SET allow_experimental_inverted_index=1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t; CREATE TABLE t ( `timestamp` UInt64, `s` String, INDEX idx s TYPE inverted(3) GRANULARITY 1 ) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY tuple() SETTINGS min_rows_for_wide_part = 1, min_bytes_for_wide_part = 1; INSERT INTO t (s) VALUES ('I am inverted'); SELECT data_version FROM WHERE database=currentDatabase() AND table='t' AND active=1; -- do update column synchronously ALTER TABLE t UPDATE s='I am not inverted' WHERE 1 SETTINGS mutations_sync=1; SELECT data_version FROM WHERE database=currentDatabase() AND table='t' AND active=1; SELECT s FROM t WHERE s LIKE '%inverted%' SETTINGS force_data_skipping_indices='idx'; DROP TABLE t;