#include "LocalServer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR; extern const int CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIG; extern const int FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS; } LocalServer::LocalServer() = default; LocalServer::~LocalServer() { if (global_context) global_context->shutdown(); /// required for properly exception handling } void LocalServer::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self) { Poco::Util::Application::initialize(self); /// Load config files if exists if (config().has("config-file") || Poco::File("config.xml").exists()) { const auto config_path = config().getString("config-file", "config.xml"); ConfigProcessor config_processor(config_path, false, true); config_processor.setConfigPath(Poco::Path(config_path).makeParent().toString()); auto loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfig(); config_processor.savePreprocessedConfig(loaded_config, loaded_config.configuration->getString("path", ".")); config().add(loaded_config.configuration.duplicate(), PRIO_DEFAULT, false); } if (config().has("logger.console") || config().has("logger.level") || config().has("logger.log")) { // force enable logging config().setString("logger", "logger"); // sensitive data rules are not used here buildLoggers(config(), logger(), "clickhouse-local"); } else { // Turn off server logging to stderr if (!config().has("verbose")) { Poco::Logger::root().setLevel("none"); Poco::Logger::root().setChannel(Poco::AutoPtr(new Poco::NullChannel())); } } } void LocalServer::applyCmdSettings(Context & context) { context.applySettingsChanges(cmd_settings.changes()); } /// If path is specified and not empty, will try to setup server environment and load existing metadata void LocalServer::tryInitPath() { std::string path; if (config().has("path")) { // User-supplied path. path = config().getString("path"); Poco::trimInPlace(path); if (path.empty()) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Cannot work with empty storage path that is explicitly specified" " by the --path option. Please check the program options and" " correct the --path."); } } else { // The path is not provided explicitly - use a unique path in the system temporary directory // (or in the current dir if temporary don't exist) Poco::Logger * log = &logger(); std::filesystem::path parent_folder; std::filesystem::path default_path; try { // try to guess a tmp folder name, and check if it's a directory (throw exception otherwise) parent_folder = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path(); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error& e) { // tmp folder don't exists? misconfiguration? chroot? LOG_DEBUG(log, "Can not get temporary folder: {}", e.what()); parent_folder = std::filesystem::current_path(); std::filesystem::is_directory(parent_folder); // that will throw an exception if it's not a directory LOG_DEBUG(log, "Will create working directory inside current directory: {}", parent_folder.string()); } /// we can have another clickhouse-local running simultaneously, even with the same PID (for ex. - several dockers mounting the same folder) /// or it can be some leftovers from other clickhouse-local runs /// as we can't accurately distinguish those situations we don't touch any existent folders /// we just try to pick some free name for our working folder default_path = parent_folder / fmt::format("clickhouse-local-{}-{}-{}", getpid(), time(nullptr), randomSeed()); if (exists(default_path)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Unsuccessful attempt to create working directory: {} exist!", default_path.string()); create_directory(default_path); temporary_directory_to_delete = default_path; path = default_path.string(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Working directory created: {}", path); } if (path.back() != '/') path += '/'; global_context->setPath(path); global_context->setTemporaryStorage(path + "tmp"); global_context->setFlagsPath(path + "flags"); global_context->setUserFilesPath(""); // user's files are everywhere } static void attachSystemTables(const Context & context) { DatabasePtr system_database = DatabaseCatalog::instance().tryGetDatabase(DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE); if (!system_database) { /// TODO: add attachTableDelayed into DatabaseMemory to speedup loading system_database = std::make_shared(DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE, context); DatabaseCatalog::instance().attachDatabase(DatabaseCatalog::SYSTEM_DATABASE, system_database); } attachSystemTablesLocal(*system_database); } int