import os import os.path as p import pwd import re import subprocess import shutil import distutils.dir_util import socket import time import errno from dicttoxml import dicttoxml import xml.dom.minidom from kazoo.client import KazooClient from kazoo.exceptions import KazooException import docker from docker.errors import ContainerError from .client import Client, CommandRequest HELPERS_DIR = p.dirname(__file__) class ClickHouseCluster: """ClickHouse cluster with several instances and (possibly) ZooKeeper. Add instances with several calls to add_instance(), then start them with the start() call. Directories for instances are created in the directory of base_path. After cluster is started, these directories will contain logs, database files, docker-compose config, ClickHouse configs etc. """ def __init__(self, base_path, name=None, base_configs_dir=None, server_bin_path=None, client_bin_path=None, zookeeper_config_path=None): self.base_dir = p.dirname(base_path) = name if name is not None else '' self.base_configs_dir = base_configs_dir or os.environ.get('CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_BASE_CONFIG_DIR', '/etc/clickhouse-server/') self.server_bin_path = server_bin_path or os.environ.get('CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_SERVER_BIN_PATH', '/usr/bin/clickhouse') self.client_bin_path = client_bin_path or os.environ.get('CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_CLIENT_BIN_PATH', '/usr/bin/clickhouse-client') self.zookeeper_config_path = p.join(self.base_dir, zookeeper_config_path) if zookeeper_config_path else p.join(HELPERS_DIR, 'zookeeper_config.xml') self.project_name = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name + p.basename(self.base_dir) + # docker-compose removes everything non-alphanumeric from project names so we do it too. self.project_name = re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9]', '', self.project_name.lower()) self.instances_dir = p.join(self.base_dir, '_instances' + ('' if not else '_' + self.base_cmd = ['docker-compose', '--project-directory', self.base_dir, '--project-name', self.project_name] self.base_zookeeper_cmd = None self.pre_zookeeper_commands = [] self.instances = {} self.with_zookeeper = False self.docker_client = None self.is_up = False def add_instance(self, name, config_dir=None, main_configs=[], user_configs=[], macroses={}, with_zookeeper=False, clickhouse_path_dir=None, hostname=None): """Add an instance to the cluster. name - the name of the instance directory and the value of the 'instance' macro in ClickHouse. config_dir - a directory with config files which content will be copied to /etc/clickhouse-server/ directory main_configs - a list of config files that will be added to config.d/ directory user_configs - a list of config files that will be added to users.d/ directory with_zookeeper - if True, add ZooKeeper configuration to configs and ZooKeeper instances to the cluster. """ if self.is_up: raise Exception("Can\'t add instance %s: cluster is already up!" % name) if name in self.instances: raise Exception("Can\'t add instance `%s': there is already an instance with the same name!" % name) instance = ClickHouseInstance( self, self.base_dir, name, config_dir, main_configs, user_configs, macroses, with_zookeeper, self.zookeeper_config_path, self.base_configs_dir, self.server_bin_path, clickhouse_path_dir, hostname=hostname) self.instances[name] = instance self.base_cmd.extend(['--file', instance.docker_compose_path]) if with_zookeeper and not self.with_zookeeper: self.with_zookeeper = True self.base_cmd.extend(['--file', p.join(HELPERS_DIR, 'docker_compose_zookeeper.yml')]) self.base_zookeeper_cmd = ['docker-compose', '--project-directory', self.base_dir, '--project-name', self.project_name, '--file', p.join(HELPERS_DIR, 'docker_compose_zookeeper.yml')] return instance def get_instance_docker_id(self, instance_name): # According to how docker-compose names containers. return self.project_name + '_' + instance_name + '_1' def get_instance_ip(self, instance_name): docker_id = self.get_instance_docker_id(instance_name) handle = self.docker_client.containers.get(docker_id) return handle.attrs['NetworkSettings']['Networks'].values()[0]['IPAddress'] def start(self, destroy_dirs=True): if self.is_up: return # Just in case kill unstopped containers from previous launch try: if not['docker-compose', 'kill']):['docker-compose', 'down', '--volumes']) except: pass if destroy_dirs and p.exists(self.instances_dir): print "Removing instances dir", self.instances_dir shutil.rmtree(self.instances_dir) for instance in self.instances.values(): instance.create_dir(destroy_dir=destroy_dirs) self.docker_client = docker.from_env() if self.with_zookeeper and self.base_zookeeper_cmd: subprocess.check_call(self.base_zookeeper_cmd + ['up', '-d', '--no-recreate']) for command in self.pre_zookeeper_commands: self.run_kazoo_commands_with_retries(command, repeats=5) # Uncomment for debugging # print ' '.join(self.base_cmd + ['up', '--no-recreate']) subprocess.check_call(self.base_cmd + ['up', '-d', '--no-recreate']) start_deadline = time.time() + 20.0 # seconds for instance in self.instances.itervalues(): instance.docker_client = self.docker_client instance.ip_address = self.get_instance_ip( instance.wait_for_start(start_deadline) instance.client = Client(instance.ip_address, command=self.client_bin_path) self.is_up = True def shutdown(self, kill=True): if kill: subprocess.check_call(self.base_cmd + ['kill']) subprocess.check_call(self.base_cmd + ['down', '--volumes', '--remove-orphans']) self.is_up = False self.docker_client = None for instance in self.instances.values(): instance.docker_client = None instance.ip_address = None instance.client = None def get_kazoo_client(self, zoo_instance_name): zk = KazooClient(hosts=self.get_instance_ip(zoo_instance_name)) zk.start() return zk def run_kazoo_commands_with_retries(self, kazoo_callback, zoo_instance_name = 'zoo1', repeats=1, sleep_for=1): for i in range(repeats - 1): try: kazoo_callback(self.get_kazoo_client(zoo_instance_name)) return except KazooException as e: print repr(e) time.sleep(sleep_for) kazoo_callback(self.get_kazoo_client(zoo_instance_name)) def add_zookeeper_startup_command(self, command): self.pre_zookeeper_commands.append(command) DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEMPLATE = ''' version: '2' services: {name}: image: ubuntu:14.04 hostname: {hostname} user: '{uid}' volumes: - {binary_path}:/usr/bin/clickhouse:ro - {configs_dir}:/etc/clickhouse-server/ - {db_dir}:/var/lib/clickhouse/ - {logs_dir}:/var/log/clickhouse-server/ entrypoint: - /usr/bin/clickhouse - server - --config-file=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml - --log-file=/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log depends_on: {depends_on} ''' class ClickHouseInstance: def __init__( self, cluster, base_path, name, custom_config_dir, custom_main_configs, custom_user_configs, macroses, with_zookeeper, zookeeper_config_path, base_configs_dir, server_bin_path, clickhouse_path_dir, hostname=None): = name self.base_cmd = cluster.base_cmd[:] self.docker_id = cluster.get_instance_docker_id( self.cluster = cluster self.hostname = hostname if hostname is not None else self.custom_config_dir = p.abspath(p.join(base_path, custom_config_dir)) if custom_config_dir else None self.custom_main_config_paths = [p.abspath(p.join(base_path, c)) for c in custom_main_configs] self.custom_user_config_paths = [p.abspath(p.join(base_path, c)) for c in custom_user_configs] self.clickhouse_path_dir = p.abspath(p.join(base_path, clickhouse_path_dir)) if clickhouse_path_dir else None self.macroses = macroses if macroses is not None else {} self.with_zookeeper = with_zookeeper self.zookeeper_config_path = zookeeper_config_path self.base_configs_dir = base_configs_dir self.server_bin_path = server_bin_path self.path = p.join(self.cluster.instances_dir, name) self.docker_compose_path = p.join(self.path, 'docker_compose.yml') self.docker_client = None self.ip_address = None self.client = None self.default_timeout = 20.0 # 20 sec # Connects to the instance via clickhouse-client, sends a query (1st argument) and returns the answer def