If with date and time branches
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(if(rand() % 2, toDateTime('2019-02-04 01:24:31'), toDate('2019-02-04')))
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(multiIf(rand() % 2, toDateTime('2019-02-04 01:24:31'), toDate('2019-02-04')))
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(if(rand() % 2, [toDateTime('2019-02-04 01:24:31')], [toDate('2019-02-04')]))
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(multiIf(rand() % 2, [toDateTime('2019-02-04 01:24:31')], [toDate('2019-02-04')]))
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(if(rand() % 2, toDateTime(rand()), toDate(rand())))
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(multiIf(rand() % 2, toDateTime(rand()), toDate(rand())))
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(if(rand() % 2, [toDateTime(rand())], [toDate(rand())]))
SELECT count() FROM system.numbers WHERE NOT ignore(multiIf(rand() % 2, [toDateTime(rand())], [toDate(rand())]))