#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { struct Stream { static const size_t UNKNOWN = std::numeric_limits::max(); DataTypePtr type; String path; String name; ReadBufferFromFile file_buf; HashingReadBuffer compressed_hashing_buf; CompressedReadBuffer uncompressing_buf; HashingReadBuffer uncompressed_hashing_buf; ReadBufferFromFile mrk_file_buf; HashingReadBuffer mrk_hashing_buf; Stream(const String & path_, const String & name_, DataTypePtr type_) : type(type_), path(path_), name(name_), file_buf(path + name + ".bin"), compressed_hashing_buf(file_buf), uncompressing_buf(compressed_hashing_buf), uncompressed_hashing_buf(uncompressing_buf), mrk_file_buf(path + name + ".mrk"), mrk_hashing_buf(mrk_file_buf) {} bool marksEOF() { return mrk_hashing_buf.eof(); } void ignore() { uncompressed_hashing_buf.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max()); mrk_hashing_buf.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max()); } size_t read(size_t rows) { if (dynamic_cast(&*type)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { if (uncompressed_hashing_buf.eof()) return i; UInt64 size; readVarUInt(size, uncompressed_hashing_buf); if (size > (1ul << 31)) throw Exception("A string of length " + toString(size) + " is too long.", ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA); uncompressed_hashing_buf.ignore(size); } return rows; } else { size_t length; if( dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type)) length = sizeof(UInt8); else if(dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type)) length = sizeof(UInt16); else if(dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type)) length = sizeof(UInt32); else if(dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type) || dynamic_cast(&*type)) length = sizeof(UInt64); else if (auto string = dynamic_cast(&*type)) length = string->getN(); else throw Exception("Unexpected data type: " + type->getName() + " of column " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TYPE); size_t size = uncompressed_hashing_buf.tryIgnore(length * rows); if (size % length) throw Exception("Read " + toString(size) + " bytes, which is not divisible by " + toString(length), ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA); return size / length; } } size_t readUInt64(size_t rows, ColumnUInt64::Container_t & data) { if (data.size() < rows) data.resize(rows); size_t size = uncompressed_hashing_buf.readBig(reinterpret_cast(&data[0]), sizeof(UInt64) * rows); if (size % sizeof(UInt64)) throw Exception("Read " + toString(size) + " bytes, which is not divisible by " + toString(sizeof(UInt64)), ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA); return size / sizeof(UInt64); } void assertMark() { MarkInCompressedFile mrk_mark; readIntBinary(mrk_mark.offset_in_compressed_file, mrk_hashing_buf); readIntBinary(mrk_mark.offset_in_decompressed_block, mrk_hashing_buf); bool has_alternative_mark = false; MarkInCompressedFile alternative_data_mark; MarkInCompressedFile data_mark; /// Если засечка должна быть ровно на границе блоков, нам подходит и засечка, указывающая на конец предыдущего блока, /// и на начало следующего. if (uncompressed_hashing_buf.position() == uncompressed_hashing_buf.buffer().end()) { /// Получим засечку, указывающую на конец предыдущего блока. has_alternative_mark = true; alternative_data_mark.offset_in_compressed_file = compressed_hashing_buf.count() - uncompressing_buf.getSizeCompressed(); alternative_data_mark.offset_in_decompressed_block = uncompressed_hashing_buf.offset(); if (mrk_mark == alternative_data_mark) return; uncompressed_hashing_buf.next(); /// В конце файла compressed_hashing_buf.count() указывает на конец файла даже до вызова next(), /// и только что выполненная проверка работает неправильно. Для простоты не будем проверять последнюю засечку. if (uncompressed_hashing_buf.eof()) return; } data_mark.offset_in_compressed_file = compressed_hashing_buf.count() - uncompressing_buf.getSizeCompressed(); data_mark.offset_in_decompressed_block = uncompressed_hashing_buf.offset(); if (mrk_mark != data_mark) throw Exception("Incorrect mark: " + data_mark.toString() + (has_alternative_mark ? " or " + alternative_data_mark.toString() : "") + " in data, " + mrk_mark.toString() + " in .mrk file", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_MARK); } void assertEnd(MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums & checksums) { if (!uncompressed_hashing_buf.eof()) throw Exception("EOF expected in column data", ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA); if (!mrk_hashing_buf.eof()) throw Exception("EOF expected in .mrk file", ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA); checksums.files[name + ".bin"] = MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums::Checksum( compressed_hashing_buf.count(), compressed_hashing_buf.getHash(), uncompressed_hashing_buf.count(), uncompressed_hashing_buf.getHash()); checksums.files[name + ".mrk"] = MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums::Checksum( mrk_hashing_buf.count(), mrk_hashing_buf.getHash()); } }; /// Возвращает количество строк. Добавляет в checksums чексуммы всех файлов столбца. static size_t checkColumn(const String & path, const String & name, DataTypePtr type, const MergeTreePartChecker::Settings & settings, MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums & checksums) { size_t rows = 0; try { if (auto array = dynamic_cast(&*type)) { String sizes_name = DataTypeNested::extractNestedTableName(name); Stream sizes_stream(path, escapeForFileName(sizes_name) + ".size0", new DataTypeUInt64); Stream data_stream(path, escapeForFileName(name), array->getNestedType()); ColumnUInt64::Container_t sizes; while (true) { if (sizes_stream.marksEOF()) break; sizes_stream.assertMark(); data_stream.assertMark(); size_t cur_rows = sizes_stream.readUInt64(settings.index_granularity, sizes); size_t sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < cur_rows; ++i) { size_t new_sum = sum + sizes[i]; if (sizes[i] > (1ul << 31) || new_sum < sum) throw Exception("Array size " + toString(sizes[i]) + " is too long.", ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA); sum = new_sum; } data_stream.read(sum); rows += cur_rows; if (cur_rows < settings.index_granularity) break; } sizes_stream.assertEnd(checksums); data_stream.assertEnd(checksums); return rows; } else if (dynamic_cast(&*type)) { Stream data_stream(path, escapeForFileName(name), type); data_stream.ignore(); return Stream::UNKNOWN; } else { Stream data_stream(path, escapeForFileName(name), type); size_t rows = 0; while (true) { if (data_stream.marksEOF()) break; data_stream.assertMark(); size_t cur_rows = data_stream.read(settings.index_granularity); if (cur_rows == Stream::UNKNOWN) rows = Stream::UNKNOWN; else rows += cur_rows; if (cur_rows < settings.index_granularity) break; } data_stream.assertEnd(checksums); return rows; } } catch (DB::Exception & e) { e.addMessage(" (column: " + path + name + ", last mark at " + toString(rows) + " rows)"); throw; } } void MergeTreePartChecker::checkDataPart(String path, const Settings & settings, const DataTypeFactory & data_type_factory, MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums * out_checksums) { if (!path.empty() && path.back() != '/') path += "/"; NamesAndTypesList columns; MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums checksums_txt; { ReadBufferFromFile buf(path + "columns.txt"); columns.readText(buf, data_type_factory); assertEOF(buf); } if (settings.require_checksums || Poco::File(path + "checksums.txt").exists()) { ReadBufferFromFile buf(path + "checksums.txt"); checksums_txt.readText(buf); assertEOF(buf); } MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums checksums_data; size_t primary_idx_size; { ReadBufferFromFile file_buf(path + "primary.idx"); HashingReadBuffer hashing_buf(file_buf); primary_idx_size = hashing_buf.tryIgnore(std::numeric_limits::max()); checksums_data.files["primary.idx"] = MergeTreeData::DataPart::Checksums::Checksum(primary_idx_size, hashing_buf.getHash()); } String any_column_name; size_t rows = Stream::UNKNOWN; ExceptionPtr first_exception; for (const NameAndTypePair & column : columns) { if (settings.verbose) { std::cerr << column.name << ":"; std::cerr.flush(); } bool ok = false; try { if (!settings.require_column_files && !Poco::File(path + escapeForFileName(column.name) + ".bin").exists()) { if (settings.verbose) std::cerr << " no files" << std::endl; continue; } size_t cur_rows = checkColumn(path, column.name, column.type, settings, checksums_data); if (cur_rows != Stream::UNKNOWN) { if (rows == Stream::UNKNOWN) { rows = cur_rows; any_column_name = column.name; } else if (rows != cur_rows) { throw Exception("Different number of rows in columns " + any_column_name + " and " + column.name, ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_COLUMNS_DOESNT_MATCH); } } ok = true; } catch (...) { if (!settings.verbose) throw; ExceptionPtr e = cloneCurrentException(); if (!first_exception) first_exception = e; std::cerr << " exception" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Code: " << e->code() << ", e.displayText() = " << e->displayText() << ", e.what() = " << e->what() << std::endl; if (auto dbe = dynamic_cast(&*e)) std::cerr << "Stack trace:\n\n" << dbe->getStackTrace().toString() << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; } if (settings.verbose && ok) std::cerr << " ok" << std::endl; } if (rows == Stream::UNKNOWN) throw Exception("No columns", ErrorCodes::EMPTY_LIST_OF_COLUMNS_PASSED); if (primary_idx_size % ((rows - 1) / settings.index_granularity + 1)) throw Exception("primary.idx size (" + toString(primary_idx_size) + ") not divisible by number of marks (" + toString(rows) + "/" + toString(settings.index_granularity) + " rounded up)", ErrorCodes::CORRUPTED_DATA); if (settings.require_checksums || !checksums_txt.files.empty()) checksums_txt.checkEqual(checksums_data, true); if (first_exception) first_exception->rethrow(); } }