#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { const char * ParserMultiplicativeExpression::operators[] = { "*", "multiply", "/", "divide", "%", "modulo", "MOD", "modulo", "DIV", "intDiv", nullptr }; const char * ParserUnaryExpression::operators[] = { "-", "negate", "NOT", "not", nullptr }; const char * ParserAdditiveExpression::operators[] = { "+", "plus", "-", "minus", nullptr }; const char * ParserComparisonExpression::operators[] = { "==", "equals", "!=", "notEquals", "<>", "notEquals", "<=", "lessOrEquals", ">=", "greaterOrEquals", "<", "less", ">", "greater", "=", "equals", "LIKE", "like", "ILIKE", "ilike", "NOT LIKE", "notLike", "NOT ILIKE", "notILike", "IN", "in", "NOT IN", "notIn", "GLOBAL IN", "globalIn", "GLOBAL NOT IN", "globalNotIn", nullptr }; const char * ParserComparisonExpression::overlapping_operators_to_skip[] = { "IN PARTITION", nullptr }; const char * ParserLogicalNotExpression::operators[] = { "NOT", "not", nullptr }; const char * ParserArrayElementExpression::operators[] = { "[", "arrayElement", nullptr }; const char * ParserTupleElementExpression::operators[] = { ".", "tupleElement", nullptr }; bool ParserList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ASTs elements; auto parse_element = [&] { ASTPtr element; if (!elem_parser->parse(pos, element, expected)) return false; elements.push_back(element); return true; }; if (!parseUtil(pos, expected, parse_element, *separator_parser, allow_empty)) return false; auto list = std::make_shared(result_separator); list->children = std::move(elements); node = list; return true; } bool ParserUnionList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ASTs elements; auto parse_element = [&] { ASTPtr element; if (!elem_parser->parse(pos, element, expected)) return false; elements.push_back(element); return true; }; /// Parse UNION type auto parse_separator = [&] { if (s_union_parser->ignore(pos, expected)) { // SELECT ... UNION ALL SELECT ... if (s_all_parser->check(pos, expected)) { union_modes.push_back(ASTSelectWithUnionQuery::Mode::ALL); } // SELECT ... UNION DISTINCT SELECT ... else if (s_distinct_parser->check(pos, expected)) { union_modes.push_back(ASTSelectWithUnionQuery::Mode::DISTINCT); } // SELECT ... UNION SELECT ... else union_modes.push_back(ASTSelectWithUnionQuery::Mode::Unspecified); return true; } return false; }; if (!parseUtil(pos, parse_element, parse_separator)) return false; auto list = std::make_shared(); list->children = std::move(elements); node = list; return true; } static bool parseOperator(IParser::Pos & pos, const char * op, Expected & expected) { if (isWordCharASCII(*op)) { return ParserKeyword(op).ignore(pos, expected); } else { if (strlen(op) == pos->size() && 0 == memcmp(op, pos->begin, pos->size())) { ++pos; return true; } return false; } } bool ParserLeftAssociativeBinaryOperatorList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { bool first = true; auto current_depth = pos.depth; while (true) { if (first) { ASTPtr elem; if (!first_elem_parser->parse(pos, elem, expected)) return false; node = elem; first = false; } else { /// try to find any of the valid operators const char ** it; Expected stub; for (it = overlapping_operators_to_skip; *it; ++it) if (ParserKeyword{*it}.checkWithoutMoving(pos, stub)) break; if (*it) break; for (it = operators; *it; it += 2) if (parseOperator(pos, *it, expected)) break; if (!*it) break; /// the function corresponding to the operator auto function = std::make_shared(); /// function arguments auto exp_list = std::make_shared(); ASTPtr elem; if (!(remaining_elem_parser ? remaining_elem_parser : first_elem_parser)->parse(pos, elem, expected)) return false; /// the first argument of the function is the previous element, the second is the next one function->name = it[1]; function->arguments = exp_list; function->children.push_back(exp_list); exp_list->children.push_back(node); exp_list->children.push_back(elem); /** special exception for the access operator to the element of the array `x[y]`, which * contains the infix part '[' and the suffix ''] '(specified as' [') */ if (0 == strcmp(it[0], "[")) { if (pos->type != TokenType::ClosingSquareBracket) return false; ++pos; } /// Left associative operator chain is parsed as a tree: ((((1 + 1) + 1) + 1) + 1)... /// We must account it's depth - otherwise we may end up with stack overflow later - on destruction of AST. pos.increaseDepth(); node = function; } } pos.depth = current_depth; return true; } bool ParserVariableArityOperatorList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ASTPtr arguments; if (!elem_parser->parse(pos, node, expected)) return false; while (true) { if (!parseOperator(pos, infix, expected)) break; if (!arguments) { node = makeASTFunction(function_name, node); arguments = node->as().arguments; } ASTPtr elem; if (!elem_parser->parse(pos, elem, expected)) return false; arguments->children.push_back(elem); } return true; } bool ParserBetweenExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { /// For the expression (subject [NOT] BETWEEN left AND right) /// create an AST the same as for (subject> = left AND subject <= right). ParserKeyword s_not("NOT"); ParserKeyword s_between("BETWEEN"); ParserKeyword s_and("AND"); ASTPtr subject; ASTPtr left; ASTPtr right; if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, subject, expected)) return false; bool negative = s_not.ignore(pos, expected); if (!s_between.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (negative) --pos; /// No operator was parsed, just return element. node = subject; } else { if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, left, expected)) return false; if (!s_and.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, right, expected)) return false; auto f_combined_expression = std::make_shared(); auto args_combined_expression = std::make_shared(); /// [NOT] BETWEEN left AND right auto f_left_expr = std::make_shared(); auto args_left_expr = std::make_shared(); auto f_right_expr = std::make_shared(); auto args_right_expr = std::make_shared(); args_left_expr->children.emplace_back(subject); args_left_expr->children.emplace_back(left); args_right_expr->children.emplace_back(subject); args_right_expr->children.emplace_back(right); if (negative) { /// NOT BETWEEN f_left_expr->name = "less"; f_right_expr->name = "greater"; f_combined_expression->name = "or"; } else { /// BETWEEN f_left_expr->name = "greaterOrEquals"; f_right_expr->name = "lessOrEquals"; f_combined_expression->name = "and"; } f_left_expr->arguments = args_left_expr; f_left_expr->children.emplace_back(f_left_expr->arguments); f_right_expr->arguments = args_right_expr; f_right_expr->children.emplace_back(f_right_expr->arguments); args_combined_expression->children.emplace_back(f_left_expr); args_combined_expression->children.emplace_back(f_right_expr); f_combined_expression->arguments = args_combined_expression; f_combined_expression->children.emplace_back(f_combined_expression->arguments); node = f_combined_expression; } return true; } bool ParserTernaryOperatorExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ParserToken symbol1(TokenType::QuestionMark); ParserToken symbol2(TokenType::Colon); ASTPtr elem_cond; ASTPtr elem_then; ASTPtr elem_else; if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, elem_cond, expected)) return false; if (!symbol1.ignore(pos, expected)) node = elem_cond; else { if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, elem_then, expected)) return false; if (!symbol2.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, elem_else, expected)) return false; /// the function corresponding to the operator auto function = std::make_shared(); /// function arguments auto exp_list = std::make_shared(); function->name = "if"; function->arguments = exp_list; function->children.push_back(exp_list); exp_list->children.push_back(elem_cond); exp_list->children.push_back(elem_then); exp_list->children.push_back(elem_else); node = function; } return true; } bool ParserLambdaExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ParserToken arrow(TokenType::Arrow); ParserToken open(TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket); ParserToken close(TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket); Pos begin = pos; do { ASTPtr inner_arguments; ASTPtr expression; bool was_open = false; if (open.ignore(pos, expected)) { was_open = true; } if (!ParserList(std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(TokenType::Comma)).parse(pos, inner_arguments, expected)) break; if (was_open) { if (!close.ignore(pos, expected)) break; } if (!arrow.ignore(pos, expected)) break; if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, expression, expected)) return false; /// lambda(tuple(inner_arguments), expression) auto lambda = std::make_shared(); node = lambda; lambda->name = "lambda"; auto outer_arguments = std::make_shared(); lambda->arguments = outer_arguments; lambda->children.push_back(lambda->arguments); auto tuple = std::make_shared(); outer_arguments->children.push_back(tuple); tuple->name = "tuple"; tuple->arguments = inner_arguments; tuple->children.push_back(inner_arguments); outer_arguments->children.push_back(expression); return true; } while (false); pos = begin; return elem_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); } bool ParserTableFunctionExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { