#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from kazoo.client import KazooClient, KazooState from kazoo.security import ACL, make_digest_acl, make_acl from kazoo.exceptions import ( AuthFailedError, InvalidACLError, NoAuthError, KazooException, ) import os import time cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node = cluster.add_instance( "node", main_configs=["configs/keeper_config.xml", "configs/logs_conf.xml"], stay_alive=True, ) def start_zookeeper(): node.exec_in_container(["bash", "-c", "/opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start"]) def stop_zookeeper(): node.exec_in_container(["bash", "-c", "/opt/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh stop"]) def clear_zookeeper(): node.exec_in_container(["bash", "-c", "rm -fr /zookeeper/*"]) def restart_and_clear_zookeeper(): stop_zookeeper() clear_zookeeper() start_zookeeper() def clear_clickhouse_data(): node.exec_in_container( [ "bash", "-c", "rm -fr /var/lib/clickhouse/coordination/logs/* /var/lib/clickhouse/coordination/snapshots/*", ] ) def convert_zookeeper_data(): cmd = "/usr/bin/clickhouse keeper-converter --zookeeper-logs-dir /zookeeper/version-2/ --zookeeper-snapshots-dir /zookeeper/version-2/ --output-dir /var/lib/clickhouse/coordination/snapshots" node.exec_in_container(["bash", "-c", cmd]) def stop_clickhouse(): node.stop_clickhouse() def start_clickhouse(): node.start_clickhouse() def copy_zookeeper_data(make_zk_snapshots): stop_zookeeper() if make_zk_snapshots: # force zookeeper to create snapshot start_zookeeper() stop_zookeeper() stop_clickhouse() clear_clickhouse_data() convert_zookeeper_data() start_zookeeper() start_clickhouse() @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def get_fake_zk(timeout=60.0): _fake_zk_instance = KazooClient( hosts=cluster.get_instance_ip("node") + ":9181", timeout=timeout ) _fake_zk_instance.start() return _fake_zk_instance def get_genuine_zk(timeout=60.0): _genuine_zk_instance = KazooClient( hosts=cluster.get_instance_ip("node") + ":2181", timeout=timeout ) _genuine_zk_instance.start() return _genuine_zk_instance def compare_stats(stat1, stat2, path, ignore_pzxid=False): assert stat1.czxid == stat2.czxid, ( "path " + path + " cxzids not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.czxid) + " != " + str(stat2.zxid) ) assert stat1.mzxid == stat2.mzxid, ( "path " + path + " mxzids not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.mzxid) + " != " + str(stat2.mzxid) ) assert stat1.version == stat2.version, ( "path " + path + " versions not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.version) + " != " + str(stat2.version) ) assert stat1.cversion == stat2.cversion, ( "path " + path + " cversions not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.cversion) + " != " + str(stat2.cversion) ) assert stat1.aversion == stat2.aversion, ( "path " + path + " aversions not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.aversion) + " != " + str(stat2.aversion) ) assert stat1.ephemeralOwner == stat2.ephemeralOwner, ( "path " + path + " ephemeralOwners not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.ephemeralOwner) + " != " + str(stat2.ephemeralOwner) ) assert stat1.dataLength == stat2.dataLength, ( "path " + path + " ephemeralOwners not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.dataLength) + " != " + str(stat2.dataLength) ) assert stat1.numChildren == stat2.numChildren, ( "path " + path + " numChildren not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.numChildren) + " != " + str(stat2.numChildren) ) if not ignore_pzxid: assert stat1.pzxid == stat2.pzxid, ( "path " + path + " pzxid not equal for stats: " + str(stat1.pzxid) + " != " + str(stat2.pzxid) ) def compare_states(zk1, zk2, path="/", exclude_paths=[]): data1, stat1 = zk1.get(path) data2, stat2 = zk2.get(path) print("Left Stat", stat1) print("Right Stat", stat2) assert data1 == data2, "Data not equal on path " + str(path) # both paths have strange stats if path not in ("/", "/zookeeper") and path not in exclude_paths: compare_stats(stat1, stat2, path) first_children = list(sorted(zk1.get_children(path))) second_children = list(sorted(zk2.get_children(path))) print("Got children left", first_children) print("Got children rigth", second_children) if path == "/": assert set(first_children) ^ set(second_children) == set(["keeper"]) else: assert first_children == second_children, ( "Childrens are not equal on path " + path ) for children in first_children: if path != "/" or children != "keeper": print("Checking child", os.path.join(path, children)) compare_states(zk1, zk2, os.path.join(path, children), exclude_paths) @pytest.mark.parametrize(("create_snapshots"), [True, False]) def test_smoke(started_cluster, create_snapshots): restart_and_clear_zookeeper() genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk() genuine_connection.create("/test", b"data") assert genuine_connection.get("/test")[0] == b"data" copy_zookeeper_data(create_snapshots) genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk() fake_connection = get_fake_zk() compare_states(genuine_connection, fake_connection) def get_bytes(s): return s.encode() def assert_ephemeral_disappear(connection, path): for _ in range(200): if not connection.exists(path): break time.sleep(0.1) else: raise Exception("ZK refuse to remove ephemeral nodes") @pytest.mark.parametrize(("create_snapshots"), [True, False]) def test_simple_crud_requests(started_cluster, create_snapshots): restart_and_clear_zookeeper() genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk(timeout=5) for i in range(100): genuine_connection.create("/test_create" + str(i), get_bytes("data" + str(i))) # some set queries for i in range(10): for j in range(i + 1): genuine_connection.set("/test_create" + str(i), get_bytes("value" + str(j))) for i in range(10, 20): genuine_connection.delete("/test_create" + str(i)) path = "/test_create_deep" for i in range(10): genuine_connection.create(path, get_bytes("data" + str(i))) path = os.path.join(path, str(i)) genuine_connection.create("/test_sequential", b"") for i in range(10): genuine_connection.create( "/test_sequential/" + "a" * i + "-", get_bytes("dataX" + str(i)), sequence=True, ) genuine_connection.create("/test_ephemeral", b"") for i in range(10): genuine_connection.create( "/test_ephemeral/" + str(i), get_bytes("dataX" + str(i)), ephemeral=True ) copy_zookeeper_data(create_snapshots) genuine_connection.stop() genuine_connection.close() genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk(timeout=5) fake_connection = get_fake_zk(timeout=5) for conn in [genuine_connection, fake_connection]: assert_ephemeral_disappear(conn, "/test_ephemeral/0") # After receiving close request zookeeper updates pzxid of ephemeral parent. # Keeper doesn't receive such request (snapshot created before it) so it doesn't do it. compare_states( genuine_connection, fake_connection, exclude_paths=["/test_ephemeral"] ) eph1, stat1 = fake_connection.get("/test_ephemeral") eph2, stat2 = genuine_connection.get("/test_ephemeral") assert eph1 == eph2 compare_stats(stat1, stat2, "/test_ephemeral", ignore_pzxid=True) # especially ensure that counters are the same genuine_connection.create( "/test_sequential/" + "a" * 10 + "-", get_bytes("dataX" + str(i)), sequence=True ) fake_connection.create( "/test_sequential/" + "a" * 10 + "-", get_bytes("dataX" + str(i)), sequence=True ) first_children = list(sorted(genuine_connection.get_children("/test_sequential"))) second_children = list(sorted(fake_connection.get_children("/test_sequential"))) assert first_children == second_children, "Childrens are not equal on path " + path @pytest.mark.parametrize(("create_snapshots"), [True, False]) def test_multi_and_failed_requests(started_cluster, create_snapshots): restart_and_clear_zookeeper() genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk(timeout=5) genuine_connection.create("/test_multitransactions") for i in range(10): t = genuine_connection.transaction() t.create("/test_multitransactions/freddy" + str(i), get_bytes("data" + str(i))) t.create( "/test_multitransactions/fred" + str(i), get_bytes("value" + str(i)), ephemeral=True, ) t.create( "/test_multitransactions/smith" + str(i), get_bytes("entity" + str(i)), sequence=True, ) t.set_data("/test_multitransactions", get_bytes("somedata" + str(i))) t.commit() with pytest.raises(Exception): genuine_connection.set( "/test_multitransactions/freddy0", get_bytes("mustfail" + str(i)), version=1 ) t = genuine_connection.transaction() t.create("/test_bad_transaction", get_bytes("data" + str(1))) t.check("/test_multitransactions", version=32) t.create("/test_bad_transaction1", get_bytes("data" + str(2))) # should fail t.commit() assert genuine_connection.exists("/test_bad_transaction") is None assert genuine_connection.exists("/test_bad_transaction1") is None t = genuine_connection.transaction() t.create("/test_bad_transaction2", get_bytes("data" + str(1))) t.delete("/test_multitransactions/freddy0", version=5) # should fail t.commit() assert genuine_connection.exists("/test_bad_transaction2") is None assert genuine_connection.exists("/test_multitransactions/freddy0") is not None copy_zookeeper_data(create_snapshots) genuine_connection.stop() genuine_connection.close() genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk(timeout=5) fake_connection = get_fake_zk(timeout=5) for conn in [genuine_connection, fake_connection]: assert_ephemeral_disappear(conn, "/test_multitransactions/fred0") # After receiving close request zookeeper updates pzxid of ephemeral parent. # Keeper doesn't receive such request (snapshot created before it) so it doesn't do it. compare_states( genuine_connection, fake_connection, exclude_paths=["/test_multitransactions"] ) eph1, stat1 = fake_connection.get("/test_multitransactions") eph2, stat2 = genuine_connection.get("/test_multitransactions") assert eph1 == eph2 compare_stats(stat1, stat2, "/test_multitransactions", ignore_pzxid=True) @pytest.mark.parametrize(("create_snapshots"), [True, False]) def test_acls(started_cluster, create_snapshots): restart_and_clear_zookeeper() genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk() genuine_connection.add_auth("digest", "user1:password1") genuine_connection.add_auth("digest", "user2:password2") genuine_connection.add_auth("digest", "user3:password3") genuine_connection.create( "/test_multi_all_acl", b"data", acl=[make_acl("auth", "", all=True)] ) other_connection = get_genuine_zk() other_connection.add_auth("digest", "user1:password1") other_connection.set("/test_multi_all_acl", b"X") assert other_connection.get("/test_multi_all_acl")[0] == b"X" yet_other_auth_connection = get_genuine_zk() yet_other_auth_connection.add_auth("digest", "user2:password2") yet_other_auth_connection.set("/test_multi_all_acl", b"Y") genuine_connection.add_auth("digest", "user3:password3") # just to check that we are able to deserialize it genuine_connection.set_acls( "/test_multi_all_acl", acls=[ make_acl( "auth", "", read=True, write=False, create=True, delete=True, admin=True ) ], ) no_auth_connection = get_genuine_zk() with pytest.raises(Exception): no_auth_connection.set("/test_multi_all_acl", b"Z") copy_zookeeper_data(create_snapshots) genuine_connection = get_genuine_zk() genuine_connection.add_auth("digest", "user1:password1") genuine_connection.add_auth("digest", "user2:password2") genuine_connection.add_auth("digest", "user3:password3") fake_connection = get_fake_zk() fake_connection.add_auth("digest", "user1:password1") fake_connection.add_auth("digest", "user2:password2") fake_connection.add_auth("digest", "user3:password3") compare_states(genuine_connection, fake_connection) for connection in [genuine_connection, fake_connection]: acls, stat = connection.get_acls("/test_multi_all_acl") assert stat.aversion == 1 assert len(acls) == 3 for acl in acls: assert acl.acl_list == ["READ", "CREATE", "DELETE", "ADMIN"] assert acl.id.scheme == "digest" assert acl.perms == 29 assert acl.id.id in ( "user1:XDkd2dsEuhc9ImU3q8pa8UOdtpI=", "user2:lo/iTtNMP+gEZlpUNaCqLYO3i5U=", "user3:wr5Y0kEs9nFX3bKrTMKxrlcFeWo=", )