import time import pytest from kazoo.client import KazooClient from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from import PartitionManager from helpers.test_tools import assert_eq_with_retry def fill_nodes(nodes, shard): for node in nodes: node.query( """ CREATE DATABASE test; CREATE TABLE test.test_table(date Date, id UInt32) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test{shard}/replicated', '{replica}') ORDER BY id PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) SETTINGS min_replicated_logs_to_keep=3, max_replicated_logs_to_keep=5, cleanup_delay_period=0, cleanup_delay_period_random_add=0, cleanup_thread_preferred_points_per_iteration=0; """.format( shard=shard, ) ) cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node1 = cluster.add_instance( "node1", main_configs=["configs/remote_servers.xml"], with_zookeeper=True, stay_alive=True, ) node2 = cluster.add_instance( "node2", main_configs=["configs/remote_servers.xml"], with_zookeeper=True ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def start_cluster(): try: cluster.start() fill_nodes([node1, node2], 1) yield cluster except Exception as ex: print(ex) finally: cluster.shutdown() def test_readonly_metrics(start_cluster): assert ( node1.query("SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'") == "0\n" ) with PartitionManager() as pm: ## make node1 readonly -> heal -> readonly -> heal -> detach table -> heal -> attach table pm.drop_instance_zk_connections(node1) assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "1\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) pm.heal_all() assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "0\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) pm.drop_instance_zk_connections(node1) assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "1\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) node1.query("DETACH TABLE test.test_table") assert "0\n" == node1.query( "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'" ) pm.heal_all() node1.query("ATTACH TABLE test.test_table") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "0\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) # For LowCardinality-columns, the bytes for N rows is not N*size of 1 row. def test_metrics_storage_buffer_size(start_cluster): node1.query( """ CREATE TABLE test.test_mem_table ( `str` LowCardinality(String) ) ENGINE = Memory; CREATE TABLE test.buffer_table ( `str` LowCardinality(String) ) ENGINE = Buffer('test', 'test_mem_table', 1, 600, 600, 1000, 100000, 100000, 10000000); """ ) # before flush node1.query("INSERT INTO test.buffer_table VALUES('hello');") assert ( node1.query( "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'StorageBufferRows'" ) == "1\n" ) # By the way, this metric does not count the LowCardinality's dictionary size. assert ( node1.query( "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'StorageBufferBytes'" ) == "1\n" ) node1.query("INSERT INTO test.buffer_table VALUES('hello');") assert ( node1.query( "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'StorageBufferRows'" ) == "2\n" ) assert ( node1.query( "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'StorageBufferBytes'" ) == "2\n" ) # flush node1.query("OPTIMIZE TABLE test.buffer_table") assert ( node1.query( "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'StorageBufferRows'" ) == "0\n" ) assert ( node1.query( "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'StorageBufferBytes'" ) == "0\n" ) def test_attach_without_zk_incr_readonly_metric(start_cluster): assert ( node1.query("SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'") == "0\n" ) node1.query( "ATTACH TABLE test.test_no_zk UUID 'a50b7933-59b2-49ce-8db6-59da3c9b4413' (i Int8, d Date) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('no_zk', 'replica') ORDER BY tuple()" ) assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "1\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) node1.query("DETACH TABLE test.test_no_zk") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "0\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) node1.query("ATTACH TABLE test.test_no_zk") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "1\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) node1.query("SYSTEM RESTORE REPLICA test.test_no_zk") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "0\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) node1.query("DROP TABLE test.test_no_zk") assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "0\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) def get_zk(timeout=30.0): _zk_instance = KazooClient( hosts=cluster.get_instance_ip("zoo1") + ":2181", timeout=timeout ) _zk_instance.start() return _zk_instance def test_broken_tables_readonly_metric(start_cluster): node1.query( "CREATE TABLE test.broken_table_readonly(initial_name Int8) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/broken_table_readonly', 'replica') ORDER BY tuple()" ) assert_eq_with_retry( node1, "SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'", "0\n", retry_count=300, sleep_time=1, ) zk_path = node1.query( "SELECT replica_path FROM system.replicas WHERE table = 'broken_table_readonly'" ).strip() node1.stop_clickhouse() zk_client = get_zk() columns_path = zk_path + "/columns" metadata = zk_client.get(columns_path)[0] modified_metadata = metadata.replace(b"initial_name", b"new_name") zk_client.set(columns_path, modified_metadata) node1.start_clickhouse() assert node1.contains_in_log("Initialization failed, table will remain readonly") assert ( node1.query("SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'ReadonlyReplica'") == "1\n" )