query(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.client.query(*args, **kwargs) # As query() but doesn't wait response and returns response handler def get_query_request(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.client.get_query_request(*args, **kwargs) def exec_in_container(self, cmd, **kwargs): container = self.get_docker_handle() exec_id = self.docker_client.api.exec_create(, cmd, **kwargs) output = self.docker_client.api.exec_start(exec_id, detach=False) output = output.decode('utf8') exit_code = self.docker_client.api.exec_inspect(exec_id)['ExitCode'] if exit_code: raise Exception('Cmd "{}" failed! Return code {}. Output: {}'.format(' '.join(cmd), exit_code, output)) return output def get_docker_handle(self): return self.docker_client.containers.get(self.docker_id) def stop(self): self.get_docker_handle().stop(self.default_timeout) def start(self): self.get_docker_handle().start() def wait_for_start(self, deadline=None, timeout=None): start_time = time.time() if timeout is not None: deadline = start_time + timeout while True: status = self.get_docker_handle().status if status == 'exited': raise Exception("Instance `{}' failed to start. Container status: {}".format(, status)) current_time = time.time() time_left = deadline - current_time if deadline is not None and current_time >= deadline: raise Exception("Timed out while waiting for instance `{}' with ip address {} to start. " "Container status: {}".format(, self.ip_address, status)) # Repeatedly poll the instance address until there is something that listens there. # Usually it means that ClickHouse is ready to accept queries. try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(time_left) sock.connect((self.ip_address, 9000)) return except socket.timeout: continue except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED: time.sleep(0.1) else: raise finally: sock.close() @staticmethod def dict_to_xml(dictionary): xml_str = dicttoxml(dictionary, custom_root="yandex", attr_type=False) return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str).toprettyxml() def create_dir(self, destroy_dir=True): """Create the instance directory and all the needed files there.""" if destroy_dir: self.destroy_dir() elif p.exists(self.path): return os.makedirs(self.path) configs_dir = p.abspath(p.join(self.path, 'configs')) os.mkdir(configs_dir) shutil.copy(p.join(self.base_configs_dir, 'config.xml'), configs_dir) shutil.copy(p.join(self.base_configs_dir, 'users.xml'), configs_dir) config_d_dir = p.abspath(p.join(configs_dir, 'config.d')) users_d_dir = p.abspath(p.join(configs_dir, 'users.d')) os.mkdir(config_d_dir) os.mkdir(users_d_dir) shutil.copy(p.join(HELPERS_DIR, 'common_instance_config.xml'), config_d_dir) # Generate and write macroses file macroses = self.macroses.copy() macroses['instance'] = with open(p.join(config_d_dir, 'macros.xml'), 'w') as macros_config: macros_config.write(self.dict_to_xml({"macros" : macroses})) # Put ZooKeeper config if self.with_zookeeper: shutil.copy(self.zookeeper_config_path, config_d_dir) # Copy config dir if self.custom_config_dir: distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(self.custom_config_dir, configs_dir) # Copy config.d configs for path in self.custom_main_config_paths: shutil.copy(path, config_d_dir) # Copy users.d configs for path in self.custom_user_config_paths: shutil.copy(path, users_d_dir) db_dir = p.abspath(p.join(self.path, 'database')) os.mkdir(db_dir) if self.clickhouse_path_dir is not None: distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(self.clickhouse_path_dir, db_dir) logs_dir = p.abspath(p.join(self.path, 'logs')) os.mkdir(logs_dir) depends_on = '[]' if self.with_zookeeper: depends_on = '["zoo1", "zoo2", "zoo3"]' with open(self.docker_compose_path, 'w') as docker_compose: docker_compose.write(DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEMPLATE.format(, hostname=self.hostname, uid=os.getuid(), binary_path=self.server_bin_path, configs_dir=configs_dir, config_d_dir=config_d_dir, db_dir=db_dir, logs_dir=logs_dir, depends_on=depends_on)) def destroy_dir(self): if p.exists(self.path): shutil.rmtree(self.path)