// // Path.h // // $Id: //poco/1.4/Foundation/include/Poco/Path.h#3 $ // // Library: Foundation // Package: Filesystem // Module: Path // // Definition of the Path class. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Foundation_Path_INCLUDED #define Foundation_Path_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include namespace Poco { class Foundation_API Path /// This class represents filesystem paths in a /// platform-independent manner. /// Unix, Windows and OpenVMS all use a different /// syntax for filesystem paths. /// This class can work with all three formats. /// A path is made up of an optional node name /// (only Windows and OpenVMS), an optional /// device name (also only Windows and OpenVMS), /// a list of directory names and an optional /// filename. { public: enum Style { PATH_UNIX, /// Unix-style path PATH_WINDOWS, /// Windows-style path PATH_VMS, /// VMS-style path PATH_NATIVE, /// The current platform's native style PATH_GUESS /// Guess the style by examining the path }; typedef std::vector StringVec; Path(); /// Creates an empty relative path. Path(bool absolute); /// Creates an empty absolute or relative path. Path(const char* path); /// Creates a path from a string. Path(const char* path, Style style); /// Creates a path from a string. Path(const std::string& path); /// Creates a path from a string. Path(const std::string& path, Style style); /// Creates a path from a string. Path(const Path& path); /// Copy constructor Path(const Path& parent, const std::string& fileName); /// Creates a path from a parent path and a filename. /// The parent path is expected to reference a directory. Path(const Path& parent, const char* fileName); /// Creates a path from a parent path and a filename. /// The parent path is expected to reference a directory. Path(const Path& parent, const Path& relative); /// Creates a path from a parent path and a relative path. /// The parent path is expected to reference a directory. /// The relative path is appended to the parent path. ~Path(); /// Destroys the Path. Path& operator = (const Path& path); /// Assignment operator. Path& operator = (const std::string& path); /// Assigns a string containing a path in native format. Path& operator = (const char* path); /// Assigns a string containing a path in native format. void swap(Path& path); /// Swaps the path with another one. Path& assign(const std::string& path); /// Assigns a string containing a path in native format. Path& assign(const std::string& path, Style style); /// Assigns a string containing a path. Path& assign(const Path& path); /// Assigns the given path. Path& assign(const char* path); /// Assigns a string containing a path. std::string toString() const; /// Returns a string containing the path in native format. std::string toString(Style style) const; /// Returns a string containing the path in the given format. Path& parse(const std::string& path); /// Same as assign(). Path& parse(const std::string& path, Style style); /// Assigns a string containing a path. bool tryParse(const std::string& path); /// Tries to interpret the given string as a path /// in native format. /// If the path is syntactically valid, assigns the /// path and returns true. Otherwise leaves the /// object unchanged and returns false. bool tryParse(const std::string& path, Style style); /// Tries to interpret the given string as a path, /// according to the given style. /// If the path is syntactically valid, assigns the /// path and returns true. Otherwise leaves the /// object unchanged and returns false. Path& parseDirectory(const std::string& path); /// The resulting path always refers to a directory and /// the filename part is empty. Path& parseDirectory(const std::string& path, Style style); /// The resulting path always refers to a directory and /// the filename part is empty. Path& makeDirectory(); /// If the path contains a filename, the filename is appended /// to the directory list and cleared. Thus the resulting path /// always refers to a directory. Path& makeFile(); /// If the path contains no filename, the last directory /// becomes the filename. Path& makeParent(); /// Makes the path refer to its parent. Path& makeAbsolute(); /// Makes the path absolute if it is relative. /// The current working directory is taken as base directory. Path& makeAbsolute(const Path& base); /// Makes the path absolute if it is relative. /// The given path is taken as base. Path& append(const Path& path); /// Appends the given path. Path& resolve(const Path& path); /// Resolves the given path agains the current one. /// /// If the given path is absolute, it replaces the current one. /// Otherwise, the relative path is appended to the current path. bool isAbsolute() const; /// Returns true iff the path is absolute. bool isRelative() const; /// Returns true iff the path is relative. bool isDirectory() const; /// Returns true iff the path references a directory /// (the filename part is empty). bool isFile() const; /// Returns true iff the path references a file /// (the filename part is not empty). Path& setNode(const std::string& node); /// Sets the node name. /// Setting a non-empty node automatically makes /// the path an absolute one. const std::string& getNode() const; /// Returns the node name. Path& setDevice(const std::string& device); /// Sets the device name. /// Setting a non-empty device automatically makes /// the path an absolute one. const std::string& getDevice() const; /// Returns the device name. int depth() const; /// Returns the number of directories in the directory list. const std::string& directory(int n) const; /// Returns the n'th directory in the directory list. /// If n == depth(), returns the filename. const std::string& operator [] (int n) const; /// Returns the n'th directory in the directory list. /// If n == depth(), returns the filename. Path& pushDirectory(const std::string& dir); /// Adds a directory to the directory list. Path& popDirectory(); /// Removes the last directory from the directory