# Compiler if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") set (COMPILER_GCC 1) elseif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang") set (COMPILER_CLANG 1) # Safe to treat AppleClang as a regular Clang, in general. elseif (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") set (COMPILER_CLANG 1) else () message (FATAL_ERROR "Compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} is not supported") endif () # Print details to output execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE COMPILER_SELF_IDENTIFICATION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) message (STATUS "Using compiler:\n${COMPILER_SELF_IDENTIFICATION}") # Require minimum compiler versions set (CLANG_MINIMUM_VERSION 12) set (XCODE_MINIMUM_VERSION 12.0) set (APPLE_CLANG_MINIMUM_VERSION 12.0.0) set (GCC_MINIMUM_VERSION 11) if (COMPILER_GCC) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${GCC_MINIMUM_VERSION}) message (FATAL_ERROR "Compilation with GCC version ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} is unsupported, the minimum required version is ${GCC_MINIMUM_VERSION}.") endif () message (WARNING "Compilation with GCC is unsupported. Please use Clang instead.") elseif (COMPILER_CLANG) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang") # (Experimental!) Specify "-DALLOW_APPLECLANG=ON" when running CMake configuration step, if you want to experiment with using it. if (NOT ALLOW_APPLECLANG AND NOT DEFINED ENV{ALLOW_APPLECLANG}) message (FATAL_ERROR "Compilation with AppleClang is unsupported. Please use vanilla Clang, e.g. from Homebrew.") endif () # For a mapping between XCode / AppleClang / vanilla Clang versions, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xcode if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${APPLE_CLANG_MINIMUM_VERSION}) message (FATAL_ERROR "Compilation with AppleClang version ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} is unsupported, the minimum required version is ${APPLE_CLANG_MINIMUM_VERSION} (Xcode ${XCODE_MINIMUM_VERSION}).") endif () else () if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${CLANG_MINIMUM_VERSION}) message (FATAL_ERROR "Compilation with Clang version ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} is unsupported, the minimum required version is ${CLANG_MINIMUM_VERSION}.") endif () endif () endif () # Linker string (REGEX MATCHALL "[0-9]+" COMPILER_VERSION_LIST ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}) list (GET COMPILER_VERSION_LIST 0 COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR) # Example values: `lld-10`, `gold`. option (LINKER_NAME "Linker name or full path") if (NOT LINKER_NAME) if (COMPILER_GCC) find_program (LLD_PATH NAMES "ld.lld") find_program (GOLD_PATH NAMES "ld.gold") elseif (COMPILER_CLANG) find_program (LLD_PATH NAMES "ld.lld-${COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR}" "lld-${COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR}" "ld.lld" "lld") find_program (GOLD_PATH NAMES "ld.gold" "gold") endif () endif() if (OS_LINUX AND NOT LINKER_NAME) # prefer lld linker over gold or ld on linux if (LLD_PATH) if (COMPILER_GCC) # GCC driver requires one of supported linker names like "lld". set (LINKER_NAME "lld") else () # Clang driver simply allows full linker path. set (LINKER_NAME ${LLD_PATH}) endif () endif () if (NOT LINKER_NAME) if (GOLD_PATH) message (WARNING "Linking with gold is not recommended. Please use lld.") if (COMPILER_GCC) set (LINKER_NAME "gold") else () set (LINKER_NAME ${GOLD_PATH}) endif () endif () endif () endif () # TODO: allow different linker on != OS_LINUX if (LINKER_NAME) if (COMPILER_CLANG) find_program (LLD_PATH NAMES ${LINKER_NAME}) if (NOT LLD_PATH) message (FATAL_ERROR "Using linker ${LINKER_NAME} but can't find its path.") endif () set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} --ld-path=${LLD_PATH}") set (CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} --ld-path=${LLD_PATH}") else () set (CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} -fuse-ld=${LINKER_NAME}") set (CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -fuse-ld=${LINKER_NAME}") endif () endif () if (LINKER_NAME) message(STATUS "Using linker: ${LINKER_NAME}") else() message(STATUS "Using linker: ") endif() # Archiver if (COMPILER_GCC) find_program (LLVM_AR_PATH NAMES "llvm-ar" "llvm-ar-14" "llvm-ar-13" "llvm-ar-12") else () find_program (LLVM_AR_PATH NAMES "llvm-ar-${COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR}" "llvm-ar") endif () if (LLVM_AR_PATH) set (CMAKE_AR "${LLVM_AR_PATH}") endif () message(STATUS "Using archiver: ${CMAKE_AR}") # Ranlib if (COMPILER_GCC) find_program (LLVM_RANLIB_PATH NAMES "llvm-ranlib" "llvm-ranlib-14" "llvm-ranlib-13" "llvm-ranlib-12") else () find_program (LLVM_RANLIB_PATH NAMES "llvm-ranlib-${COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR}" "llvm-ranlib") endif () if (LLVM_RANLIB_PATH) set (CMAKE_RANLIB "${LLVM_RANLIB_PATH}") endif () message(STATUS "Using ranlib: ${CMAKE_RANLIB}") # Install Name Tool if (COMPILER_GCC) find_program (LLVM_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL_PATH NAMES "llvm-install-name-tool" "llvm-install-name-tool-14" "llvm-install-name-tool-13" "llvm-install-name-tool-12") else () find_program (LLVM_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL_PATH NAMES "llvm-install-name-tool-${COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR}" "llvm-install-name-tool") endif () if (LLVM_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL_PATH) set (CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL "${LLVM_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL_PATH}") endif () message(STATUS "Using install-name-tool: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_TOOL}") # Objcopy if (COMPILER_GCC) find_program (OBJCOPY_PATH NAMES "llvm-objcopy" "llvm-objcopy-14" "llvm-objcopy-13" "llvm-objcopy-12" "objcopy") else () find_program (OBJCOPY_PATH NAMES "llvm-objcopy-${COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR}" "llvm-objcopy" "objcopy") endif () if (OBJCOPY_PATH) message (STATUS "Using objcopy: ${OBJCOPY_PATH}") else () message (FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find objcopy.") endif () # Strip if (COMPILER_GCC) find_program (STRIP_PATH NAMES "llvm-strip" "llvm-strip-14" "llvm-strip-13" "llvm-strip-12" "strip") else () find_program (STRIP_PATH NAMES "llvm-strip-${COMPILER_VERSION_MAJOR}" "llvm-strip" "strip") endif () if (STRIP_PATH) message (STATUS "Using strip: ${STRIP_PATH}") else () message (FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find strip.") endif () if (OS_DARWIN AND NOT CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) # utils/list-licenses/list-licenses.sh (which generates system table system.licenses) needs the GNU versions of find and grep. These are # not available out-of-the-box on Mac. As a special case, Darwin builds in CI are cross-compiled from x86 Linux where the GNU userland is # available. find_program(GFIND_PATH NAMES "gfind") if (NOT GFIND_PATH) message (FATAL_ERROR "GNU find not found. You can install it with 'brew install findutils'.") endif() find_program(GGREP_PATH NAMES "ggrep") if (NOT GGREP_PATH) message (FATAL_ERROR "GNU grep not found. You can install it with 'brew install grep'.") endif() endif ()