------------ Contains information about parts of a table in the MergeTree family. Columns: .. code-block:: text database String - Name of the database where the table that this part belongs to is located. table String - Name of the table that this part belongs to. engine String - Name of the table engine, without parameters. partition String - Name of the partition, in the format YYYYMM. name String - Name of the part. replicated UInt8 - Whether the part belongs to replicated data. active UInt8 - Whether the part is used in a table, or is no longer needed and will be deleted soon. Inactive parts remain after merging. marks UInt64 - Number of marks - multiply by the index granularity (usually 8192) to get the approximate number of rows in the part. bytes UInt64 - Number of bytes when compressed. modification_time DateTime - Time the directory with the part was modified. Usually corresponds to the part's creation time. remove_time DateTime - For inactive parts only - the time when the part became inactive. refcount UInt32 - The number of places where the part is used. A value greater than 2 indicates that this part participates in queries or merges.