#include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { void FreezeMetaData::fill(const StorageReplicatedMergeTree & storage) { replica_name = storage.getReplicaName(); zookeeper_name = storage.getZooKeeperName(); table_shared_id = storage.getTableSharedID(); } void FreezeMetaData::save(DiskPtr data_disk, const String & path) const { auto metadata_storage = data_disk->getMetadataStorage(); auto file_path = getFileName(path); auto tx = metadata_storage->createTransaction(); WriteBufferFromOwnString buffer; writeIntText(version, buffer); buffer.write("\n", 1); if (version == 1) { /// is_replicated and is_remote are not used bool is_replicated = true; writeBoolText(is_replicated, buffer); buffer.write("\n", 1); bool is_remote = true; writeBoolText(is_remote, buffer); buffer.write("\n", 1); } writeString(escapeForFileName(replica_name), buffer); buffer.write("\n", 1); writeString(zookeeper_name, buffer); buffer.write("\n", 1); writeString(table_shared_id, buffer); buffer.write("\n", 1); tx->writeStringToFile(file_path, buffer.str()); tx->commit(); } bool FreezeMetaData::load(DiskPtr data_disk, const String & path) { auto metadata_storage = data_disk->getMetadataStorage(); auto file_path = getFileName(path); if (!metadata_storage->exists(file_path)) return false; auto metadata_str = metadata_storage->readFileToString(file_path); ReadBufferFromString buffer(metadata_str); readIntText(version, buffer); if (version < 1 or version > 2) { LOG_ERROR(&Poco::Logger::get("FreezeMetaData"), "Unknown freezed metadata version: {}", version); return false; } DB::assertChar('\n', buffer); if (version == 1) { /// is_replicated and is_remote are not used bool is_replicated; readBoolText(is_replicated, buffer); DB::assertChar('\n', buffer); bool is_remote; readBoolText(is_remote, buffer); DB::assertChar('\n', buffer); } auto unescaped_replica_name = unescapeForFileName(replica_name); readString(unescaped_replica_name, buffer); DB::assertChar('\n', buffer); readString(zookeeper_name, buffer); DB::assertChar('\n', buffer); readString(table_shared_id, buffer); DB::assertChar('\n', buffer); return true; } void FreezeMetaData::clean(DiskPtr data_disk, const String & path) { auto metadata_storage = data_disk->getMetadataStorage(); auto fname = getFileName(path); if (metadata_storage->exists(fname)) { auto tx = metadata_storage->createTransaction(); tx->unlinkFile(fname); tx->commit(); } } String FreezeMetaData::getFileName(const String & path) { return fs::path(path) / "frozen_metadata.txt"; } BlockIO Unfreezer::unfreeze(const String & backup_name, ContextPtr local_context) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Unfreezing backup {}", escapeForFileName(backup_name)); auto disks_map = local_context->getDisksMap(); Disks disks; for (auto & [name, disk]: disks_map) { disks.push_back(disk); } auto backup_path = fs::path(backup_directory_prefix) / escapeForFileName(backup_name); auto store_paths = {backup_path / "store", backup_path / "data"}; PartitionCommandsResultInfo result_info; for (const auto & disk: disks) { for (auto store_path: store_paths) { if (!disk->exists(store_path)) continue; for (auto prefix_it = disk->iterateDirectory(store_path); prefix_it->isValid(); prefix_it->next()) { auto prefix_directory = store_path / prefix_it->name(); for (auto table_it = disk->iterateDirectory(prefix_directory); table_it->isValid(); table_it->next()) { auto table_directory = prefix_directory / table_it->name(); auto current_result_info = unfreezePartitionsFromTableDirectory( [](const String &) { return true; }, backup_name, {disk}, table_directory, local_context); for (auto & command_result : current_result_info) { command_result.command_type = "SYSTEM UNFREEZE"; } result_info.insert( result_info.end(), std::make_move_iterator(current_result_info.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(current_result_info.end())); } } } if (disk->exists(backup_path)) { /// After unfreezing we need to clear revision.txt file and empty directories disk->removeRecursive(backup_path); } } BlockIO result; if (!result_info.empty()) { result.pipeline = QueryPipeline(convertCommandsResultToSource(result_info)); } return result; } bool Unfreezer::removeFreezedPart(DiskPtr disk, const String & path, const String & part_name, ContextPtr local_context) { if (disk->supportZeroCopyReplication()) { FreezeMetaData meta; if (meta.load(disk, path)) { FreezeMetaData::clean(disk, path); return StorageReplicatedMergeTree::removeSharedDetachedPart(disk, path, part_name, meta.table_shared_id, meta.zookeeper_name, meta.replica_name, "", local_context); } } disk->removeRecursive(path); return false; } PartitionCommandsResultInfo Unfreezer::unfreezePartitionsFromTableDirectory(MergeTreeData::MatcherFn matcher, const String & backup_name, const Disks & disks, const fs::path & table_directory, ContextPtr local_context) { PartitionCommandsResultInfo result; for (const auto & disk : disks) { if (!disk->exists(table_directory)) continue; for (auto it = disk->iterateDirectory(table_directory); it->isValid(); it->next()) { const auto & partition_directory = it->name(); /// Partition ID is prefix of part directory name: _ auto found = partition_directory.find('_'); if (found == std::string::npos) continue; auto partition_id = partition_directory.substr(0, found); if (!matcher(partition_id)) continue; const auto & path = it->path(); bool keep_shared = removeFreezedPart(disk, path, partition_directory, local_context); result.push_back(PartitionCommandResultInfo{ .partition_id = partition_id, .part_name = partition_directory, .backup_path = disk->getPath() + table_directory.generic_string(), .part_backup_path = disk->getPath() + path, .backup_name = backup_name, }); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Unfreezed part by path {}, keep shared data: {}", disk->getPath() + path, keep_shared); } } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Unfreezed {} parts", result.size()); return result; } }