#!/usr/bin/env python3 import socket import csv import sys import tempfile import threading import os import traceback from urllib.parse import urljoin import urllib.request import subprocess from io import StringIO from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer def is_ipv6(host): try: socket.inet_aton(host) return False except: return True def get_local_port(host, ipv6): if ipv6: family = socket.AF_INET6 else: family = socket.AF_INET with socket.socket(family) as fd: fd.bind((host, 0)) return fd.getsockname()[1] CLICKHOUSE_HOST = os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_HOST", "") CLICKHOUSE_PORT_HTTP = os.environ.get("CLICKHOUSE_PORT_HTTP", "8123") ##################################################################################### # This test starts an HTTP server and serves data to clickhouse url-engine based table. # In order for it to work ip+port of http server (given below) should be # accessible from clickhouse server. ##################################################################################### # IP-address of this host accessible from the outside world. Get the first one HTTP_SERVER_HOST = ( subprocess.check_output(["hostname", "-i"]).decode("utf-8").strip().split()[0] ) IS_IPV6 = is_ipv6(HTTP_SERVER_HOST) HTTP_SERVER_PORT = get_local_port(HTTP_SERVER_HOST, IS_IPV6) # IP address and port of the HTTP server started from this script. HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS = (HTTP_SERVER_HOST, HTTP_SERVER_PORT) if IS_IPV6: HTTP_SERVER_URL_STR = ( "http://" + f"[{str(HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS[0])}]:{str(HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS[1])}" + "/" ) else: HTTP_SERVER_URL_STR = ( "http://" + f"{str(HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS[0])}:{str(HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS[1])}" + "/" ) CSV_DATA = os.path.join( tempfile._get_default_tempdir(), next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) ) def get_ch_answer(query): host = CLICKHOUSE_HOST if IS_IPV6: host = f"[{host}]" url = os.environ.get( "CLICKHOUSE_URL", "http://{host}:{port}".format(host=CLICKHOUSE_HOST, port=CLICKHOUSE_PORT_HTTP), ) return urllib.request.urlopen(url, data=query.encode()).read().decode() def check_answers(query, answer): ch_answer = get_ch_answer(query) if ch_answer.strip() != answer.strip(): print("FAIL on query:", query, file=sys.stderr) print("Expected answer:", answer, file=sys.stderr) print("Fetched answer :", ch_answer, file=sys.stderr) raise Exception("Fail on query") class CSVHTTPServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def _set_headers(self): self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "text/csv") self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): self._set_headers() with open(CSV_DATA, "r") as fl: reader = csv.reader(fl, delimiter=",") for row in reader: self.wfile.write((", ".join(row) + "\n").encode()) return def do_HEAD(self): self._set_headers() return def read_chunk(self): msg = "" while True: sym = self.rfile.read(1) if sym == "": break msg += sym.decode("utf-8") if msg.endswith("\r\n"): break length = int(msg[:-2], 16) if length == 0: return "" content = self.rfile.read(length) self.rfile.read(2) # read sep \r\n return content.decode("utf-8") def do_POST(self): data = "" while True: chunk = self.read_chunk() if not chunk: break data += chunk with StringIO(data) as fl: reader = csv.reader(fl, delimiter=",") with open(CSV_DATA, "a") as d: for row in reader: d.write(",".join(row) + "\n") self._set_headers() self.wfile.write(b"ok") def log_message(self, format, *args): return class HTTPServerV6(HTTPServer): address_family = socket.AF_INET6 def start_server(): if IS_IPV6: httpd = HTTPServerV6(HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS, CSVHTTPServer) else: httpd = HTTPServer(HTTP_SERVER_ADDRESS, CSVHTTPServer) t = threading.Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever) return t, httpd # test section def test_select( table_name="", schema="str String,numuint UInt32,numint Int32,double Float64", requests=[], answers=[], test_data="", res_path="", ): with open(CSV_DATA, "w") as f: # clear file f.write("") if test_data: with open(CSV_DATA, "w") as f: f.write(test_data + "\n") if table_name: get_ch_answer("drop table if exists {}".format(table_name)) get_ch_answer( "create table {} ({}) engine=URL('{}', 'CSV')".format( table_name, schema, HTTP_SERVER_URL_STR ) ) for i in range(len(requests)): tbl = table_name if not tbl: tbl = "url('{addr}', 'CSV', '{schema}')".format( addr=urljoin(HTTP_SERVER_URL_STR, res_path), schema=schema ) check_answers(requests[i].format(tbl=tbl), answers[i]) if table_name: get_ch_answer("drop table if exists {}".format(table_name)) def test_insert( table_name="", schema="str String,numuint UInt32,numint Int32,double Float64", requests_insert=[], requests_select=[], answers=[], ): with open(CSV_DATA, "w") as f: # flush test file f.write("") if table_name: get_ch_answer("drop table if exists {}".format(table_name)) get_ch_answer( "create table {} ({}) engine=URL('{}', 'CSV')".format( table_name, schema, HTTP_SERVER_URL_STR ) ) for req in requests_insert: tbl = table_name if not tbl: tbl = "table function url('{addr}', 'CSV', '{schema}')".format( addr=HTTP_SERVER_URL_STR, schema=schema ) get_ch_answer(req.format(tbl=tbl)) for i in range(len(requests_select)): tbl = table_name if not tbl: tbl = "url('{addr}', 'CSV', '{schema}')".format( addr=HTTP_SERVER_URL_STR, schema=schema ) check_answers(requests_select[i].format(tbl=tbl), answers[i]) if table_name: get_ch_answer("drop table if exists {}".format(table_name)) def main(): test_data = "Hello,2,-2,7.7\nWorld,2,-5,8.8" select_only_requests = { "select str,numuint,numint,double from {tbl}": test_data.replace(",", "\t"), "select numuint, count(*) from {tbl} group by numuint": "2\t2", "select str,numuint,numint,double from {tbl} limit 1": test_data.split("\n")[ 0 ].replace(",", "\t"), } insert_requests = [ "insert into {tbl} values('Hello',10,-2,7.7)('World',10,-5,7.7)", "insert into {tbl} select 'Buy', number, 9-number, 9.9 from system.numbers limit 10", ] select_requests = { "select distinct numuint from {tbl} order by numuint": "\n".join( [str(i) for i in range(11)] ), "select count(*) from {tbl}": "12", "select double, count(*) from {tbl} group by double order by double": "7.7\t2\n9.9\t10", } pathname = CSV_DATA filename = os.path.basename(CSV_DATA) select_virtual_requests = { "select _path from {tbl}": "\n".join(pathname for _ in range(2)), "select _file from {tbl}": "\n".join(filename for _ in range(2)), "select _file, from {tbl} order by _path": "\n".join( filename for _ in range(2) ), "select _path, _file from {tbl}": "\n".join( f"{pathname}\t{filename}" for _ in range(2) ), "select _path, count(*) from {tbl} group by _path": f"{pathname}\t2", } t, httpd = start_server() t.start() # test table with url engine test_select( table_name="test_table_select", requests=list(select_only_requests.keys()), answers=list(select_only_requests.values()), test_data=test_data, ) # test table function url test_select( requests=list(select_only_requests.keys()), answers=list(select_only_requests.values()), test_data=test_data, ) # test table function url for virtual column test_select( requests=list(select_virtual_requests.keys()), answers=list(select_virtual_requests.values()), test_data=test_data, res_path=CSV_DATA, ) # test insert into table with url engine test_insert( table_name="test_table_insert", requests_insert=insert_requests, requests_select=list(select_requests.keys()), answers=list(select_requests.values()), ) # test insert into table function url test_insert( requests_insert=insert_requests, requests_select=list(select_requests.keys()), answers=list(select_requests.values()), ) httpd.shutdown() t.join() print("PASSED") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except Exception as ex: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_tb(exc_traceback, file=sys.stderr) print(ex, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() os._exit(1)