// // RegularExpression.h // // $Id: //poco/1.4/Foundation/include/Poco/RegularExpression.h#2 $ // // Library: Foundation // Package: RegExp // Module: RegularExpression // // Definitions of class RegularExpression. // // A wrapper class for Philip Hazel's PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions // library (http://www.pcre.org). // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Foundation_RegularExpression_INCLUDED #define Foundation_RegularExpression_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include // // Copy these definitions from pcre.h // to avoid pulling in the entire header file // extern "C" { struct real_pcre8_or_16; /* declaration; the definition is private */ typedef struct real_pcre8_or_16 pcre; struct pcre_extra; } namespace Poco { class Foundation_API RegularExpression /// A class for working with regular expressions. /// Implemented using PCRE, the Perl Compatible /// Regular Expressions library by Philip Hazel /// (see http://www.pcre.org). { public: enum Options // These must match the corresponsing options in pcre.h! /// Some of the following options can only be passed to the constructor; /// some can be passed only to matching functions, and some can be used /// everywhere. /// /// * Options marked [ctor] can be passed to the constructor. /// * Options marked [match] can be passed to match, extract, split and subst. /// * Options marked [subst] can be passed to subst. /// /// See the PCRE documentation for more information. { RE_CASELESS = 0x00000001, /// case insensitive matching (/i) [ctor] RE_MULTILINE = 0x00000002, /// enable multi-line mode; affects ^ and $ (/m) [ctor] RE_DOTALL = 0x00000004, /// dot matches all characters, including newline (/s) [ctor] RE_EXTENDED = 0x00000008, /// totally ignore whitespace (/x) [ctor] RE_ANCHORED = 0x00000010, /// treat pattern as if it starts with a ^ [ctor, match] RE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY = 0x00000020, /// dollar matches end-of-string only, not last newline in string [ctor] RE_EXTRA = 0x00000040, /// enable optional PCRE functionality [ctor] RE_NOTBOL = 0x00000080, /// circumflex does not match beginning of string [match] RE_NOTEOL = 0x00000100, /// $ does not match end of string [match] RE_UNGREEDY = 0x00000200, /// make quantifiers ungreedy [ctor] RE_NOTEMPTY = 0x00000400, /// empty string never matches [match] RE_UTF8 = 0x00000800, /// assume pattern and subject is UTF-8 encoded [ctor] RE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE = 0x00001000, /// disable numbered capturing parentheses [ctor, match] RE_NO_UTF8_CHECK = 0x00002000, /// do not check validity of UTF-8 code sequences [match] RE_FIRSTLINE = 0x00040000, /// an unanchored pattern is required to match /// before or at the first newline in the subject string, /// though the matched text may continue over the newline [ctor] RE_DUPNAMES = 0x00080000, /// names used to identify capturing subpatterns need not be unique [ctor] RE_NEWLINE_CR = 0x00100000, /// assume newline is CR ('\r'), the default [ctor] RE_NEWLINE_LF = 0x00200000, /// assume newline is LF ('\n') [ctor] RE_NEWLINE_CRLF = 0x00300000, /// assume newline is CRLF ("\r\n") [ctor] RE_NEWLINE_ANY = 0x00400000, /// assume newline is any valid Unicode newline character [ctor] RE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF = 0x00500000, /// assume newline is any of CR, LF, CRLF [ctor] RE_GLOBAL = 0x10000000, /// replace all occurences (/g) [subst] RE_NO_VARS = 0x20000000 /// treat dollar in replacement string as ordinary character [subst] }; struct Match { std::string::size_type offset; /// zero based offset (std::string::npos if subexpr does not match) std::string::size_type length; /// length of substring }; typedef std::vector MatchVec; RegularExpression(const std::string& pattern, int options = 0, bool study = true); /// Creates a regular expression and parses the given pattern. /// If study is true, the pattern is analyzed and optimized. This /// is mainly useful if the pattern is used more than once. /// For a description of the options, please see the PCRE documentation. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException if the patter cannot be compiled. ~RegularExpression(); /// Destroys the regular expression. int match(const std::string& subject, Match& mtch, int options = 0) const; /// Matches the given subject string against the pattern. Returns the position /// of the first captured substring in mtch. /// If no part of the subject matches the pattern, mtch.offset is std::string::npos and /// mtch.length is 0. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException in case of an error. /// Returns the number of matches. int match(const std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset, Match& mtch, int options = 0) const; /// Matches the given subject string, starting at offset, against the pattern. /// Returns the position of the captured substring in mtch. /// If no part of the subject matches the pattern, mtch.offset is std::string::npos and /// mtch.length is 0. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException in case of an error. /// Returns the number of matches. int match(const std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset, MatchVec& matches, int options = 0) const; /// Matches the given subject string against the pattern. /// The first entry in matches contains the position of the captured substring. /// The following entries identify matching subpatterns. See the PCRE documentation /// for a more detailed explanation. /// If no part of the subject matches the pattern, matches is empty. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException in case of an error. /// Returns the number of matches. bool match(const std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset = 0) const; /// Returns true if and only if the subject matches the regular expression. /// /// Internally, this method sets the RE_ANCHORED and RE_NOTEMPTY options for /// matching, which means that the empty string will never match and /// the pattern is treated as if it starts with a ^. bool match(const std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset, int options) const; /// Returns true if and only if the subject matches the regular expression. bool operator == (const std::string& subject) const; /// Returns true if and only if the subject matches the regular expression. /// /// Internally, this method sets the RE_ANCHORED and RE_NOTEMPTY options for /// matching, which means that the empty string will never match and /// the pattern is treated as if it starts with a ^. bool operator != (const std::string& subject) const; /// Returns true if and only if the subject does not match the regular expression. /// /// Internally, this method sets the RE_ANCHORED and RE_NOTEMPTY options for /// matching, which means that the empty string will never match and /// the pattern is treated as if it starts with a ^. int extract(const std::string& subject, std::string& str, int options = 0) const; /// Matches the given subject string against the pattern. /// Returns the captured string. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException in case of an error. /// Returns the number of matches. int extract(const std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset, std::string& str, int options = 0) const; /// Matches the given subject string, starting at offset, against the pattern. /// Returns the captured string. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException in case of an error. /// Returns the number of matches. int split(const std::string& subject, std::vector& strings, int options = 0) const; /// Matches the given subject string against the pattern. /// The first entry in captured is the captured substring. /// The following entries contain substrings matching subpatterns. See the PCRE documentation /// for a more detailed explanation. /// If no part of the subject matches the pattern, captured is empty. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException in case of an error. /// Returns the number of matches. int split(const std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset, std::vector& strings, int options = 0) const; /// Matches the given subject string against the pattern. /// The first entry in captured is the captured substring. /// The following entries contain substrings matching subpatterns. See the PCRE documentation /// for a more detailed explanation. /// If no part of the subject matches the pattern, captured is empty. /// Throws a RegularExpressionException in case of an error. /// Returns the number of matches. int subst(std::string& subject, const std::string& replacement, int options = 0) const; /// Substitute in subject all matches of the pattern with replacement. /// If RE_GLOBAL is specified as option, all matches are replaced. Otherwise, /// only the first match is replaced. /// Occurences of $ (for example, $1, $2, ...) in replacement are replaced /// with the corresponding captured string. $0 is the original subject string. /// Returns the number of replaced occurences. int subst(std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset, const std::string& replacement, int options = 0) const; /// Substitute in subject all matches of the pattern with replacement, /// starting at offset. /// If RE_GLOBAL is specified as option, all matches are replaced. Otherwise, /// only the first match is replaced. /// Unless RE_NO_VARS is specified, occurences of $ (for example, $0, $1, $2, ... $9) /// in replacement are replaced with the corresponding captured string. /// $0 is the captured substring. $1 ... $n are the substrings maching the subpatterns. /// Returns the number of replaced occurences. static bool match(const std::string& subject, const std::string& pattern, int options = 0); /// Matches the given subject string against the regular expression given in pattern, /// using the given options. protected: std::string::size_type substOne(std::string& subject, std::string::size_type offset, const std::string& replacement, int options) const; private: pcre* _pcre; pcre_extra* _extra; static const int OVEC_SIZE; RegularExpression(); RegularExpression(const RegularExpression&); RegularExpression& operator = (const RegularExpression&); }; // // inlines // inline int RegularExpression::match(const std::string& subject, Match& mtch, int options) const { return match(subject, 0, mtch, options); } inline int RegularExpression::split(const std::string& subject, std::vector& strings, int options) const { return split(subject, 0, strings, options); } inline int RegularExpression::subst(std::string& subject, const std::string& replacement, int options) const { return subst(subject, 0, replacement, options); } inline bool RegularExpression::operator == (const std::string& subject) const { return match(subject); } inline bool RegularExpression::operator != (const std::string& subject) const { return !match(subject); } } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_RegularExpression_INCLUDED