list. Path& popFrontDirectory(); /// Removes the first directory from the directory list. Path& setFileName(const std::string& name); /// Sets the filename. const std::string& getFileName() const; /// Returns the filename. Path& setBaseName(const std::string& name); /// Sets the basename part of the filename and /// does not change the extension. std::string getBaseName() const; /// Returns the basename (the filename sans /// extension) of the path. Path& setExtension(const std::string& extension); /// Sets the filename extension. std::string getExtension() const; /// Returns the filename extension. const std::string& version() const; /// Returns the file version. VMS only. Path& clear(); /// Clears all components. Path parent() const; /// Returns a path referring to the path's /// directory. Path absolute() const; /// Returns an absolute variant of the path, /// taking the current working directory as base. Path absolute(const Path& base) const; /// Returns an absolute variant of the path, /// taking the given path as base. static Path forDirectory(const std::string& path); /// Creates a path referring to a directory. static Path forDirectory(const std::string& path, Style style); /// Creates a path referring to a directory. static char separator(); /// Returns the platform's path name separator, which separates /// the components (names) in a path. /// /// On Unix systems, this is the slash '/'. On Windows systems, /// this is the backslash '\'. On OpenVMS systems, this is the /// period '.'. static char pathSeparator(); /// Returns the platform's path separator, which separates /// single paths in a list of paths. /// /// On Unix systems, this is the colon ':'. On Windows systems, /// this is the semicolon ';'. On OpenVMS systems, this is the /// comma ','. static std::string current(); /// Returns the current working directory. static std::string home(); /// Returns the user's home directory. static std::string temp(); /// Returns the temporary directory. static std::string null(); /// Returns the name of the null device. static std::string expand(const std::string& path); /// Expands all environment variables contained in the path. /// /// On Unix, a tilde as first character in the path is /// replaced with the path to user's home directory. static void listRoots(std::vector& roots); /// Fills the vector with all filesystem roots available on the /// system. On Unix, there is exactly one root, "/". /// On Windows, the roots are the drive letters. /// On OpenVMS, the roots are the mounted disks. static bool find(StringVec::const_iterator it, StringVec::const_iterator end, const std::string& name, Path& path); /// Searches the file with the given name in the locations (paths) specified /// by it and end. A relative path may be given in name. /// /// If the file is found in one of the locations, the complete /// path of the file is stored in the path given as argument and true is returned. /// Otherwise false is returned and the path argument remains unchanged. static bool find(const std::string& pathList, const std::string& name, Path& path); /// Searches the file with the given name in the locations (paths) specified /// in pathList. The paths in pathList must be delimited by the platform's /// path separator (see pathSeparator()). A relative path may be given in name. /// /// If the file is found in one of the locations, the complete /// path of the file is stored in the path given as argument and true is returned. /// Otherwise false is returned and the path argument remains unchanged. static std::string transcode(const std::string& path); /// On Windows, if POCO has been compiled with Windows UTF-8 support /// (POCO_WIN32_UTF8), this function converts a string (usually containing a path) /// encoded in UTF-8 into a string encoded in the current Windows code page. /// /// This function should be used for every string passed as a file name to /// a string stream or fopen(). /// /// On all other platforms, or if POCO has not been compiled with Windows UTF-8 /// support, this function returns the string unchanged. protected: void parseUnix(const std::string& path); void parseWindows(const std::string& path); void parseVMS(const std::string& path); void parseGuess(const std::string& path); std::string buildUnix() const; std::string buildWindows() const; std::string buildVMS() const; private: std::string _node; std::string _device; std::string _name; std::string _version; StringVec _dirs; bool _absolute; }; // // inlines // inline bool Path::isAbsolute() const { return _absolute; } inline bool Path::isRelative() const { return !_absolute; } inline bool Path::isDirectory() const { return _name.empty(); } inline bool Path::isFile() const { return !_name.empty(); } inline Path& Path::parse(const std::string& path) { return assign(path); } inline Path& Path::parse(const std::string& path, Style style) { return assign(path, style); } inline const std::string& Path::getNode() const { return _node; } inline const std::string& Path::getDevice() const { return _device; } inline const std::string& Path::getFileName() const { return _name; } inline int Path::depth() const { return int(_dirs.size()); } inline const std::string& Path::version() const { return _version; } inline Path Path::forDirectory(const std::string& path) { Path p; return p.parseDirectory(path); } inline Path Path::forDirectory(const std::string& path, Style style) { Path p; return p.parseDirectory(path, style); } inline char Path::separator() { #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_VMS) return '.'; #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) return '\\'; #else return '/'; #endif } inline char Path::pathSeparator() { #if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_VMS) return ','; #elif defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_WINDOWS) return ';'; #else return ':'; #endif } inline void swap(Path& p1, Path& p2) { p1.swap(p2); } } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_Path_INCLUDED