SET send_logs_level = 'fatal'; SELECT '----00489----'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pk; CREATE TABLE pk (d Date DEFAULT '2000-01-01', x DateTime, y UInt64, z UInt64) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY d ORDER BY (toStartOfMinute(x), y, z) SETTINGS index_granularity_bytes=19, min_index_granularity_bytes=9, write_final_mark = 0; -- one row granule INSERT INTO pk (x, y, z) VALUES (1, 11, 1235), (2, 11, 4395), (3, 22, 3545), (4, 22, 6984), (5, 33, 4596), (61, 11, 4563), (62, 11, 4578), (63, 11, 3572), (64, 22, 5786), (65, 22, 5786), (66, 22, 2791), (67, 22, 2791), (121, 33, 2791), (122, 33, 2791), (123, 33, 1235), (124, 44, 4935), (125, 44, 4578), (126, 55, 5786), (127, 55, 2791), (128, 55, 1235); SET max_block_size = 1; -- Test inferred limit SET max_rows_to_read = 5; SELECT toUInt32(x), y, z FROM pk WHERE x BETWEEN toDateTime(0) AND toDateTime(59); SET max_rows_to_read = 9; SELECT toUInt32(x), y, z FROM pk WHERE x BETWEEN toDateTime(120) AND toDateTime(240); -- Index is coarse, cannot read single row SET max_rows_to_read = 5; SELECT toUInt32(x), y, z FROM pk WHERE x = toDateTime(1); -- Index works on interval 00:01:00 - 00:01:59 SET max_rows_to_read = 4; SELECT toUInt32(x), y, z FROM pk WHERE x BETWEEN toDateTime(60) AND toDateTime(119) AND y = 11; -- Cannot read less rows as PK is coarser on interval 00:01:00 - 00:02:00 SET max_rows_to_read = 5; SELECT toUInt32(x), y, z FROM pk WHERE x BETWEEN toDateTime(60) AND toDateTime(120) AND y = 11; DROP TABLE pk; SET max_block_size = 8192; SELECT '----00607----'; SET max_rows_to_read = 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS merge_tree; CREATE TABLE merge_tree (x UInt32) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY x SETTINGS index_granularity_bytes = 4, min_index_granularity_bytes=1, write_final_mark = 0; INSERT INTO merge_tree VALUES (0), (1); SET force_primary_key = 1; SET max_rows_to_read = 1; SELECT count() FROM merge_tree WHERE x = 0; SELECT count() FROM merge_tree WHERE toUInt32(x) = 0; SELECT count() FROM merge_tree WHERE toUInt64(x) = 0; SELECT count() FROM merge_tree WHERE x IN (0, 0); SELECT count() FROM merge_tree WHERE toUInt32(x) IN (0, 0); SELECT count() FROM merge_tree WHERE toUInt64(x) IN (0, 0); DROP TABLE merge_tree; SELECT '----00804----'; SET max_rows_to_read = 0; SET force_primary_key = 0; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS large_alter_table_00926; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS store_of_hash_00926; SET allow_suspicious_codecs = 1; CREATE TABLE large_alter_table_00926 ( somedate Date CODEC(ZSTD, ZSTD, ZSTD(12), LZ4HC(12)), id UInt64 CODEC(LZ4, ZSTD, NONE, LZ4HC), data String CODEC(ZSTD(2), LZ4HC, NONE, LZ4, LZ4) ) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY somedate ORDER BY id SETTINGS index_granularity_bytes=40, min_index_granularity_bytes=30, write_final_mark = 0; INSERT INTO large_alter_table_00926 SELECT toDate('2019-01-01'), number, toString(number + rand()) FROM system.numbers LIMIT 300000; CREATE TABLE store_of_hash_00926 (hash UInt64) ENGINE = Memory(); INSERT INTO store_of_hash_00926 SELECT sum(cityHash64(*)) FROM large_alter_table_00926; ALTER TABLE large_alter_table_00926 MODIFY COLUMN data CODEC(NONE, LZ4, LZ4HC, ZSTD); OPTIMIZE TABLE large_alter_table_00926; DETACH TABLE large_alter_table_00926; ATTACH TABLE large_alter_table_00926; INSERT INTO store_of_hash_00926 SELECT sum(cityHash64(*)) FROM large_alter_table_00926; SELECT COUNT(hash) FROM store_of_hash_00926; SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hash) FROM store_of_hash_00926; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS large_alter_table_00926; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS store_of_hash_00926;