-- { echo } {% for host in ['127.1', '127.2'] -%} {% for args, comment in [ ("'system.one'", host + ' db.name literal'), ("'system', 'one'", host + ' db,name literal'), ("system.one", host + ' db.name identifier'), ("system, one", host + ' db,name identifier'), ] -%} select * from remote('{{host}}', {{args}}) settings log_queries=1, log_comment='{{comment}}' format Null; system flush logs; select count() from system.query_log where type = 'QueryFinish' and not is_initial_query and startsWith(query, 'DESC') and initial_query_id = ( select distinct query_id from system.query_log where log_comment = '{{comment}}' and current_database = currentDatabase() ); {% endfor -%} {% endfor -%}