if (ParserTableFunctionView().parse(pos, node, expected)) return true; return elem_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); } bool ParserPrefixUnaryOperatorExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { /// try to find any of the valid operators const char ** it; for (it = operators; *it; it += 2) { if (parseOperator(pos, *it, expected)) break; } /// Let's parse chains of the form `NOT NOT x`. This is hack. /** This is done, because among the unary operators there is only a minus and NOT. * But for a minus the chain of unary operators does not need to be supported. */ size_t count = 1; if (it[0] && 0 == strncmp(it[0], "NOT", 3)) { while (true) { const char ** jt; for (jt = operators; *jt; jt += 2) if (parseOperator(pos, *jt, expected)) break; if (!*jt) break; ++count; } } ASTPtr elem; if (!elem_parser->parse(pos, elem, expected)) return false; if (!*it) node = elem; else { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { /// the function corresponding to the operator auto function = std::make_shared(); /// function arguments auto exp_list = std::make_shared(); function->name = it[1]; function->arguments = exp_list; function->children.push_back(exp_list); if (node) exp_list->children.push_back(node); else exp_list->children.push_back(elem); node = function; } } return true; } bool ParserUnaryExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { /// As an exception, negative numbers should be parsed as literals, and not as an application of the operator. if (pos->type == TokenType::Minus) { ParserLiteral lit_p; Pos begin = pos; if (lit_p.parse(pos, node, expected)) return true; pos = begin; } return operator_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); } bool ParserCastExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ASTPtr expr_ast; if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, expr_ast, expected)) return false; ASTPtr type_ast; if (ParserToken(TokenType::DoubleColon).ignore(pos, expected) && ParserDataType().parse(pos, type_ast, expected)) { node = createFunctionCast(expr_ast, type_ast); } else { node = expr_ast; } return true; } bool ParserArrayElementExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected &expected) { return ParserLeftAssociativeBinaryOperatorList{ operators, std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(false) }.parse(pos, node, expected); } bool ParserTupleElementExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected &expected) { return ParserLeftAssociativeBinaryOperatorList{ operators, std::make_unique(), std::make_unique() }.parse(pos, node, expected); } ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias::ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(bool allow_alias_without_as_keyword, bool is_table_function) : impl(std::make_unique( is_table_function ? ParserPtr(std::make_unique()) : ParserPtr(std::make_unique()), allow_alias_without_as_keyword)) { } bool ParserExpressionList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { return ParserList( std::make_unique(allow_alias_without_as_keyword, is_table_function), std::make_unique(TokenType::Comma)) .parse(pos, node, expected); } bool ParserNotEmptyExpressionList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { return nested_parser.parse(pos, node, expected) && !node->children.empty(); } bool ParserOrderByExpressionList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { return ParserList(std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(TokenType::Comma), false) .parse(pos, node, expected); } bool ParserTTLExpressionList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { return ParserList(std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(TokenType::Comma), false) .parse(pos, node, expected); } bool ParserNullityChecking::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ASTPtr node_comp; if (!elem_parser.parse(pos, node_comp, expected)) return false; ParserKeyword s_is{"IS"}; ParserKeyword s_not{"NOT"}; ParserKeyword s_null{"NULL"}; if (s_is.ignore(pos, expected)) { bool is_not = false; if (s_not.ignore(pos, expected)) is_not = true; if (!s_null.