import argparse import json import os from typing import Dict, List, Union import requests from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from ci_config import CI from ci_utils import WithIter from commit_status_helper import get_commit_filtered_statuses, get_repo from get_robot_token import get_best_robot_token, get_parameter_from_ssm from github_helper import GitHub from pr_info import PRInfo class Channels(metaclass=WithIter): # Channel names must match json keys in ParameterStore ALERTS = "alerts-channel" INFO = "info-channel" DRY_RUN = "dry-ryn-channel" DEFAULT = "default" class CIBuddy: Channels = Channels _HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} def __init__(self, dry_run=False): self.repo = os.getenv("GITHUB_REPOSITORY", "") self.dry_run = dry_run res = self._get_webhooks() self.channels = {} if res: channels = json.loads(res) for channel in Channels: if channel in channels: self.channels[channel] = channels[channel] for channel in Channels: if channel not in self.channels: if Channels.DEFAULT in self.channels: print( f"ERROR: missing config for channel [{channel}] - will use default channel instead" ) self.channels[channel] = self.channels[Channels.DEFAULT] else: print( f"ERROR: missing config for channel [{channel}] - will disable notification" ) self.channels[channel] = "" self.job_name = os.getenv("CHECK_NAME", "unknown") pr_info = PRInfo() self.pr_number = pr_info.number self.head_ref = pr_info.head_ref self.commit_url = pr_info.commit_html_url self.sha_full = pr_info.sha self.sha = self.sha_full[:10] def check_workflow(self): CI.GH.print_workflow_results() if CI.Envs.GITHUB_WORKFLOW == CI.WorkFlowNames.CreateRelease: if not CI.GH.is_workflow_ok(): self.post_job_error( f"{CI.Envs.GITHUB_WORKFLOW} Workflow Failed", critical=True ) return res = CI.GH.get_workflow_job_result(CI.GH.ActionsNames.RunConfig) if res == CI.GH.ActionStatuses.SUCCESS: # the normal case return gh = GitHub(get_best_robot_token()) commit = get_repo(gh).get_commit(self.sha_full) statuses = get_commit_filtered_statuses(commit) if any(True for st in statuses if st.context == CI.StatusNames.PR_CHECK): print( f"INFO: RunConfig status is [{res}], but it " f'contains "{CI.StatusNames.PR_CHECK}" status, do not report error' ) return print(f"ERROR: RunConfig status is [{res}] - post report to slack") self.post_job_error(f"{CI.Envs.GITHUB_WORKFLOW} Workflow Failed", critical=True) @staticmethod def _get_webhooks(): name = "ci_buddy_web_hooks" json_string = None try: json_string = get_parameter_from_ssm(name, decrypt=True) except ClientError as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") return json_string def post(self, message: str, channels: List[str]) -> None: print(f"Posting slack message, dry_run [{self.dry_run}]") if self.dry_run: urls = [self.channels[Channels.DRY_RUN]] else: urls = [] for channel in channels: url = self.channels[channel] if url: urls.append(url) else: print(f"WARNING: no channel config for [{channel}] - skip") data = {"text": message} try: for url in urls: url, headers=self._HEADERS, data=json.dumps(data), timeout=10 ) except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR: Failed to post message, ex {e}") def _post_formatted( self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool, channels: Union[List[str], str], ) -> None: message = title if isinstance(body, dict): for name, value in body.items(): if "sha" in name and value and len(value) == 40: value = ( f"" ) elif isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith(""): value_shorten = value.split("/")[-1] value = f"<{value}|{value_shorten}>" message += f" *{name}*: {value}\n" else: message += body + "\n" run_id = os.getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID", "") if with_wf_link and run_id: message += f" *workflow*: \n" message, channels=[channels] if isinstance(channels, str) else channels ) def post_info( self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True, channels: Union[List[str], str] = Channels.INFO, ) -> None: title_extended = f":white_circle: *{title}*\n\n" self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link, channels=channels) def post_done( self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True, channels: Union[List[str], str] = Channels.INFO, ) -> None: title_extended = f":white_check_mark: *{title}*\n\n" self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link, channels=channels) def post_warning( self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True, channels: Union[List[str], str] = Channels.ALERTS, ) -> None: title_extended = f":warning: *{title}*\n\n" self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link, channels=channels) def post_critical( self, title: str, body: Union[Dict, str], with_wf_link: bool = True, channels: Union[List[str], str] = Channels.ALERTS, ) -> None: title_extended = f":black_circle: *{title}*\n\n" self._post_formatted(title_extended, body, with_wf_link, channels=channels) def post_job_error( self, error_description: str, job_name: str = "", with_instance_info: bool = True, with_wf_link: bool = True, critical: bool = False, channel: Union[List[str], str] = Channels.ALERTS, ) -> None: instance_id, instance_type = "unknown", "unknown" if with_instance_info: instance_id = ( CI.Shell.get_output("ec2metadata --instance-id") or instance_id ) instance_type = ( CI.Shell.get_output("ec2metadata --instance-type") or instance_type ) if not job_name: job_name = os.getenv("CHECK_NAME", "unknown") sign = ":red_circle:" if not critical else ":black_circle:" line_err = f"{sign} *Error: {error_description}*\n\n" line_ghr = f" *Runner:* `{instance_type}`, `{instance_id}`\n" line_job = f" *Job:* `{job_name}`\n" line_pr_ = f" *PR:* , <{self.commit_url}|{self.sha}>\n" line_br_ = ( f" *Branch:* `{self.head_ref}`, <{self.commit_url}|{self.sha}>\n" ) message = line_err message += line_job if with_instance_info: message += line_ghr if self.pr_number > 0: message += line_pr_ else: message += line_br_ run_id = os.getenv("GITHUB_RUN_ID", "") if with_wf_link and run_id: message += f" *workflow*: \n", channels=[channel] if isinstance(channel, str) else channel) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("CI Buddy bot notifies about CI events") parser.add_argument( "--check-wf-status", action="store_true", help="Checks workflow status", ) parser.add_argument( "--test", action="store_true", help="for test and debug", ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", help="dry run mode", ) return parser.parse_args(), parser if __name__ == "__main__": args, parser = parse_args() if args.test: CIBuddy(dry_run=True).post_job_error("TEst") elif args.check_wf_status: CIBuddy(dry_run=args.dry_run).check_workflow()