LocalServer::main(const std::vector & /*args*/) try { Poco::Logger * log = &logger(); ThreadStatus thread_status; UseSSL use_ssl; if (!config().has("query") && !config().has("table-structure") && !config().has("queries-file")) /// Nothing to process { if (config().hasOption("verbose")) std::cerr << "There are no queries to process." << '\n'; return Application::EXIT_OK; } if (config().has("query") && config().has("queries-file")) { throw Exception("Specify either `query` or `queries-file` option", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS); } shared_context = Context::createShared(); global_context = std::make_unique(Context::createGlobal(shared_context.get())); global_context->makeGlobalContext(); global_context->setApplicationType(Context::ApplicationType::LOCAL); tryInitPath(); std::optional status; /// Skip temp path installation /// We will terminate process on error static KillingErrorHandler error_handler; Poco::ErrorHandler::set(&error_handler); /// Don't initialize DateLUT registerFunctions(); registerAggregateFunctions(); registerTableFunctions(); registerStorages(); registerDictionaries(); registerDisks(); registerFormats(); /// Maybe useless if (config().has("macros")) global_context->setMacros(std::make_unique(config(), "macros", log)); /// Skip networking /// Sets external authenticators config (LDAP, Kerberos). global_context->setExternalAuthenticatorsConfig(config()); setupUsers(); /// Limit on total number of concurrently executing queries. /// There is no need for concurrent queries, override max_concurrent_queries. global_context->getProcessList().setMaxSize(0); /// Size of cache for uncompressed blocks. Zero means disabled. size_t uncompressed_cache_size = config().getUInt64("uncompressed_cache_size", 0); if (uncompressed_cache_size) global_context->setUncompressedCache(uncompressed_cache_size); /// Size of cache for marks (index of MergeTree family of tables). It is necessary. /// Specify default value for mark_cache_size explicitly! size_t mark_cache_size = config().getUInt64("mark_cache_size", 5368709120); if (mark_cache_size) global_context->setMarkCache(mark_cache_size); /// Load global settings from default_profile and system_profile. global_context->setDefaultProfiles(config()); /** Init dummy default DB * NOTE: We force using isolated default database to avoid conflicts with default database from server environment * Otherwise, metadata of temporary File(format, EXPLICIT_PATH) tables will pollute metadata/ directory; * if such tables will not be dropped, clickhouse-server will not be able to load them due to security reasons. */ std::string default_database = config().getString("default_database", "_local"); DatabaseCatalog::instance().attachDatabase(default_database, std::make_shared(default_database, *global_context)); global_context->setCurrentDatabase(default_database); applyCmdOptions(*global_context); if (config().has("path")) { String path = global_context->getPath(); /// Lock path directory before read status.emplace(path + "status", StatusFile::write_full_info); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Loading metadata from {}", path); Poco::File(path + "data/").createDirectories(); Poco::File(path + "metadata/").createDirectories(); loadMetadataSystem(*global_context); attachSystemTables(*global_context); loadMetadata(*global_context); DatabaseCatalog::instance().loadDatabases(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Loaded metadata."); } else if (!config().has("no-system-tables")) { attachSystemTables(*global_context); } processQueries(); global_context->shutdown(); global_context.reset(); status.reset(); cleanup(); return Application::EXIT_OK; } catch (const Exception & e) { try { cleanup(); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(config().hasOption("stacktrace")) << '\n'; /// If exception code isn't zero, we should return non-zero return code anyway. return e.code() ? e.code() : -1; } std::string LocalServer::getInitialCreateTableQuery() { if (!config().has("table-structure")) return {}; auto table_name = backQuoteIfNeed(config().getString("table-name", "table")); auto table_structure = config().getString("table-structure"); auto data_format = backQuoteIfNeed(config().getString("table-data-format", "TSV")); String table_file; if (!config().has("table-file") || config().getString("table-file") == "-") /// Use Unix tools stdin naming convention table_file = "stdin"; else /// Use regular file table_file = quoteString(config().getString("table-file")); return "CREATE TABLE " + table_name + " (" + table_structure + ") " + "ENGINE = " "File(" + data_format + ", " + table_file + ")" "; "; } void LocalServer::processQueries() { String initial_create_query = getInitialCreateTableQuery(); String queries_str = initial_create_query; if (config().has("query")) queries_str += config().getRawString("query"); else { String queries_from_file; ReadBufferFromFile in(config().getString("queries-file")); readStringUntilEOF(queries_from_file, in); queries_str += queries_from_file; } const auto & settings = global_context->getSettingsRef(); std::vector queries; auto parse_res = splitMultipartQuery(queries_str, queries, settings.max_query_size, settings.max_parser_depth); if (!parse_res.second) throw Exception("Cannot parse and execute the following part of query: " + String(parse_res.first), ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); /// we can't mutate global global_context (can lead to races, as it was already passed to some background threads) /// so we can't reuse it safely as a query context and need a copy here auto context = Context(*global_context); context.makeSessionContext(); context.makeQueryContext(); context.setUser("default", "", Poco::Net::SocketAddress{}); context.setCurrentQueryId(""); applyCmdSettings(context); /// Use the same query_id (and thread group) for all queries CurrentThread::QueryScope query_scope_holder(context); bool echo_queries = config().hasOption("echo") || config().hasOption("verbose"); std::exception_ptr exception; for (const auto & query : queries) { ReadBufferFromString read_buf(query); WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor write_buf(STDOUT_FILENO); if (echo_queries) { writeString(query, write_buf); writeChar('\n', write_buf); write_buf.next(); } try { executeQuery(read_buf, write_buf, /* allow_into_outfile = */ true, context, {}); } catch (...) { if (!config().hasOption("ignore-error")) throw; if (!exception) exception = std::current_exception(); std::cerr << getCurrentExceptionMessage(config().hasOption("stacktrace")) << '\n'; } } if (exception) std::rethrow_exception(exception); } static const char * minimal_default_user_xml = "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ::/0" " " " default" " default" " " " " " " " " " " ""; static ConfigurationPtr getConfigurationFromXMLString(const char * xml_data) { std::stringstream ss{std::string{xml_data}}; // STYLE_CHECK_ALLOW_STD_STRING_STREAM Poco::XML::InputSource input_source{ss}; return {new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration{&input_source}}; } void LocalServer::setupUsers() { ConfigurationPtr users_config; if (config().has("users_config") || config().has("config-file") || Poco::File("config.xml").exists()) { const auto users_config_path = config().getString("users_config", config().getString("config-file", "config.xml")); ConfigProcessor config_processor(users_config_path); const auto loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfig(); config_processor.savePreprocessedConfig(loaded_config, config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)); users_config = loaded_config.configuration; } else { users_config = getConfigurationFromXMLString(minimal_default_user_xml); } if (users_config) global_context->setUsersConfig(users_config); else throw Exception("Can't load config for users", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIG); } void LocalServer::cleanup() { // Delete the temporary directory if needed. if (temporary_directory_to_delete) { const auto dir = *temporary_directory_to_delete; temporary_directory_to_delete.reset(); LOG_DEBUG(&logger(), "Removing temporary directory: {}", dir.string()); remove_all(dir); } } static void showClientVersion() { std::cout << DBMS_NAME << " client version " << VERSION_STRING << VERSION_OFFICIAL << "." << '\n'; } static std::string getHelpHeader() { return "usage: clickhouse-local [initial table definition] [--query ]\n" "clickhouse-local allows to execute SQL queries on your data files via single command line call." " To do so, initially you need to define your data source and its format." " After you can execute your SQL queries in usual manner.