--- machine_translated: true machine_translated_rev: 72537a2d527c63c07aa5d2361a8829f3895cf2bd toc_priority: 40 toc_title: "Harici bir s\xF6zl\xFCk yap\u0131land\u0131rma" --- # Harici bir sözlük yapılandırma {#dicts-external-dicts-dict} Sözlük xml dosyası kullanılarak yapılandırılmışsa, sözlük yapılandırması aşağıdaki yapıya sahiptir: ``` xml dict_name ``` İlgili [DDL-sorgu](../../statements/create.md#create-dictionary-query) aşağıdaki yapıya sahiptir: ``` sql CREATE DICTIONARY dict_name ( ... -- attributes ) PRIMARY KEY ... -- complex or single key configuration SOURCE(...) -- Source configuration LAYOUT(...) -- Memory layout configuration LIFETIME(...) -- Lifetime of dictionary in memory ``` - `name` – The identifier that can be used to access the dictionary. Use the characters `[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]`. - [kaynaklı](external-dicts-dict-sources.md) — Source of the dictionary. - [düzen](external-dicts-dict-layout.md) — Dictionary layout in memory. - [yapılı](external-dicts-dict-structure.md) — Structure of the dictionary . A key and attributes that can be retrieved by this key. - [ömür](external-dicts-dict-lifetime.md) — Frequency of dictionary updates. [Orijinal makale](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/query_language/dicts/external_dicts_dict/)