remove echo "ClickHouse init script has migrated to systemd. Please manually stop old server and restart the service: sudo killall clickhouse-server && sleep 5 && sudo service clickhouse-server restart" fi /bin/systemctl daemon-reload /bin/systemctl enable clickhouse-server else # If you downgrading to version older than 1.1.54336 run: systemctl disable clickhouse-server if [ -x "/etc/init.d/clickhouse-server" ]; then update-rc.d clickhouse-server defaults 19 19 >/dev/null || exit $? fi fi # Make sure the administrative user exists if ! getent passwd ${CLICKHOUSE_USER} > /dev/null; then if [ "$OS" == "rhel" ] || [ "$OS" == "centos" ] || [ "$OS" == "fedora" ]; then adduser --system --no-create-home --home /nonexistent \ --shell /bin/false clickhouse > /dev/null else adduser --system --disabled-login --no-create-home --home /nonexistent \ --shell /bin/false --group --gecos "ClickHouse server" clickhouse > /dev/null fi fi # if the user was created manually, make sure the group is there as well if ! getent group ${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP} > /dev/null; then addgroup --system ${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP} > /dev/null fi # make sure user is in the correct group if ! id -Gn ${CLICKHOUSE_USER} | grep -qw ${CLICKHOUSE_USER}; then adduser ${CLICKHOUSE_USER} ${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP} > /dev/null fi # check validity of user and group if [ "`id -u ${CLICKHOUSE_USER}`" -eq 0 ]; then echo "The ${CLICKHOUSE_USER} system user must not have uid 0 (root). Please fix this and reinstall this package." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "`id -g ${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP}`" -eq 0 ]; then echo "The ${CLICKHOUSE_USER} system user must not have root as primary group. Please fix this and reinstall this package." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -d ${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR} chown ${CLICKHOUSE_USER}:${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP} ${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR} chmod 700 ${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR} fi if [ ! -d ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR} chown root:${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP} ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR} # Allow everyone to read logs, root and clickhouse to read-write chmod 775 ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR} fi if [ -d ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR} ]; then # only for compatibility for old metrika user, remove string after 2017-06-01 su -s /bin/sh ${CLICKHOUSE_USER} -c "test -w ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR}" || chown -R root:${CLICKHOUSE_GROUP} ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR}; chmod -R ug+rw ${CLICKHOUSE_LOGDIR} fi # Clean old dynamic compilation results if [ -d "${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR}/build" ]; then rm -f ${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR}/build/*.cpp ${CLICKHOUSE_DATADIR}/build/*.so ||: fi fi