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; auto args = std::make_shared(); args->children.push_back(node_comp); auto function = std::make_shared(); function->name = is_not ? "isNotNull" : "isNull"; function->arguments = args; function->children.push_back(function->arguments); node = function; } else node = node_comp; return true; } bool ParserDateOperatorExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { auto begin = pos; /// If no DATE keyword, go to the nested parser. if (!ParserKeyword("DATE").ignore(pos, expected)) return next_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); ASTPtr expr; if (!ParserStringLiteral().parse(pos, expr, expected)) { pos = begin; return next_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); } /// the function corresponding to the operator auto function = std::make_shared(); /// function arguments auto exp_list = std::make_shared(); /// the first argument of the function is the previous element, the second is the next one function->name = "toDate"; function->arguments = exp_list; function->children.push_back(exp_list); exp_list->children.push_back(expr); node = function; return true; } bool ParserTimestampOperatorExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { auto begin = pos; /// If no TIMESTAMP keyword, go to the nested parser. if (!ParserKeyword("TIMESTAMP").ignore(pos, expected)) return next_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); ASTPtr expr; if (!ParserStringLiteral().parse(pos, expr, expected)) { pos = begin; return next_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); } /// the function corresponding to the operator auto function = std::make_shared(); /// function arguments auto exp_list = std::make_shared(); /// the first argument of the function is the previous element, the second is the next one function->name = "toDateTime"; function->arguments = exp_list; function->children.push_back(exp_list); exp_list->children.push_back(expr); node = function; return true; } bool ParserIntervalOperatorExpression::parseArgumentAndIntervalKind( Pos & pos, ASTPtr & expr, IntervalKind & interval_kind, Expected & expected) { auto begin = pos; auto init_expected = expected; ASTPtr string_literal; //// A String literal followed INTERVAL keyword, /// the literal can be a part of an expression or /// include Number and INTERVAL TYPE at the same time if (ParserStringLiteral{}.parse(pos, string_literal, expected)) { String literal; if (string_literal->as().value.tryGet(literal)) { Tokens tokens(literal.data(), literal.data() + literal.size()); Pos token_pos(tokens, 0); Expected token_expected; if (!ParserNumber{}.parse(token_pos, expr, token_expected)) return false; else { /// case: INTERVAL '1' HOUR /// back to begin if (!token_pos.isValid()) { pos = begin; expected = init_expected; } else /// case: INTERVAL '1 HOUR' return parseIntervalKind(token_pos, token_expected, interval_kind); } } } // case: INTERVAL expr HOUR if (!ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias(false).parse(pos, expr, expected)) return false; return parseIntervalKind(pos, expected, interval_kind); } bool ParserIntervalOperatorExpression::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { auto begin = pos; /// If no INTERVAL keyword, go to the nested parser. if (!ParserKeyword("INTERVAL").ignore(pos, expected)) return next_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); ASTPtr expr; IntervalKind interval_kind; if (!parseArgumentAndIntervalKind(pos, expr, interval_kind, expected)) { pos = begin; return next_parser.parse(pos, node, expected); } /// the function corresponding to the operator auto function = std::make_shared(); /// function arguments auto exp_list = std::make_shared(); /// the first argument of the function is the previous element, the second is the next one function->name = interval_kind.toNameOfFunctionToIntervalDataType(); function->arguments = exp_list; function->children.push_back(exp_list); exp_list->children.push_back(expr); node = function; return true; } bool ParserKeyValuePair::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ParserIdentifier id_parser; ParserLiteral literal_parser; ParserFunction func_parser; ASTPtr identifier; ASTPtr value; bool with_brackets = false; if (!id_parser.parse(pos, identifier, expected)) return false; /// If it's neither literal, nor identifier, nor function, than it's possible list of pairs if (!func_parser.parse(pos, value, expected) && !literal_parser.parse(pos, value, expected) && !id_parser.parse(pos, value, expected)) { ParserKeyValuePairsList kv_pairs_list; ParserToken open(TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket); ParserToken close(TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket); if (!open.ignore(pos)) return false; if (!kv_pairs_list.parse(pos, value, expected)) return false; if (!close.ignore(pos)) return false; with_brackets = true; } auto pair = std::make_shared(with_brackets); pair->first = Poco::toLower(identifier->as()->name()); pair->set(pair->second, value); node = pair; return true; } bool ParserKeyValuePairsList::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { ParserList parser(std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(), true, 0); return parser.parse(pos, node, expected); } }