#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pytest import time import ast import random from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node1 = cluster.add_instance("node1", with_zookeeper=True) node2 = cluster.add_instance("node2", with_zookeeper=True) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def start_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def remove_part_from_disk(node, table, part_name): part_path = node.query( "SELECT path FROM system.parts WHERE table = '{}' and name = '{}'".format( table, part_name ) ).strip() if not part_path: raise Exception("Part " + part_name + "doesn't exist") node.exec_in_container( ["bash", "-c", "rm -r {p}/*".format(p=part_path)], privileged=True ) def test_lost_part_same_replica(start_cluster): for node in [node1, node2]: node.query( "CREATE TABLE mt0 (id UInt64, date Date) ENGINE ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/t', '{}') ORDER BY tuple() PARTITION BY date " "SETTINGS cleanup_delay_period=1, cleanup_delay_period_random_add=1".format( node.name ) ) node1.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES mt0") node2.query("SYSTEM STOP REPLICATION QUEUES") for i in range(5): node1.query("INSERT INTO mt0 VALUES ({}, toDate('2020-10-01'))".format(i)) for i in range(20): parts_to_merge = node1.query( "SELECT parts_to_merge FROM system.replication_queue" ) if parts_to_merge: parts_list = list(sorted(ast.literal_eval(parts_to_merge))) print("Got parts list", parts_list) if len(parts_list) < 3: raise Exception("Got too small parts list {}".format(parts_list)) break time.sleep(1) victim_part_from_the_middle = random.choice(parts_list[1:-1]) print("Will corrupt part", victim_part_from_the_middle) remove_part_from_disk(node1, "mt0", victim_part_from_the_middle) node1.query("DETACH TABLE mt0") node1.query("ATTACH TABLE mt0") node1.query("SYSTEM START MERGES mt0") res, err = node1.query_and_get_answer_with_error("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA mt0") print("result: ", res) print("error: ", res) for i in range(10): result = node1.query("SELECT count() FROM system.replication_queue") if int(result) == 0: break time.sleep(1) else: assert False, "Still have something in replication queue:\n" + node1.query( "SELECT count() FROM system.replication_queue FORMAT Vertical" ) assert node1.contains_in_log( "Created empty part" ), "Seems like empty part {} is not created or log message changed".format( victim_part_from_the_middle ) assert node1.query("SELECT COUNT() FROM mt0") == "4\n" node2.query("SYSTEM START REPLICATION QUEUES") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT COUNT() FROM mt0", "4") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue", "0") def test_lost_part_other_replica(start_cluster): for node in [node1, node2]: node.query( "CREATE TABLE mt1 (id UInt64) ENGINE ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/t1', '{}') ORDER BY tuple() " "SETTINGS cleanup_delay_period=1, cleanup_delay_period_random_add=1".format( node.name ) ) node1.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES mt1") node2.query("SYSTEM STOP REPLICATION QUEUES") for i in range(5): node1.query("INSERT INTO mt1 VALUES ({})".format(i)) for i in range(20): parts_to_merge = node1.query( "SELECT parts_to_merge FROM system.replication_queue" ) if parts_to_merge: parts_list = list(sorted(ast.literal_eval(parts_to_merge))) print("Got parts list", parts_list) if len(parts_list) < 3: raise Exception("Got too small parts list {}".format(parts_list)) break time.sleep(1) victim_part_from_the_middle = random.choice(parts_list[1:-1]) print("Will corrupt part", victim_part_from_the_middle) remove_part_from_disk(node1, "mt1", victim_part_from_the_middle) # other way to detect broken parts node1.query("CHECK TABLE mt1") node2.query("SYSTEM START REPLICATION QUEUES") res, err = node1.query_and_get_answer_with_error("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA mt1") print("result: ", res) print("error: ", res) for i in range(10): result = node2.query("SELECT count() FROM system.replication_queue") if int(result) == 0: break time.sleep(1) else: assert False, "Still have something in replication queue:\n" + node2.query( "SELECT * FROM system.replication_queue FORMAT Vertical" ) assert node1.contains_in_log( "Created empty part" ), "Seems like empty part {} is not created or log message changed".format( victim_part_from_the_middle ) assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT COUNT() FROM mt1", "4") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue", "0") node1.query("SYSTEM START MERGES mt1") assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT COUNT() FROM mt1", "4") assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue", "0") def test_lost_part_mutation(start_cluster): for node in [node1, node2]: node.query( "CREATE TABLE mt2 (id UInt64) ENGINE ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/t2', '{}') ORDER BY tuple() " "SETTINGS cleanup_delay_period=1, cleanup_delay_period_random_add=1".format( node.name ) ) node1.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES mt2") node2.query("SYSTEM STOP REPLICATION QUEUES") for i in range(2): node1.query("INSERT INTO mt2 VALUES ({})".format(i)) node1.query( "ALTER TABLE mt2 UPDATE id = 777 WHERE 1", settings={"mutations_sync": "0"} ) for i in range(20): parts_to_mutate = node1.query("SELECT count() FROM system.replication_queue") # two mutations for both replicas if int(parts_to_mutate) == 4: break time.sleep(1) remove_part_from_disk(node1, "mt2", "all_1_1_0") # other way to detect broken parts node1.query("CHECK TABLE mt2") node1.query("SYSTEM START MERGES mt2") res, err = node1.query_and_get_answer_with_error("SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA mt2") print("result: ", res) print("error: ", res) for i in range(10): result = node1.query("SELECT count() FROM system.replication_queue") if int(result) == 0: break time.sleep(1) else: assert False, "Still have something in replication queue:\n" + node1.query( "SELECT * FROM system.replication_queue FORMAT Vertical" ) assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT COUNT() FROM mt2", "1") assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT SUM(id) FROM mt2", "777") assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue", "0") node2.query("SYSTEM START REPLICATION QUEUES") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT COUNT() FROM mt2", "1") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT SUM(id) FROM mt2", "777") assert_eq_with_retry(node2, "SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue", "0") def test_lost_last_part(start_cluster): for node in [node1, node2]: node.query( "CREATE TABLE mt3 (id UInt64, p String) ENGINE ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/t3', '{}') " "ORDER BY tuple() PARTITION BY p SETTINGS cleanup_delay_period=1, cleanup_delay_period_random_add=1".format( node.name ) ) node1.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES mt3") node2.query("SYSTEM STOP REPLICATION QUEUES") for i in range(1): node1.query("INSERT INTO mt3 VALUES ({}, 'x')".format(i)) # actually not important node1.query( "ALTER TABLE mt3 UPDATE id = 777 WHERE 1", settings={"mutations_sync": "0"} ) partition_id = node1.query("select partitionId('x')").strip() remove_part_from_disk(node1, "mt3", "{}_0_0_0".format(partition_id)) # other way to detect broken parts node1.query("CHECK TABLE mt3") node1.query("SYSTEM START MERGES mt3") for i in range(10): result = node1.query("SELECT count() FROM system.replication_queue") assert int(result) <= 2, "Have a lot of entries in queue {}".format( node1.query("SELECT * FROM system.replication_queue FORMAT Vertical") ) if node1.contains_in_log("Cannot create empty part") and node1.contains_in_log( "DROP/DETACH PARTITION" ): break if node1.contains_in_log( "Created empty part 8b8f0fede53df97513a9fb4cb19dc1e4_0_0_0 " ): break time.sleep(1) else: assert False, "Don't have required messages in node1 log" node1.query("ALTER TABLE mt3 DROP PARTITION ID '{}'".format(partition_id)) assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT COUNT() FROM mt3", "0") assert_eq_with_retry(node1, "SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue", "0")