# pylint: disable=unused-argument # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # pylint: disable=line-too-long import pytest from helpers.client import QueryRuntimeException from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) def make_instance(name, cfg): return cluster.add_instance(name, with_zookeeper=True, main_configs=['configs/remote_servers.xml', cfg], user_configs=['configs/users.xml']) # _n1/_n2 contains cluster with different -- should fail n1 = make_instance('n1', 'configs/remote_servers_n1.xml') n2 = make_instance('n2', 'configs/remote_servers_n2.xml') users = pytest.mark.parametrize('user,password', [ ('default', '' ), ('nopass', '' ), ('pass', 'foo'), ]) def bootstrap(): for n in cluster.instances.values(): n.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data') n.query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dist') n.query('CREATE TABLE data (key Int) Engine=Memory()') n.query(""" CREATE TABLE dist_insecure AS data Engine=Distributed(insecure, currentDatabase(), data, key) """) n.query(""" CREATE TABLE dist_secure AS data Engine=Distributed(secure, currentDatabase(), data, key) """) n.query(""" CREATE TABLE dist_secure_disagree AS data Engine=Distributed(secure_disagree, currentDatabase(), data, key) """) n.query(""" CREATE TABLE dist_secure_buffer AS dist_secure Engine=Buffer(currentDatabase(), dist_secure, /* settings for manual flush only */ 1, /* num_layers */ 10e6, /* min_time, placeholder */ 10e6, /* max_time, placeholder */ 0, /* min_rows */ 10e6, /* max_rows */ 0, /* min_bytes */ 80e6 /* max_bytes */ ) """) @pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True) def start_cluster(): try: cluster.start() bootstrap() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def query_with_id(node, id_, query, **kwargs): return node.query("WITH '{}' AS __id {}".format(id_, query), **kwargs) # @return -- [user, initial_user] def get_query_user_info(node, query_pattern): node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") return node.query(""" SELECT user, initial_user FROM system.query_log WHERE query LIKE '%{}%' AND query NOT LIKE '%system.query_log%' AND type = 'QueryFinish' """.format(query_pattern)).strip().split('\t') def test_insecure(): n1.query('SELECT * FROM dist_insecure') def test_insecure_insert_async(): n1.query('INSERT INTO dist_insecure SELECT * FROM numbers(2)') n1.query('SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED ON CLUSTER insecure dist_insecure') assert int(n1.query('SELECT count() FROM dist_insecure')) == 2 n1.query('TRUNCATE TABLE data ON CLUSTER insecure') def test_insecure_insert_sync(): n1.query('INSERT INTO dist_insecure SELECT * FROM numbers(2)', settings={'insert_distributed_sync': 1}) assert int(n1.query('SELECT count() FROM dist_insecure')) == 2 n1.query('TRUNCATE TABLE data ON CLUSTER secure') def test_secure(): n1.query('SELECT * FROM dist_secure') def test_secure_insert_async(): n1.query('INSERT INTO dist_secure SELECT * FROM numbers(2)') n1.query('SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED ON CLUSTER secure dist_secure') assert int(n1.query('SELECT count() FROM dist_secure')) == 2 n1.query('TRUNCATE TABLE data ON CLUSTER secure') def test_secure_insert_sync(): n1.query('INSERT INTO dist_secure SELECT * FROM numbers(2)', settings={'insert_distributed_sync': 1}) assert int(n1.query('SELECT count() FROM dist_secure')) == 2 n1.query('TRUNCATE TABLE data ON CLUSTER secure') # INSERT w/o initial_user # # Buffer() flush happens with global context, that does not have user # And so Context::user/ClientInfo::current_user/ClientInfo::initial_user will be empty def test_secure_insert_buffer_async(): n1.query('INSERT INTO dist_secure_buffer SELECT * FROM numbers(2)') n1.query('SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED ON CLUSTER secure dist_secure') # no Buffer flush happened assert int(n1.query('SELECT count() FROM dist_secure')) == 0 n1.query('OPTIMIZE TABLE dist_secure_buffer') # manual flush n1.query('SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED ON CLUSTER secure dist_secure') assert int(n1.query('SELECT count() FROM dist_secure')) == 2 n1.query('TRUNCATE TABLE data ON CLUSTER secure') def test_secure_disagree(): with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException, match='.*Hash mismatch.*'): n1.query('SELECT * FROM dist_secure_disagree') def test_secure_disagree_insert(): n1.query('INSERT INTO dist_secure_disagree SELECT * FROM numbers(2)') with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException, match='.*Hash mismatch.*'): n1.query('SYSTEM FLUSH DISTRIBUTED ON CLUSTER secure_disagree dist_secure_disagree') # check the the connection will be re-established # IOW that we will not get "Unknown BlockInfo field" with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException, match='.*Hash mismatch.*'): assert int(n1.query('SELECT count() FROM dist_secure_disagree')) == 0 @users def test_user_insecure_cluster(user, password): id_ = 'query-dist_insecure-' + user query_with_id(n1, id_, 'SELECT * FROM dist_insecure', user=user, password=password) assert get_query_user_info(n1, id_) == [user, user] # due to prefer_localhost_replica assert get_query_user_info(n2, id_) == ['default', user] @users def test_user_secure_cluster(user, password): id_ = 'query-dist_secure-' + user query_with_id(n1, id_, 'SELECT * FROM dist_secure', user=user, password=password) assert get_query_user_info(n1, id_) == [user, user] assert get_query_user_info(n2, id_) == [user, user] # TODO: check user for INSERT