#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tags: no-random-merge-tree-settings CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -nq " DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t; CREATE TABLE t(a UInt32, b UInt32, c UInt32, d UInt32) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY a; INSERT INTO t SELECT number, number, number, number FROM numbers_mt(1e7); OPTIMIZE TABLE t FINAL; " query_id_1=$RANDOM$RANDOM query_id_2=$RANDOM$RANDOM query_id_3=$RANDOM$RANDOM query_id_4=$RANDOM$RANDOM client_opts=( --max_block_size 65409 --max_threads 8 ) ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} "${client_opts[@]}" --query_id "$query_id_1" -nq " SELECT * FROM t PREWHERE (b % 8192) = 42 WHERE c = 42 FORMAT Null " ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} "${client_opts[@]}" --query_id "$query_id_2" -nq " SELECT * FROM t PREWHERE (b % 8192) = 42 AND (c % 8192) = 42 WHERE d = 42 FORMAT Null settings enable_multiple_prewhere_read_steps=1; " ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} "${client_opts[@]}" --query_id "$query_id_3" -nq " SELECT * FROM t PREWHERE (b % 8192) = 42 AND (c % 16384) = 42 WHERE d = 42 FORMAT Null settings enable_multiple_prewhere_read_steps=0; " ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} "${client_opts[@]}" --query_id "$query_id_4" -nq " SELECT b, c FROM t PREWHERE (b % 8192) = 42 AND (c % 8192) = 42 FORMAT Null settings enable_multiple_prewhere_read_steps=1; " ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -nq " SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS; -- 52503 which is 43 * number of granules, 10000000 SELECT ProfileEvents['RowsReadByMainReader'], ProfileEvents['RowsReadByPrewhereReaders'] FROM system.query_log WHERE current_database=currentDatabase() AND query_id = '$query_id_1' and type = 'QueryFinish'; -- 52503, 10052503 which is the sum of 10000000 from the first prewhere step plus 52503 from the second SELECT ProfileEvents['RowsReadByMainReader'], ProfileEvents['RowsReadByPrewhereReaders'] FROM system.query_log WHERE current_database=currentDatabase() AND query_id = '$query_id_2' and type = 'QueryFinish'; -- 26273 the same as query #1 but twice less data (43 * ceil((52503 / 43) / 2)), 10000000 SELECT ProfileEvents['RowsReadByMainReader'], ProfileEvents['RowsReadByPrewhereReaders'] FROM system.query_log WHERE current_database=currentDatabase() AND query_id = '$query_id_3' and type = 'QueryFinish'; -- 0, 10052503 SELECT ProfileEvents['RowsReadByMainReader'], ProfileEvents['RowsReadByPrewhereReaders'] FROM system.query_log WHERE current_database=currentDatabase() AND query_id = '$query_id_4' and type = 'QueryFinish'; "