\n" "There are two ways to define initial table keeping your data." " Either just in first query like this:\n" " CREATE TABLE () ENGINE = File(, );\n" "Either through corresponding command line parameters --table --structure --input-format and --file."; } static std::string getHelpFooter() { return "Example printing memory used by each Unix user:\n" "ps aux | tail -n +2 | awk '{ printf(\"%s\\t%s\\n\", $1, $4) }' | " "clickhouse-local -S \"user String, mem Float64\" -q" " \"SELECT user, round(sum(mem), 2) as mem_total FROM table GROUP BY user ORDER" " BY mem_total DESC FORMAT PrettyCompact\""; } void LocalServer::init(int argc, char ** argv) { namespace po = boost::program_options; /// Don't parse options with Poco library, we prefer neat boost::program_options stopOptionsProcessing(); po::options_description description = createOptionsDescription("Main options", getTerminalWidth()); description.add_options() ("help", "produce help message") ("config-file,c", po::value(), "config-file path") ("query,q", po::value(), "query") ("queries-file, qf", po::value(), "file path with queries to execute") ("database,d", po::value(), "database") ("table,N", po::value(), "name of the initial table") /// If structure argument is omitted then initial query is not generated ("structure,S", po::value(), "structure of the initial table (list of column and type names)") ("file,f", po::value(), "path to file with data of the initial table (stdin if not specified)") ("input-format", po::value(), "input format of the initial table data") ("format,f", po::value(), "default output format (clickhouse-client compatibility)") ("output-format", po::value(), "default output format") ("stacktrace", "print stack traces of exceptions") ("echo", "print query before execution") ("verbose", "print query and other debugging info") ("logger.console", po::value()->implicit_value(true), "Log to console") ("logger.log", po::value(), "Log file name") ("logger.level", po::value(), "Log level") ("ignore-error", "do not stop processing if a query failed") ("no-system-tables", "do not attach system tables (better startup time)") ("version,V", "print version information and exit") ; cmd_settings.addProgramOptions(description); /// Parse main commandline options. po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(description).run(); po::variables_map options; po::store(parsed, options); po::notify(options); if (options.count("version") || options.count("V")) { showClientVersion(); exit(0); } if (options.empty() || options.count("help")) { std::cout << getHelpHeader() << "\n"; std::cout << description << "\n"; std::cout << getHelpFooter() << "\n"; exit(0); } /// Save received data into the internal config. if (options.count("config-file")) config().setString("config-file", options["config-file"].as()); if (options.count("query")) config().setString("query", options["query"].as()); if (options.count("queries-file")) config().setString("queries-file", options["queries-file"].as()); if (options.count("database")) config().setString("default_database", options["database"].as()); if (options.count("table")) config().setString("table-name", options["table"].as()); if (options.count("file")) config().setString("table-file", options["file"].as()); if (options.count("structure")) config().setString("table-structure", options["structure"].as()); if (options.count("input-format")) config().setString("table-data-format", options["input-format"].as()); if (options.count("format")) config().setString("format", options["format"].as()); if (options.count("output-format")) config().setString("output-format", options["output-format"].as()); if (options.count("stacktrace")) config().setBool("stacktrace", true); if (options.count("echo")) config().setBool("echo", true); if (options.count("verbose")) config().setBool("verbose", true); if (options.count("logger.console")) config().setBool("logger.console", options["logger.console"].as()); if (options.count("logger.log")) config().setString("logger.log", options["logger.log"].as()); if (options.count("logger.level")) config().setString("logger.level", options["logger.level"].as()); if (options.count("ignore-error")) config().setBool("ignore-error", true); if (options.count("no-system-tables")) config().setBool("no-system-tables", true); std::vector arguments; for (int arg_num = 1; arg_num < argc; ++arg_num) arguments.emplace_back(argv[arg_num]); argsToConfig(arguments, config(), 100); } void LocalServer::applyCmdOptions(Context & context) { context.setDefaultFormat(config().getString("output-format", config().getString("format", "TSV"))); applyCmdSettings(context); } } #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-declarations" int mainEntryClickHouseLocal(int argc, char ** argv) { DB::LocalServer app; try { app.init(argc, argv); return app.run(); } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << '\n'; auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return code ? code : 1; } }